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Jesus’ Supportive Mention of The Prophet Jonah . For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40. I. Jonah Refusal Shows God’s Patience
Jesus’ Supportive Mention ofThe Prophet Jonah For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40
I. Jonah Refusal Shows God’s Patience A. Jonah’s despair (Jonah 1:1-17). B. Jonah’s praying (Jonah 2:1-9). C. Deliverance (Jonah 2:10). II. Nineveh’s Revival Shows God’s Pardon A. Jonah’s Preaching through God’s command. B. Nineveh’s confession. C. God’s compassion. Jonah 3:1-10
III. Jonah’s Complaint to God A. Jonah’s resentment shows God’s compassion ( Jonah 4:1-3). B. Jonah’s lack of pity (Jonah 4:1). IV. God’s Strong Points ( Jonah 4:4; 4:9) • Doest thou well to be angry? KJV • Is it right for you to be angry? NIV • Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd?KJV • Do you think it is right for you to be angry about the plant? NCV
V. God questions Jonah sarcastically. • Do you think it is right for you to be angry for my compassion to the repentant people of Nineveh? (Jonah 4:9) • Jonah’s reaction is his reserved mouth and his angry expression. • God gives him for a test-1. the leafy plant, 2. worms 3. a scorching east wind. • Jonah becomes very angry and wants to die. • God rebukes him for being worry about the plant more than 120,000 people of Nineveh. They don’t know wrong from right.
VI. A Question of any whale swallow a human today • In 1891 • Falk Islands near Argentina, South America • James Bartley • He was swallowed by a sperm whale. • He was alive when he was taken out of the stomach of the whale on the whale factory ship. • His skin was bleached. • His epitaph in Ireland says “A modern day Jonah”.
An Analogy of Jonah and James Bartley in the stomach of whale A.True story • Jonah-3 days and 3 nights. • James Bartley-2 days. • Both of them were alive in the miracle, which is of God. • T rust in God’s word • Jonah praying in whale’s stomach is delivered from the dark stomach. • Jesus prays and buried for 3 days and 3 nights after he dies on the cross. Finally he rises from the death to defeat Satan. • Are you ready to ask God for delivering your soul and spirit from your darkmind and heart right now? END