Debate • Basically, a debate has two sides arguing opposite points of view. A clear topic is needed to keep the debate focused and provide a basis for picking the winner. Both sides are given an equal amount of time to speak. Finally a judge or group of judges picks a winner based on the arguments presented.
Why do we need debate? • Information age • Information overload • Apathy • Debate encourages critical thinking.
Where does debate happen? • Congress • Kids debating with parents • Customer service desk
What kind of debate will we learn in this class? • Lincoln Douglas (LD) Debate • Policy (Cross-Examination) Debate • Congress You will also learn extemporaneous speaking.
LD Debate • RESOLVED: On balance, government restrictions on threatening speech are desirable.
CX Debate • Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth's oceans.