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THE 6 REALMS. “ Circulating within the Five Destinies The body and mind sustain much suffering.” … Verse 35 – Pg 64 TWTB Buddhists believe that people have not only been reborn countless times in the past, but will continue to do so in the future.
“Circulating within the Five Destinies The body and mind sustain much suffering.” … Verse 35 – Pg 64 TWTB Buddhists believe that people have not only been reborn countless times in the past, but will continue to do so in the future. EXISTENCE OF THE FIVE DESTINIES(Pg 64 – TWTB)
In ancient times, the destinies or realms of existence are grouped into 5 types (2 happy ones, viz. divine and human realms, and 3 miserable ones viz. animals, hungry ghosts and hell beings). Subsequently Asura was added in, to form a total of 6 realms of existence. Asuras are demigods who are like gods, but have inferior bodies, inferior possessions and enjoyments. Because they are able to see the status and enjoyment s of the gods, demigods are propelled by their envy to try to compete with the gods. They are afflicted by deep jealousy, hostility and obstructions. The THE 6 DESTINIES OR REALMS
“The great extremely hot hells. The peripheral hells all of which one must pass through. The eight frigid hells and the solitary hells. These are the worst places for suffering beings.” Verse 36 Page 64 THE 3 EVIL DESTINIES (PG 64)
4 main groups of hells consisting of 18 levels: 8 Hot Hells (8 great hells) 4 Peripheral Hells (neighbouring hells) 8 Cold Hells Hell of solitude (loneliness) Hell (Naraka)
THE NUMBER OF HELLS • The 8 hot (great) hells have 4 doors each. • Each door also leads to 4 neighbouring hells (8x4x4 = 128). • When the beings in the 8 hot hells have finished their suffering, they go to each of the rest of the neighbouring hells totalling 128; the excruciating pain increases from one place to the next.
1st feature - suffering from extreme heat because of intense fire. Location: centre of the earth – molten rocks and burning gases. 2 main characteristics: raging fire and suffering from contact with molten copper and iron (magma): black cords, squeezing, wailing, great wailing, very hot burning, extremely intense heat and uninterrupted hell (avici in Skt). Suffer from all kinds of torture – red-hot metals; iron floors/ walls, iron pans/plates, hammers, chains/cords. 1) 8 Hot Hells (Great Hells)
2nd feature – beings have large bodies and long life. Uninterrupted hell – medium kalpa lifespan. Most painful experience: not they want to live, they want to die but cannot – a place of retribution for the most wicked offences. 8 Hot Hells
Also known as hells of increasingly worse suffering. hot ashes, glowing hot pit corpse feaces, a manure pit filled with worms having sharp mouths. consists of roads covered with sharp weapons/ knife blades, forests with sword leaves inhabited by ferocious dogs, forests of iron thorns inhabited by big birds with iron beaks. Beings suffer burnt marks, knives/swords injuries, and animal bites. boundless river – filled with boiling ash-water that fries beings like beans in hot oil. 2) Four Peripheral (Neighbouring) Hells
The 8 hot (great) hells have 4 doors each and eachdoor also leads to 4 neighbouring hells (16x8). Total: 128 neighbouring hells. When the beings in the 8 hot hells have finished their suffering, they go to each of the rest of the neighbouring hells; the excruciating pain increases from one place to the next. 2) Four Peripheral (Neighbouring) Hells
Also known as hells of blisters, bursting blisters, atata, haha, huhuva (named after the sounds uttered by beings exposed to the cold); blue lotus, red lotus and great red lotus (named according to the color and the cracks in the skin caused by frost bites). Incomparable frigidity penetrating to the bones and making the whole body shiver and curl up. Worms chew and scratch the body’s marrow, suffering to the utmost. 3) 8 Frigid (Cold) Hells
Location: In the human world – remote mountains, islands, wide open spaces, deep forests. Even in a prosperous and busy city, a person can exist in isolation suffering from such heavy retribution. 4) Solitary Hells
“There are all different kinds of animals But all experience similar sufferings: Being preyed upon or being enslaved.” Verse 37 Page 67 (TWTB) According to the Dharma, animals groupings: footless (snakes), 2-footed (birds, humans), 4-footed (beasts), and multi-footed (bugs, centipedes). All animals originally lived in the ocean and later moved to different places; on land and into the air, or both (amphibians). Different minds lead to different appearances or species. The animal world is a slaughter house: constantly killing each other and being killed by humans or enslaved (zoo, chicken farms). Other animals like horses, buffaloes are restrained and whipped. ANIMAL REALM
“Hungry ghosts always feel hungry and thirsty And they use filth as food.” … Verse 38 Page 68 TWTB Most suffer from constant extreme hunger and thirst, and are different from ghosts of Chinese tradition. According to Dharma, 3 main groups of classification: 1) Those With No Wealth - 3 subgroups a) torch or flaming mouth, food turns into flames; b) needle mouths whose throats are so tiny that no food pass through; c) vile mouths whose mouths are so decomposed and smelly that ingestion is not possible. HUNGRY GHOSTS REALM
