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Healing Waters of Bulgaria: Ancient Therapeutic Springs around the Country

Discover the significance of water as a symbol and explore Bulgaria's rich history of mineral waters. From ancient Thracians to present-day spa resorts, learn about the therapeutic benefits and healing properties of these natural springs.

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Healing Waters of Bulgaria: Ancient Therapeutic Springs around the Country

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  2. Water as a symbol Maria ZdravkovaIn biblical symbolism significance of water is in different directions. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, through whom God helps people. Through baptism performed with water, purify souls of people from their sins.

  3. MINERAL WATERS IN BULGARIA Some of theoldestsettlementsinBulgariawerebasedaroundthermalspringseversincetheancientThracians. Thracianswerethefirst to discoverthehealingproperties of waterand to buildtheirtownsinthevicinity of suchsprings. Thuswerefoundedthefirstcities - Sofia, Hisar, Sandanski, Kyustendilandmanyothers. LatertheselandswereconqueredbytheRomans, whocontinuedtheThraciantraditionandbuilttheirRomantherms (baths). Themineralwaterwasusedfortreatment of variousdiseasesandforfitness.

  4. VASHETS The town was founded around a mineral spring. The oldest preserved written evidence for its existence is found in the Byzantine chronicles and dates back to the 6th century AD. There it is referred to as Medeca (Medicus – medicinal) - the only town on the territory of the Roman Empire to bear that name. In 1910 the first mineral bath in Bulgaria opened doors in Varshets. Today it is called the Old Mineral Bath. Its architecture resembles the design of the baths in Baden-Baden. The new mineral bath in the town is located next to the old one. It has been opened for visitors since 1930. There is an old drinking fountain built in 1934 on the road to the two baths. The temperature of the water that spouts from it is 37°С. The fact that there is no limestone in the water of Varshets makes it one of the softest in Bulgaria. This mineral water is used for the treatment of neurological, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. The fresh air and the healing water also have positive effect on gastrointestinal and excretory diseases, eye and skin troubles, etc.

  5. HISARYA The mineral waters, which the town of Hisarya is famous for, are used for the treatment of kidney and urologic diseases, gallbladder diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as musculoskeletal diseases. Their healing effects can be achieved by drinking the water as well as through aqua procedures for the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases in combination with physiotherapy and diets.

  6. KYUSTENDIL There are more than 40 mineral springs in the town. The waters have a high content of sulfite compounds. These are used for the treatment of the locomotory system, gynecological and other kinds of diseases. The resort region includes several baths, balneological complexes and others.

  7. SAPAREVA BANYAThe resort Sapareva Banya is located in western Bulgaria, 70 kilometers south of Sofia, in the northern slopes of Rila mountain. The highest temperature hot spring in Bulgaria is located here. This is the only in Bulgaria and continental Europe geyser fountain (103 º C). Its water column pressure periodically pushes hot water over the surface at a height of 18 meters. The water in Sapareva Banya treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, gynecological diseases, acute and chronic poisoning with salts of heavy metals, skin diseases, upper respiratory tracks and others.

  8. POMORIE Pomorie is the most popular spa resort on the sea shore. Firth mud is extracted from the lake of Pomorie, which has undeniable healing properties. It is rich in hydrogen, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, sodium and sulfates. The combination with the mineral water in the resort and the fresh air, saturated with iodine have a favorable impact on diseases of the locomotory system, gynecological, surgical and traumatic, skin, peripheral nerves, heart, liver and other diseases.

  9. VELINGRADVelingrad is known as the spa capital of the Balkans. The small mountain town, located in the Rhodope Mountains, is first in Bulgaria in the abundance and diversity of its mineral waters, which temperature ranges between 28°C and 91°C. Mineral baths, swimming pools, beaches, health resorts, spa hotels are available to tourists. The hottest water is in the Kamenitsa residential section – with temperatures of up to 91 °C. Here is the largest karst spring in Bulgaria – Kleptuza. It has a capacity of 600 to 1,200 liters / second.

