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The Homecoming Date

The Homecoming Date. By: Gladys Centeno . 1. Hey Jizel it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! How was your summer?. 2. Jesus! Oh my goodness it was great and I'm so happy to see you again.

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The Homecoming Date

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Homecoming Date By: Gladys Centeno

  2. 1. Hey Jizel it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! How was your summer? 2. Jesus! Oh my goodness it was great and I'm so happy to see you again. Jesus meets Jizel. They are at school in the commons and they just met again after such a long summer of not seeing each other.

  3. She’s so beautiful I hope he asks me to homecoming 2.Well, there is this one girl but I mean I want to ask her it’s just I'm afraid of the response you know? 1. So hey have you thought about who you are going to take to the homecoming dance? 4. So what about you? 3.Yeah 5. Nobody has asked me but there’s this one guy that I hope asks me. Jesus and Jizel start hanging out everyday during lunch. They sit and talk. They talk about homecoming. You can see that Jesus really likes Jizel and wants to ask her to homecoming.

  4. 2. Oh my god YES! 1. Will you go to homecoming with me? Jesus finally gets the courage to ask Jizel to homecoming. He gets down on one knee. He is holding a poster that say, “ HOMECOMING”? Jizel is happy because she wanted this.

  5. 2. Of course not this is what I wanted. Jesus and Jizel hug because they are both happy. Jizel got what she wanted and Jesus finally got the yes he wanted. 1. Really? Thanks for not have rejected me I was afraid that you would’ve said no.

  6. 1. Why are they hugging? Later on during the day as Jizel walks to her class happily suddenly something stops her. In the hallway that she has just walked in, she finds another girl hugging Jesus. Jizel gets jealous. She gets jealous because she thinks that Jesus might want to ask Adriana instead and say he doesn’t want to go with her anymore.

  7. What have I done wrong? Jizel is at a corner just thinking being sad. . Jizel traps herself in her own world because she is so heartbroken. She feels devastated and weak. She feels small and angry at the same time. Has he forgotten me? Think Adriana is just doing that to get you mad.

  8. He prefers her I’m so ugly. Jizel doesn’t know what to do. There are so many things going on in her head. She goes into the bathroom and looks into the mirror. She looks at herself and she is sad. She starts to think she is ugly and Jesus will prefer Adriana. She is wearing a sweater. I don’t know what to do

  9. 1.Adriana! 2. Ha what? 3. Just leave Jesus alone he doesn’t like you the way you see it he loves me that’s why he asked me to homecoming, please leave me alone. 4. Ha funny nope he loves me not you. Jizel decides to confront Adriana. She stops crying and goes and finds Adriana. There are talking near Jesus’s locker. Jizel goes up to Adriana and she looks tougher which makes Adriana look weak and small. Also because Jizel is just a bit taller than Adriana and gives her the power to look tough.

  10. What's going on? Jizel relaxes down because she doesn’t want to be rude to Adriana. Jizel is still sad. They start talking and then Jesus comes over and the situation becomes awkward. The three of them are alone. You can see in Jizel’s face that she is sad and just wants to run away. She starts to talk about it and when she is finished saying what she feels she runs away. ……

  11. Forever alone Jizel goes and walks because she just told Jesus and Adriana that she was jealous. She couldn’t take it so she is hiding from Jesus. She is alone in a spot that she has found. She hopes Jesus doesn’t go after her. She is walking along the wall sadly.

  12. 1. I already asked you she is just a friend nothing is going to make me trade you over anyone else. 2. I’m sorry its just that I really wanted to go with you because I like you I hope you can forgive me. Jesus has found Jizel and they start talking. Jesus tells her not to be jealous because he wants to go to homecoming with her and he chose her already to not be sad because Adriana is just a friend. You can see on Jizel and Jesus’s face that they are now happy with each other and can’t wait for homecoming. They are both now happy with each other. 3. Its fine don’t stress on it I just want us to be happy. 4. Jizel you know that I love you and I already had asked you to homecoming you didn’t need to tell me that Adriana wanted to get in the way because it was pretty obvious. If you got jealous its fine that just shows me that you care and you are afraid of losing me. Believe me you won’t. Don’t be sad anymore you look prettier when you smile”.

  13. I love him. I love her. Now that they are happy with each other. They come up with a symbol to represent their love. They come up with a heart. . To represent how happy they are with each other they make a heart with their hands. They are happy and can’t wait for tomorrow’s homecoming dance. LOVE

  14. Jesus and Jizel leave school happily ready for tomorrow’s homecoming dance. They both go through the school doors happily. They are smiling. Jizel is still holding the poster Jesus made for her.

  15. THE END

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