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World’s Best Secret Beaches

World’s Best Secret Beaches. Christine Landau Summer Cook Lyndsey Corin. Fraser Island. Fraser, Australia has some of the top secret beaches in the world. To produce the effect that the beaches are all natural and untouched, I cropped a few of Australia’s favorite animals to roam the beach.

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World’s Best Secret Beaches

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  1. World’s Best Secret Beaches Christine Landau Summer Cook LyndseyCorin

  2. Fraser Island Fraser, Australia has some of the top secret beaches in the world. To produce the effect that the beaches are all natural and untouched, I cropped a few of Australia’s favorite animals to roam the beach.

  3. CuylerHarbour San Miguel is a beautiful island with much to see and do there, but the top secret beach is located on the end where not many people are. To show the exclusiveness of the beach, I put pictures of the beach on one side of the map and pictures of the cities on the other side.

  4. Ovahe Beach For this image, there is a man sitting on an ugly, crowded beach wishing he was elsewhere. To make the beach look uglier, I used the clone stamp tool to add more mold to the beach, and I added crowding by magnetic lassoing, cutting, and pasting multiple copies of umbrellas and towels. I also used the clone stamp to add make more buildings and make them seems larger than they were in the actual image.

  5. CaboPolonio, Uruguay For this image, I choose to put people doing all sorts of fun things on the beach, such as kayaking, horseback riding, and windsurfing. There is also a hammock and straw huts are there for relaxing, to make you want to go to this beautiful beach.

  6. Layan Beach We have an image of two individuals dancing around a bonfire at Layan Beach, enjoying their exclusive and picturesque surroundings. I magnetic lassoed, cut, and pasted the images of the two individuals and the bonfire. I used the pencil tool to add gray smoke coming from the bonfire to make it seem more realistic and then added a filter to make the scene appear to be taking place at sunset

  7. Muriwai Beach Muriwai Beach was meant to add a cultural feel to a beautiful and untouched beach. Muriwai Beach is located in New Zealand, so I added an image of a Maori canoe to give potential tourists of a different lifestyle they could observe on their trip. I magnetic lassoed, cut and pasted the surfer. To make it appear to be sunset I edited the brightness and hue levels until it was just right

  8. Arksville Beach For this image, we combined two pictures of hotel rooms in separate parts of the world. The one on the top seems very tiny and uncomfortable, while the other one is bright, tropical, and luxurious. I used the smudge tool to combine the pictures together and I also made the fruit, sky, ocean and lights brighter. If I were to look at these pictures, I know I would definitely rather stay at Arksville Beach!

  9. Ombak Beach For this image, we wanted to show the difference between two dining experiences. I combined the two images onto one layer and used the smudge tool to form a dreamy layer in between. The contrast is very clear because the restaurant on the left is over crowded and extremely dark, while on the right, the dining experience is very romantic, secluded and intimate.

  10. Morara Beach, Bora Bora Similar to the previous images, we wanted to show the difference between the beaches. On the left there is a very crowded beach where people barely have room to stand, while in Bora Bora, there are endless possibilities. I used the smudge tool again to blend together the pictures and show the difference, and used the text tool as well. I made the red on the chairs and the ocean much brighter, while the other beach is very dark and crowded. The contrast made Morara Beach even more beautiful!

  11. Sources • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.airshow-party.de/GuamFAIFAI.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.scramble.nl/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D41%26t%3D53114&usg=__WIWW7r3EIZQ5bDdhNwvQjbhCSGs=&h=1000&w=667&sz=184&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=FXqZ0MPgEtZcnM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=99&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFai%2BFai%2BBeach%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den • http://www.airshow-party.de/GuamFAIFAI.jpg • www.scubasia.com/5d4n-diving-east-timor-sin/ • http://www.scubasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/secret-beach-atauro-timor.jpg • www.corsica.net/corsica/uk/regboni/index.htm • http://www.corsica.net/corsica/picts/photos/dj30052.jpg • www.its.caltech.edu/~rchary/sanmiguel/hiking.html • http://www.its.caltech.edu/~rchary/sanmiguel/Cuyler_harbor.jpg • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20534666/ns/travel-destinations// • www.maps-continents.com/globe-africa-asia.htm • http://www.maps-continents.com/maps/globe-africa-countries.jpg

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