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Raising Pasifika Achievement

Raising Pasifika Achievement. SCICON 2010. Guiding Lights on the Journey. Data Student voice Talanoa Ako Ako Principles Observation. Student Voice. Be clear what you want to find out Which adult? Explain purpose of the exercise

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Raising Pasifika Achievement

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  1. Raising Pasifika Achievement SCICON 2010

  2. Guiding Lights on the Journey • Data • Student voice • Talanoa Ako Ako Principles • Observation

  3. Student Voice • Be clear what you want to find out • Which adult? • Explain purpose of the exercise • Establish ground rules • Oral feedback works better • Transparent recording • Student responsibility for learning • Food helps

  4. References • Pasifika Education Plan • NZC • Evaluation of the Effective Literacy Strategies • LEAP (Language Enhancing the Achievement of Pasifika) • Adrienne Alton-Lee’s Quality Teaching for Diverse Students in Schooling: Best Evidence Synthesis • Margaret Franken’s article on Principles of effective literacy practice for EAL students in NZ classrooms • Making Language and Learning Work DVD • Our own experience as learners, teachers and facilitators in the area of Pasifika education.

  5. Talanoa Ako Ako Principles • Know the learner • Use home language/knowledge/experiences • Activate prior knowledge • Make new learning relevant • Include literacy • Provide high challenge • Provide multiple learning opportunities • Use culturally relevant texts, contexts

  6. Know the Learner • Find out about students’ background • Give students option of sitting together with those from similar background (to use L1) • Disaggregate student achievement data for Pasifika (&/or specific ethnicities)

  7. Use Home Languages, Knowledge & Experiences • Invite students to discuss in L1 • Use relevant greetings • Pronounce names correctly • Use oral language to scaffold into academic language • Use visual images & graphic organisers • Use Pasifika learners as ‘experts’ within class

  8. Activate Prior Knowledge • Use brainstorms, concept stars etc • Teach students how to work cooperatively • Plan units of work using a thirds model • 1/3 exploring prior knowledge • 1/3 acquiring new knowledge • 1/3 relating this new learning back to students’ lives

  9. Culturally Relevant Texts & Contexts • Explore texts from a wide range of sources: integrating music, oral visual and text; video/DVD; posters, brochures • Use contexts relevant to Pasifika students in NZ as well as traditional themes or knowledge

  10. Include Literacy • Integrated approaches e.g. Inquiry learning • Use ‘effective practice’ from Effective Literacy Strategies (Yrs 9-13)

  11. High Challenge • Use scaffolding • Set achievable and incremental learning goals • Use ‘where to next’ learning steps • Exit cards to give feedback

  12. Multiple Learning Opportunities Use integrated approaches across the curriculum that permit continuity of process, vocabulary, content learning, study/information skills etc

  13. Link to Aiga • Link learning experiences to parent and community expertise and local contexts • Help students to become a successful Pasifika learner

  14. Other Resources • Connections and Conversations: Making Links for Learning. DVD/handbook aimed at Pasifika • Making Language and Learning Work – science DVD activities aimed at ESOL • TKI has many resources too

  15. Pasifika Education Plan: Goals • Ensure Pasifika young people demonstrate improved achievement in NCEA levels 1, 2 and 3 and University Entrance. • Increase the quality of teaching and school leadership by increasing responsiveness to Pasifika learners and families. • Increase effective engagement between Pasifika parents, families and teachers and schools focused on learning.

  16. An inclusive curriculum means including the kids we teach in the books we choose, the stories we tell, the classroom environment and the content we select. Even more important is the way we teach: the interaction between every teacher and every student. Lingo Video, Australia

  17. Pasifika Education Plan: 2012 Targets • Increase Pasifika school leavers achieving NCEA L1 literacy/numeracy to 93 % • Increase no. of registered Pasifika teachers by 20 % to 1,520 • At least ½ of schools demonstrate improved effectiveness for Pasifika students since their previous ERO review. • Increase the proportion of Pasifika students leaving school with at least NCEA L2 to 75% & with UE to 30 % • Reduce the Pasifika school suspension rate by 20 % • Reduce the Pasifika expulsion rate to one per 1,000 students • The proportion of Pasifika trustees on BoT should be at least the same as the proportion of Pasifika students of that school.

  18. So What do we Need to do? • Improve our teaching so it is more responsive to students’ needs and experiences • Support parents to engage effectively with us • Improve conditions (including teaching) needed for effective engagement & learning • Design a curriculum that meets the needs of all students

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