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Title I Spring Parent Advisory Council 2012-2013

Title I Spring Parent Advisory Council 2012-2013. Federal Support for World-Class Schools Gwinnett County Public Schools. 4/18/13. Welcome!. Goals for today… Learn about various federal programs and grants in Gwinnett County Share where we are with this year’s budget

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Title I Spring Parent Advisory Council 2012-2013

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  1. Title I Spring Parent Advisory Council2012-2013 Federal Support for World-Class Schools Gwinnett County Public Schools 4/18/13

  2. Welcome! Goals for today… • Learn about various federal programs and grants in Gwinnett County • Share where we are with this year’s budget • Collect parent input for… • The Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) • The LEA Parent Policy • The LEA Title I Budget (LEA: Local Education Agency)

  3. Federal Programs in GCPS There are many federal programs that work together to develop the Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan • Title I – Academic Achievement for At Risk Learners • Homeless Education • Title II – Highly Qualified Teachers • Title III –English Learners • Title IV – Higher Education Act - Student Financial Aid Programs & 21st Century Community Learner Centers • CTAE – Career, Technical and Agricultural Education • IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities

  4. Just like your school asks for your input at Title I Planning Meetings, we need your input, too! At your School At the County Level • Schoolwide Plan • Parent Involvement Policy • Title I budget • Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) • LEA Parent Involvement Policy • LEA Title I budget

  5. Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) What information do we use to revise the CLIP and LEA Parent Involvement Policy? • GCPS Strategic Priorities and Vision • District Assessment Data • Parent Input from • Parent Advisory Council (PAC) • Local School Title I Planning Meetings • Title I Parent Involvement Survey What is the purpose of the CLIP for Title I? • Identifies needs of our most academically at risk students • Identifies how GCPS will meet those needs through the Title I program

  6. How will Title I Meet the Needs Identified in the CLIP? Supplemental Instructional Program in Title I Schools • Classroom and Intervention Teachers • Instructional Support Specialists • Instructional supplies and materials • Technology • Teacher Assistants • Professional Learning • Extended Learning Time Programs & Transportation • Support for students who are low-achieving, homeless, neglected, and migrant

  7. How will Title I Meet the Needs Identified in the CLIP? Supplemental Instructional Program in Title I Schools What are other ways we can support instruction and learning?

  8. How will Title I Meet the Needs Identified in the CLIP? Supplemental Professional Learning • Data analysis • Scientifically research based Quality Plus Teaching Strategies • Differentiated Instruction • Common Core Standards • Teacher collaboration • Use of technology • Other professional learning?

  9. How will Title I Meet the Needs Identified in the CLIP? Supplemental Professional Learning • What are other ways we can support Professional Learning?

  10. Review of theGWINNETT COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TITLE I PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY 2012-2013for the 2013-2014 school year4/18/13

  11. GCPS Title I • Committed to establishing partnerships with parents and community members • Encourages parent participation in the design, implementation, and evaluation of its Title I Parent Involvement Policy and activities • Parents & Guardians of the following groups are encouraged to be involved in this process • Children in Title I schools • Homeless children • Migrant children • Neglected & Delinquent children • At Risk children in Private schools

  12. A) How GCPS involves parents in the development of the LEA Parent Involvement Policy and the process for school review and improvement • Parent Input from • Parent Advisory Council (PAC) • Local School Title I Planning Meetings • Title I Parent Involvement Survey #1 What other ways can we get parent input on the CLIP and LEA Parent Involvement Policy? #2 How can we improve these processes?

  13. B) How GCPS supports schools in their efforts to plan and implement effective Parent Involvement activities that improve student academic achievement and school performance. • Parent Centers with materials and resources for Parent Involvement activities. • The Local Schools each fund a certified teacher to serve as the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) • Title I Program Specialists support the PISCs in planning and implementing the parent involvement programs. • Professional development for PISCs on Parent Involvement and adult instruction

  14. B) How GCPS supports schools in their efforts to plan and implement effective Parent Involvement activities that improve student academic achievement and school performance. # 3 What are other ways the Title I Office can support schools to improve Parent Involvement? # 4 How can we improve the supports provided now?

  15. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. • School staff collaborate with parents and community members to provide resources and networks for parents and students • Title I Schools have Parent Centers that are staffed by PISCs where parents can check-out materials to work with their children

  16. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. Each Title I school holds meetings and workshops to assist parents: • Title I Annual Meeting • Parents’ Educational Rights • Content Standards (AKS, CC/GPS) • National, State and Local education goals and assessments • School Status • How to monitor the progress of their children and work with teachers • Resources available in each school’s Parent Center • Literacy • Mathematics • Transitions between school levels

  17. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. • Meetings and workshops are: • Held on various dates, times and locations • Childcare, transportation and interpreters may be provided when feasible # 5 Are there other academically related Parent Involvement activities you would like the schools to provide? # 6 How can we improve the Parent Involvement activities schools provide?