2) Those With Little Wealth Able to eat with small amounts. 3 subgroups (named after specific body characteristics): needle like hair, stinking hair and wens. Some found the food turned into pus and blood. Some eat filthy sputa, saliva, urine and feces or swallow filth as food. HUNGRY GHOSTS REALM
3) Those With Great Wealth They have sumptuous enjoyments. 3 subgroups: a) those living off the sacrifices offered by humans b) those living off the objects lost from humans c) powerful rulers of ghosts viz yaksas, raksas; pleasures close to divine beings. HUNGRY GHOSTS REALM
“The evil destinies come from the 3 unwholesome roots That lead to evil deeds and their retribution.” … Verse 39 Page 69 TWTB The 3 unwholesome roots of afflictions: killing, stealing and sexual misconduct. Desire realm: greed, anger and deviant views – 3 roots of unwholesomeness. The most serious evil karma = hells The less serious = animals The least serious = hungry ghosts (Page 69 TWTB) Without deep afflictions nor perpetration of serious offences, one will not fall into these 3 unhappy realms. 3 Evil Realms
The demigods and gods do not experience very great suffering compared with humans and lower realms beings. The asuras are demigods who are like gods, but have inferior bodies, possessions and enjoyments. Because they are able to see the status and enjoyments of the gods, demigods are propelled by their envy to try to compete with the gods. They are afflicted by deep jealousy, hostility and obstructions. Asuras or Demigods
“The demigods have great suffering Through natural hostility to the glory of the gods. Though intelligent, they cannot see the truth, Due to the lower obstructions.” ... Nagarjuna To add to the miseries of the demigods, the gods steal their most beautiful maidens and take the fruits from their wish-fulfilling tree. The demigods often battle with the gods but always end up the losers because the gods have more power than them. ASURAS
THE TWO GOOD PATHS 1) Human Realm 2) Heavenly Realm
“Humans, vexed with suffering and happiness, Are the pivot of ascent and descent. Humans are the true pivot, not ghosts; But this traditional misconception about ghosts still lingers.” … Verse 40 Page 70 TWTB Human Realm is conducive for practising the Dharma. Rapid fluctuation between suffering and happiness. Can be compared to sharpening a knife on a stone; it becomes sharper with efforts. It’s the pivot of ascent and descent. The good and bad karma forces of humankind determines the ascent or descent of one’s destiny. HUMAN REALM
The Hindus believe that all dead people must face Yama’s sentence. The Chinese believe that all dead people become ghosts. They prepare the deceased with the rites befitting a ghost; paper money/houses etc as a sign of piety – an insult to their loved ones. To the Chinese, ghosts and hell beings are the same. HUMAN
c) Only humans’ ability to practice meditation (possible consequence of being born in heaven), precept keeping, cultivation and by ending the cycle of birth and death can Buddhahood be achieved – an opportunity to be cherised. d) On the other hand, humans can be extremely evil too and are subject to falling into evil destinies. HUMAN
The gods are said to live lives of fabulous luxury, revelling in every conceivable pleasure, without a thought for the spiritual dimension of life. All seems to go well until death draws near, and unexpected signs of decay appear. Then the gods¹ wives and lovers no longer dare approach them, but throw flowers to them from a distance, with casual prayers that they be reborn again as gods. None of their memories of happiness or comfort can shelter them now from the suffering they face; they only make it more savage. So the dying gods are left to die alone in misery. The fate of the gods reminds us of the way the elderly, the sick, and the dying are treated today. Our society is obsessed with youth, sex, and power, and we shun old age and decay. LIFE IN THE HEAVENS
“The first of the heavens is the realm of desire, Followed by the realms of form and formlessness. Divine beings are physically superior and have the longest lives. Their joy and their concentration are also superior” Verse 41 Page 72 A wonderful and superior realm vis-à-vis a human one. The first of the heavens is the loka of desire, where beings have minds and bodies living in an environment of 5 desires and sexual desires. They are bounded by afflictions. HEAVENS (Total: 28 heavens)
Earth, underground, the waters, the sky, all the hells, animals, hungry ghosts, humans, asuras and the heavens of the desire level. Mt Sumeru forms its base. 2 of the heavens in this loka are near the earth viz. the heaven of the 4 Kings and Trayastrima Heaven. Above them in outer space, are Yama Heaven, Tusita Heaven, Nirmanarati Heaven and Paranivmitavasavartin Heaven. All are like countries in the Human world with their kings, officials and men/women. The joys of the beings here is superior, among the 6 realms. LOKA (WORLD) OF DESIRE
