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Mass production (Super-K). K. Matsuoka. Setup of jnubeam 3 horn 250 kA 30-GeV proton beam of Gaussian distribution ( s x,y = 0.4243 cm) On center, parallel beam and no divergence. Proton generation upstream of the baffle Normalization for a file: 1.0 x 10 21 POT
Mass production (Super-K) K. Matsuoka • Setup of jnubeam • 3 horn 250 kA • 30-GeV proton beam of Gaussian distribution (sx,y = 0.4243 cm) • On center, parallel beam and no divergence. • Proton generation upstream of the baffle • Normalization for a file: 1.0 x 1021 POT • 1 x 105 POT/file x 100 files • Only use 100 good random seeds. • Store only SK ntuple w/ nominal variables.
Mass production (INGRID) K. Matsuoka • Nominal setup of jnubeam • 3 horn 250 kA • 30-GeV proton beam of Gaussian distribution (sx,y = 0.4243 cm) • On center, parallel beam and no divergence. • Proton generation upstream of the baffle • ND3: 10.44 x 1.44 m2 ND4: 1.44 x 10.44 m2 • Normalization for a file: 1.0 x 1021 POT • 5 x 104 POT/file x 200 files • Only use 200 good random seeds. • Store only ND3 and 4 ntuple w/ nominal variables. • Nominal • Nominal but shifted beam by +2mm in y direction. • Nominal but flat beam of f36 mm • Same as 3 but horn 0 kA
Repository K. Matsuoka • Neutrino flux files login.cc.kek.jp:/nfs/g/t2k/beam/mc/beamMC/flux10a/ (Mirror1) icrhome6:/kam/work2/kodai/jnubeam/data_10a/ (Mirror2) http://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kodai/jnubeam/ • There is a README describing the contents in the directory. • Ntuple variables description • http://www.t2k.org/beam/NuFlux/FluxRelease/10a/NtpDef • Main change is addition of the proton vector information
Plots for Super-K K. Matsuoka
nm energy spectrum at Super-K K. Matsuoka 10a (250 kA)
nm energy spectrum at Super-K K. Matsuoka • Geometry update of the 1st horn (09a 09b) increased the peak flux by about 4%. Comparison btw 10a (320 kA), 09c and 07a.
nm energy spectrum at Super-K K. Matsuoka • Due to the less horn focusing w/ 250 kA, the lower energy neutrinos below 1 GeV decrease, while the higher energy neutrinos increase. Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA).
q-p distr. of parent p+ at the target K. Matsuoka 10a (250 kA) 10a (320 kA) • The horns comes to collect pions w/ lower momenta and larger angles when the current increases. Polar angle and momentum distr. at the production point in the target for parent p+ whose daughter nm goes to Super-K.. Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA)
ne energy spectrum at Super-K K. Matsuoka Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA).
Ratio of ne to nm at Super-K K. Matsuoka 10a (250 kA) ne/nm = 0.43% at the nm spectrum peak
Ratio of ne to nm at Super-K K. Matsuoka 07a 10a (320 kA) ne/nm = 0.38% at the nm spectrum peak ne/nm = 0.35% at the nm spectrum peak Comparison btw 10a (320 kA) and 07a.
Parents of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka • Few difference btw different horn currents and different versions. • K+m3, K–m3, K0m3 and p e ne decays are included in 10a.
Decay pos. of parent p+/– of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka cf. ct = 7.8 m (PDG)
Decay pos. of parent p+/– of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka • Mean decay point: 41 m from the target • ct from the fitting: 6.3 m (peak energy at z = 40-90 m: 1.6 GeV g: 11.4)
Decay pos. of parent K+/– of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka cf. ct = 3.7 m (PDG)
Decay pos. of parent K+/– of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka • Mean decay point: 28.9 m from the target • ct from the fitting: 3.2 m (peak energy at z = 40-90 m: 6 GeV g: 12.2)
Plots for INGRID K. Matsuoka
nm profile at INGRID K. Matsuoka The horizontal The vertical RMS: 284 cm RMS: 285 cm 10a (250 kA) 10a (250 kA) The difference of the peak flux btw ND3 and 4 is due to the difference of the z-position. (ND3 is located 4-m downstream of ND4; (230/234)^2 = 96.6%)
nm profile at INGRID K. Matsuoka The horizontal The vertical • Peak flux (/cm2/1021 POT): • (4.98±0.01) x 1013 @ 250 kA • (5.89±0.01) x 1013 @ 320 kA • Ratio = 0.846 • Peak flux (/cm2/1021 POT): • (5.09±0.01) x 1013 @ 250 kA • (6.11±0.01) x 1013 @ 320 kA • Ratio = 0.833 Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA).
nm profile at INGRID K. Matsuoka The horizontal The vertical * ND2 is used for 07a, 09c * ND2 is used for 07a, 09c • Magnetic field in the horn inner conductors (09c 10a) increased the peak flux by about 2%. Comparison btw 10a (320 kA), 09c and 07a.
nm energy spectrum at INGRID K. Matsuoka The horizontal The vertical 10a (250 kA) 10a (250 kA) Peak: (1.37±0.01) x 1012 @ 0.9-0.95 GeV Peak: (1.42±0.01) x 1012 @ 0.95-1.0 GeV
nm energy spectrum at INGRID K. Matsuoka Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA) for the horizontal.
Random number generation- H. Kubo- • For mass production, we are already facing duplication problem of random numbers. • In 10a version, 215 default(good-separated) seed pairs are used. -> We found that the separation is not enough. For the moment, another independent random number generator is implemented to avoid duplication of events. • For the next mass production, • better way of seeds generation (already method is proposed.) • save seeds for each event
Transfer matrix-K. Sakashita - • With New ND-fill algorithm, it became easy to get a correspondence of parent pion/K for near detectors and Super-K. -> transfer matrix can be constructed easily.
Prospect Mass production • Flux for Off-axis magnet region will be prepared soon as ND6 • Flux for Off-axis basket region will follow. Development till April • Transfer matrix • Remaining geometry update • some technical upgrade • random numbers • root output Study till April • Clarify beam-related systematic errors based on the commissioning result. Next flux mass production would happen on ~April
q-p distr. of parent K+ at the target K. Matsuoka 10a (250 kA) 10a (320 kA) Polar angle and momentum distr. at the production point in the target for parent K+ whose daughter nm goes to Super-K.. Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA)
Mom. distr. of parents of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka Parents of nm Parents of nm Parents of ne Parents of ne 10a horn 250 kA
Mom. distr. of parents of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka Parents of nm Parents of nm Parents of ne Parents of ne 10a horn 250 kA
Mom. distr. of parents of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka Parent p+ of nm Parent m+ of ne • p+ mean momentum: • 2.72 GeV/c (10a 250 kA) • 2.70 GeV/c (10a 320 kA) Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA).
Mom. distr. of parents of n at Super-K K. Matsuoka Parent p+ of nm Parent m+ of ne Comparison btw 10a (320 kA), 09c and 07a.
nm energy spectrum at INGRID K. Matsuoka Comparison btw 10a (250 kA) and 10a (320 kA) for the vertical.
nm energy spectrum at INGRID K. Matsuoka Comparison btw 10a (320 kA), 09c and 07a for the horizontal.
nm energy spectrum at INGRID K. Matsuoka Comparison btw 10a (320 kA), 09c and 07a for the vertical.