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Navigating Historic Eras: Insights and Guidance for the Modern World

Explore the significance of epochs in history, from the Great Depression to other defining periods. Learn about meting out decisions, the solemn tones of a knell, the elegance of svelte figures, and the art of roiling emotions. Gain a deeper understanding of pivotal moments and their impact on society.

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Navigating Historic Eras: Insights and Guidance for the Modern World

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  1. Vocab 12 11-15 By Tyler O’Neill

  2. Epoch • Epoch is defined as an important period in history or an era. A historic era. • Noun • ep′ək • The Great Depression was the most trying epoch in American history.

  3. Mete • Definition: to distribute; to decide on the amount of something • Verb • My parents decided on a mete amount of TV during finals.

  4. Knell • Definition: the ringing of a bell; especially during a funeral. A low tone bell. • Noun • Nel • The knell sounded after the funeral was over.

  5. Svelte • The definition of svelte is someone whose body is slender and graceful or someone or something which is sophisticated and elegant. • Adj • Svelt • Dancers are usually very svelte.

  6. Roil • Definition: to stir up. To roil is to agitate or make angry. • Verb • ro̵il • Pro wrestlers always try to roil each other up before a match.

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