  10. SANDANSKI It is situated in southwest Bulgaria. Its combination of healing waters and a specific climate with Mediterranean influence has a favorable effect on patients with respiratory diseases, arthro-rheumatism, musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system and other diseases. The region has 80 springs with temperatures ranging from 42°C to 81°C. The mineralization of water is low and it has a rich chemical composition. The town of Sandanski is also rich in historical landmarks. According to the legend, this is the place of origin of the Thracian Spartacus, who headed the largest slave uprising against the Roman Empire.

  11. DEVINThe town is famous for its mineral springs, whose temperature varies from 16 º to 76 º C. Its mineral waters are suitable for treatment and prevention of various diseases. The external application of water is used for treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, reproductive system and skin diseases. The drinking of Devin water is used for treatment of gastrointestinal, liver gallbladder, kidney, urologic and metabolic-endocrine diseases. Respiratory system diseases can also be treated with Devin water.

  12. WATER IN BULGARIAN ART – Anna-Maria Velinova People draw and paint what they see and what they are born with. Water is amongst them. Water is art from most points of view and art is something bulgarians are very good with and there are thousands of examples I can give you but that would take days and weeks.  Instead I want to reveal to you, my reader, the curious lives of these two Bulgarian painters. Enjoy... 

  13. There are many great Bulgarian artists. Here are some of them ...Zlatyu Boyadzhievwas born on October 22, 1903 in Brezovo. He graduated at the Art Academy in Sofia. His work covers two main periods., At 48, the artist gets a stroke and was paralyzed on his right half. After a few years Zlatyu began painting with his left hand. Zlatyu's paintings with right hand feature the neoclassical style in composing scenes with scenes of rural life. After the tragedy, however, the style of the artist changes radically the direction of grotesque imagery, including dozens of figures in compositions and expressive shading. Solo exhibitions in Sofia and Plovdiv. Folk artist. Hero of Socialist Labor. Winner of the Union of Bulgarian Artists "Vladimir Dimitrov - the Master"

  14. Who is Dimitar Vetsin?  At the begging his teacher is the only one to encourage the young painter. Vetsin's parents however, don't want to send him to study in Sofia, for fear that something would happen to him and he will be away from them. Dimitar often dared to send his paintings to exhibitions, but when the organizers understood that the author did not even graduate Art School, they tossed that his style is very similar to that or this artist. Vetsin was distressed but not discouraged. And more and more he started improving his own style. Shortly after recovering from heavy illness, in his dream appears "something like an angel, like a fairy" and calmly says, "Draw what is around you. Draw the life you live. Look at the people, they are your artistic heroes because you know them and love them. Open your heart for them ... " And somewhere around 1995 Dimitar Vetsin starts depicting mainly the world of his fellow villagers. "I realized that to become one with the picture I need to become one with the people - I need to know the feelings they have. Why do they feel joy, what is in their soul, when they grieve, why do they love, what do they hate ..." explains the creative process the artist. So over the years he pulls one by one the drawers of his native region and out of there he pulls characters, themes, plots and lots of light.

  15. Fountains as art by Boyana Zlatanova Maybe everything is art. Water can be art, too. Fountains can be art, wells can be art. From ancient times to today, there were magnificent fountanes all around the world. Now, I'll acquaint you with the fountains around my country. There're so many of them. I mean, literally. Researchers say that they are more than 15, 000. Here you can see some of them:

  16. Momina Cheshma" ("The fountain of the lass") is a fountain located in the town of Razgrad. It represents a pedestal with water spouts, over which is placed a sculpture of a young woman in antique dress, keeping a hydria (a water vessel) on her arm. The sculpture was made by a cast iron imported from abroad in the late XIX century. But there're not only the beautiful fountains which can be found in my country. There're also some interesting traditions like ''Ledeno horo''. On this day brave men jump and dance into the freezing water.

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