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The Brain 06

The Brain 06. Laboratory Exercise. Objectives. Recognize the medulla, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, diencephalon, and cerebral hemispheres Recognize the corpus callosum, fornix, septum, rostral commissure, hypophysis, ventricles Recognize the stumps of the cranial nerves

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The Brain 06

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Brain 06 Laboratory Exercise

  2. Objectives • Recognize the medulla, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, diencephalon, and cerebral hemispheres • Recognize the corpus callosum, fornix, septum, rostral commissure, hypophysis, ventricles • Recognize the stumps of the cranial nerves • Recognize the cerebellum and its vermis and hemispheres • Recognize the rostral colliculi, caudal colliculi, and mesencephalic aqueduct • Recognize the medial and lateral geniculate bodies, optic nerves, chiasm and tracts, mamillary bodies, epiphysis (pineal) • Recognize canine cruciate sulcus, marginal sulcus, precruciate, postcruciate, marginal and ectosylvian gyri.

  3. Cerebrum • Longitudinal fissure • Sulci and Gyri • Cerebellum • Vermis • Hemispheres • Brain stem • Diencephalon • Mesencephalon • Metencephalon • Myelencephalon

  4. Cerebrum (Telencephalon) Rhinal sulcus Olfactory bulb Olfactory peduncle Piriform lobe

  5. Ventral surface Diencephalon -Optic nerves (II) -Optic chiasm (25) -Optic tracts (24) -Tuber cinereum (8) -Mammillary bodies (10) 10 III V VI VII Mesencephalon -Crus cerebri -Oculomotor n (III)

  6. Metencephalon -Transverse fibers, pons (13) -Trigeminal nerve V Myelencephalon -Trapezoid body (18) -Pyramids (19) -Abducent nerve VI -Facial nerve VII -Vestibulocochlear nerve VIII -Decussation of the pyramids -Hypoglossal nerve XII III IV V VI V

  7. 10 12 Cerebellar peduncles rostral (12) middle (10) caudal (11) Trochlear nerve IV Dorsal surface Metencephalon, Myelencephalon

  8. Median sulcus Sulcus limitans Obex Fasciculus cuneatus Spinal tract, V Trigeminal nerve V

  9. Corpus callosum Ventricles Fornix Pineal Fourth ventricle Interthalamic adhesion (33) Tectum Rostral commissure (37) Mesencephalic aqueduct Hypothalamus (32)

  10. Dorsal surface, Diencephalon & Mesencephalon Pineal Lateral geniculate (4) Caudal colliculus(8) Medial geniculate(5) Rostral colliculus(6)

  11. Neocortex of the dog Rhinal sulcus Pseudosylvian sulcus Sylvian gyri Ectosylvian sulcus Ectosylvian gyrus -Middle (Auditory) 7’ Cruciate sulcus Precruciate gyrus Postcruciate gyrus Marginal sulcus 16 Marginal gyrus (Visual)

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