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Vocab 12. Accede – To agree to; to consent to, often after urging from another Myron acceded to the wishes of his colleagues & quit smoking. 2) Affluent – Generously supplied with money or possessions; wealthy Hawaii Kai is an affluent neighborhood.
Accede – To agree to; to consent to, often after urging from another Myron acceded to the wishes of his colleagues & quit smoking.
2) Affluent– Generously supplied with money or possessions; wealthy Hawaii Kai is an affluent neighborhood.
3) Arbitrary – Determined by chance or whim rather than by reason or necessity. She thinks the teacher assigns arbitrary grades.
4) Artisan – One able to do skilled work with the hands; a craftsperson Mr. Tambio is an artisan.
5) Dismantle –To take apart He had to dismantle the clock to fix it.
6) Immerse – To cover with liquid She did not want to immerse herself and get her hair wet.
7) Irksome – Annoying; tedious Talkative students are irksome to me.
8) Legacy – Something passed on to those who come after This necklace is actually a legacy from my grandmother.
9) Ostentatious – Extravagantly showy or ornate The bling on the phone was ostentatious.
10) Panorama – A complete view of a surrounding area. The panorama of Oahu show storm clouds all over.
11) Philanthropy – The attempt to improve the well-being of those in need by donating money or aid. Mother Theresa is well known for philanthropy.
12) Prestige – High standing; respect earned by accomplishments Winning the Nobel Prize brings much prestige.
13) Prolific – Abundantly productive Rabbits are known to be prolific.
14) Reticent – Inclined to keep one’s thoughts and feelings to oneself; quiet and reserved. When we asked her about her parents, Adriana grew reticent.
15) Tycoon – A wealthy and powerful businessperson Donald Trump is considered a tycoon.