Located above the world of desire. Beings with minds, bodies and dwelling places but w/o desires. Afflictions bound to these forms, so this heaven is called the world of form. Divided into 4 Dhyana (jhana) Heavens 1st Dhyana Heaven comprises 3 heavens: multitudes of Brahma, the ministers of Brahma and Great Brahma. 2nd Dhyana Heaven has 3 heavens: lesser light, limitless light and light sound. LOKA (WORLD) OF FORM
4) 3rd Dhyana Heaven has 3 heavens: lesser purity, limitless purity and universal purity. 5) 4th Dhyana Heaven has 9 heavens: heavens of no clouds, birth of good fortune, abundant fruit, no thoughts, no afflictions, no heat, good manifestations, good views, and ultimate form. 6) All beings above 2nd Dhyana heaven live in solitude. Each individual palace is its own world, in contrast to the shared world of humans. LOKA (WORLD) OF FORM
Location cannot be described. Only mind exists; body does not exist. Beings bounded by the mind & its attributes. As result of deep concentration achieved through meditation. Comprises 4 heavens: infinite space, infinite consciousness, nothingness, and neither perception nor non-perception. (TOTAL: 28 HEAVENS IN THE 3 LOKAS) LOKA (WORLD) OF FORMLESSNESS
Most joyful of the 6 destinies; reasons: superior bodies (tall and large. Lowest heavens – 4 kings whose length of body is 900 ft. Dignified appearance superior to humans. Buddha brought Nanda to Trayastrimsa Heaven to see the goddesses. His wife is like a blind monkey in comparison. Longer lives; the lowest heaven (the 4 kings) – life span 500 years of divinity i.e. 9 million human years. Longest = 80 thousand great kalpas in the 8th formless world (heaven of neither perception nor non-perception.) Such longevity is beyond the dreams of those who seek eternal life. SUPERIORITY OF HEAVEN BEINGS
Superior joy: those in the form heavens from 1st jhana to 3rd – no worries or distress, peaceful mind. Extremely blissful state. Superior concentration: heavenly beings with desire have weak concentration power. Beings born above the 1st jhana is the reward for practising the 4 meditations and the 4 formless meditations. Once born in heavens, one remains in concentration for a long time until its existence ends in tandem with the power to meditate. The state is the most joyful among all 6 destinies. SUPERIORITY OF HEAVEN BEINGS
“All suffering comes from bad karma And all bliss from the accumulation of good karma. Suffering & bliss stop with the ending of karma, So we should cultivate good karma diligently.” Verse 42 – Page 74 To be born into the 2 good destinies, one must stop doing evil but to do good. It is not simply based on one’s wishes. All sufferings of the 5 destinies and worries of the divine beings comes from past bad karma. (pg 75) THE ORIGIN OF SUFFERING & BLISS (PG 74)
All the joyful rewards – the bliss in heaven, the trifling pleasures in hell (except for avici hells) come from the accumulation of good karma. Thus, by doing good one is free from suffering and receive happiness, and vice-versa. These results: Not everlasting; stopped with the ending of karmic force. Vital to understand to avoid disappointment when one faces suffering, pain and unfavourable conditions, as one will know bad karmic force is limited, Retribution of suffering will eventually pass away (even in hells). THE ORIGIN OF SUFFERING & BLISS (PG 75)
To receive future happiness, do good with diligence. If happiness and favourable conditions are encountered, do not be carried away with arrogance, extravagance and laziness. They are the results of good karma. Good karmic force is also limited; happiness will also pass away soon (even in the highest heaven). One needs to keep accumulating. THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING GOOD (PG 75)
During famine – life becomes difficult. All the farmer can do is to plough diligently, sow, fertilise, irrigate etc. After famine ends and new crops harvested, joy of abundance will descend. One should diligently continue working even if one has a rich harvest and granaries full. If one sits idly and consumed all the good fortune without replenishment, one will again be miserable when no food is left i.e. when all the good fortune is depleted. ANALOGY OF DOING GOOD (PG 75)
Reject suffering, seek happiness and cultivate good karma. Right views of the Buddha Dharma arises when one views that regardless of the present conditions, one will diligently do good. However: “If one has the ability to do good But has not built up good karma, And suddenly bitter retribution arises, Then what good can be done?” Verse 43 Page 76 FIRM BELIEVE IN KARMIC RESULTS (PG 76)
If right now, one is without obstructions viz. not a child or very old, neither disabled nor psychotic, but has knowledge, ability, wealth, authority and fame, one can really do good deeds – a precious opportunity not to be wasted. If one has not accumulated good karma and when old age and death descend, bitter retribution will arrive with the ripening of bad karma. What good can be done then? One should not procrastinate (postpone). ENCOURAGEMENT TO DO GOOD (PG 76)
1) Giving 2) Keeping Precepts 3) Practising Meditation THE 3-FOLD FORTUNATE KARMA (PG 76)