  18. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. • All parent communications are provided in an easy-to-understand language. • Written and oral translations are available through the Gwinnett County EL Office, local school personnel, or other contracted individuals.

  19. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. • Gwinnett County communicates with parents via multiple media, including • Gwinnett and local school websites • Local media • Community and business partners • Parent-teacher conferences • Parent workshops & parent centers • Newsletters & emails • Signs and posters • Telephone & automated calling systems.

  20. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. • The PAC meetings are held 2 times throughout the year to: • Discuss Title I updates • Discuss the LEA CLIP • Discuss the Title I budget • Plan for the upcoming year • Collect parent feedback through discussion sessions and surveys #7 Are there ways we can communicate more clearly?

  21. C) How GCPS helps parents to meet their obligation as their child’s first teacher through the schools. #8 What other activities can GCPS do to help prepare parents to work with their children academically? #9 How can we improve or change our current efforts?

  22. D) How GCPS works with other programs to support transition to and from school levels • The Title I Program coordinates and integrates parent involvement strategies with other programs like: • Special Education • Early Intervention Program (EIP) • Reading Recovery • English Language Learners (ELL) • Flexible Learning Programs (FLP) at Focus and Priority Schools

  23. D) How GCPS works with other programs to support transition to and from school levels • The Title I Program provides transition programs to support students and their parents as they transition from: • Pre-K to Kindergarten • Elementary school to middle school • Middle school to high school #10 What other ways can the Gwinnett Title I Office support parents and students as students move from one school level to the next?

  24. E) How GCPS involves parents in the annual evaluation of the Parent Involvement Programs and Policies, and uses the findings to improve Parent Involvement Programs and revise the Parent Involvement Policies. The focus should be on increasing the participation of parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background • The LEA Title I Parent Involvement Policy and each Title I school Parent Involvement Policy is reviewed and revised annually • A district-wide, GCPS Annual Perception Survey is administered for parent input

  25. E) How GCPS involves parents in the annual evaluation of the Parent Involvement Programs and Policies, and uses the findings to improve Parent Involvement Programs and revise the Parent Involvement Policies. • Parent meetings are held at various sites and times to increase parent participation so that parents have the opportunity to provide input regarding the policy • Parents can provide input through the Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) • Parents can provide input and ask questions at local school Title I Planning Meetings and Title I Annual Meetings • Parent input, along with survey results from local schools, are used to: • Determine the effectiveness of the program • Identify barriers to parent participation • Increase opportunities for parent participation

  26. E) How GCPS involves parents in the annual evaluation of the Parent Involvement Programs and Policies, and uses the findings to improve Parent Involvement Programs and revise the Parent Involvement Policies. #11 How else can we involve parents in the evaluation and review of Title I Parent Involvement Programs and Policies?

  27. F) GCPS will involve parents in the activities of the Title I schools. • The Title I Annual Meetings are held at each school to inform parents about their rights related to Title I and the guidelines, purpose, and goals of the Title I Program • Parents are informed about the school’s Parent Center and the role of the certified teacher serving as the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) • All required Title I information is included in the GCPS Title I Handbook which is given to parents by the local schools and is on the local school and district websites

  28. F) GCPS will involve parents in the activities of the Title I schools. • The School-Parent Compact is explained, discussed and signed by parents and students • Teachers and administrators may use the Compact to guide conferences and discussions with students and parents • Title I schools provide training to their staff about working with parents to maximize their involvement • Other opportunities to involve parents include: • Volunteer programs • Membership on school leadership teams such as the PTA, Title I Committee, & Local School Councils • LEA Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

  29. F) GCPS will involve parents in the activities of the Title I schools. • Schools survey their parents about the effectiveness of the Title I Parent Involvement Program every year • Each school’s Title I Planning Team meets at least annually to review and revise the school’s Parent Involvement Policy, Action Plan, and School-Parent Compact • During Title I Planning Meetings all parents are given the opportunity to provide input on how Title I and Parent Involvement funds are spent

  30. F) GCPS will involve parents in the activities of the Title I schools. #12 What are some other ways Gwinnett County and the local schools can involve parents in Title I activities?

  31. Thanks! Please make sure that you sign–in on the parent sign-in sheet and complete the parent input form. Thank you so much for coming! We really appreciate the opportunity to hear your input.

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