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Hunter Penney Tyree. Cottonwood Michael McDonough. Cyprus Becky Hatch. Granger. Granite Sue Dickey. Cottonwood Sr. Bonneville Jr. Arcadia Spring Lane Oakwood Twin Peaks Woodstock . Cyprus Sr. Brockbank Jr. Matheson Jr. Copper Hills Lake Ridge Magna Orchard Pleasant Green

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hunter PenneyTyree Cottonwood Michael McDonough Cyprus Becky Hatch Granger Granite Sue Dickey Cottonwood Sr. Bonneville Jr. Arcadia Spring Lane Oakwood Twin Peaks Woodstock Cyprus Sr. Brockbank Jr. Matheson Jr. Copper Hills Lake Ridge Magna Orchard Pleasant Green West Valley Wright Granger Sr. Valley Jr. West Lake Jr. Farnsworth Frost Granger Hillsdale Monroe Pioneer Rolling Meadows Stansbury Granite Sr. Central Sr. Granite Park Jr. Hartvigsen Jones Center Lincoln Mill Creek Moss Redwood Roosevelt Wilson Hunter Sr. Hunter Jr. Kennedy Jr. Academy Park Hillside Hunter Jackling Sandburg Valley Crest Whittier Olympus Anne Quigley Taylorsville Michelle Hall Kearns Margrett Hall Skyline Kathy Caldwell Kearns June Wright Kearns Sr. Jefferson Sr. Kearns Jr. Bacchus Beehive Bridger Fox Hills Silver Hills Oquirrh Hills Gourley South Kearns West Kearns Westbrook Western Hills YESS Young Parents Pre-School Olympus Jr. Evergreen Jr. Olympus Jr. Cottonwood Crestview Driggs Penn Rosecrest Skyline Sr. Churchill Jr. Wasatch Jr. Eastwood Morningside Oakridge Upland Terrance Taylorsville Bennion Jr. Eisenhower Jr. Bennion Fremont Plymouth Smith Taylorsvillle Truman Vista

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