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RAISING ACHIEVEMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME. Broadoak Mathematics and Computing College believe that sharing good practice and working collaboratively is and an essential part of aiding student learning and being successful.
Broadoak Mathematics and Computing College believe that sharing good practice and working collaboratively is and an essential part of aiding student learning and being successful. The SSAT Raising Achievement Partnership Programme aims to offer the opportunity to involve as many partners as possible in sharing ideas to aid successful learning. As a RAPP school we are committed to ensuring that the that the dialogue can be shared and discussed with colleagues in a open atmosphere. Our intention is to provide ideas and informed responses to issues facing educators today so that participants feel that they have gained useful strategies that they can easily implement in their own environment. Broadoak has worked in partnership with other schools and found it a very rewarding experience. We believe it is essential to continually improve and by working through the Raising Achievement Partnership Programme we aim to do this. We are committed to giving all students the best chance possible so by sharing professional development opportunities we can do this. This prospectus gives you a flavour of what we have to offer you in the way of support in 2009/10. Please contact either myself or Jackie Vernon should you be interested in finding out more. We look forward to working with you in the future. Hilary Truss Senior Assistant Headteacher Broadoak Mathematics and Computing College Tel: (01934) 422000 Fax: (01934) 413903 Email: RAPP@broadoak.n-somerset.sch.uk “Very helpful, particularly inspiring and very thought provoking” - RW, Plymouth
Aiming For Better Attendance What makes students want to attend? What will be that motivation to be part of a winning team? This session aims to address some of the most frequently asked questions on how to raise attendance especially in key stage 4. We look closely into motivators required to encourage students to attend. We use case studies and personal experience on how we managed to raise attendance from 88% to 93% in just 4 years. Designed for: Senior Leaders, Year Leaders, Attendance Officers and EWOs. Science for Six How can the feeder primary schools raise achievement in Science? Call in the specialists. After 2 years of tweaking, our Science Lead Practitioner has established a scheme to assist primary schools to raise attainment in Year 6. This provides a benchmark for Year 7 students starting at Broadoak and is very popular with the primaries. Designed for: AST Science, Heads or Second in Faculty, interested Science Teachers keen to raise attainment in their lessons.
Getting that Gift and Talent Raising attainment for Gifted and Talented students in Science. Having established a benchmark at Key Stage 2 the Lead Practitioner will provide evidence from action research which maintains high quality learning in Key Stage 3. Designed for: AST Science, Heads or Second in Faculty, interested Science Teachers keen to raise attainment in their lessons. Teachers Information Technology Toolkit Recent developments in e-learning have provided teachers with resources and technologies which are dynamic and instantly available. New resources have provided benefits for both staff and students, yet potential is sometimes not explored. We will provide a tool kit on how to offer continuing provisional development for your staff on the use of the VLE, your own school “U tube” BMCCTV, Podcasting, Impero and how to use PowerPoint effectively as a learning tool. Designed for: Senior Leaders in charge of ICT or CPD, Heads of ICT and interested ICT Support Technicians.
Directing Diplomas Now that diplomas are an established part of the curriculum, we are delighted to be able to offer the support from our Diploma Lead Practitioner. Having gone through the gateway in the initial launch, we are now well on our way to completing our first level 2. As the local authority’s expert on delivery our Diploma Lead Practitioner will be able to offer hot tips for successful delivery. Designed for: Middle Managers leading diplomas and Diploma Teachers. Engaging English Students at Key Stage 4 During the last academic year our English department transformed its results. How did they move their Ds to Cs in KS4 English Language, to establish a winning formula? Find out the unique formula and hear about some key areas that will have a direct effect as well as sharing best practise. Designed for: Heads of English and all English teachers.
Pursuing PE perfection High performing, high achieving is the key to high GCSE results for the PE faculty. They managed to change their results from 40% to 70% + over a short period of time. They are happy to share good practice and top tips for getting a winning team. Designed for: Heads of PE and all PE teachers. Unlocking Community Cohesion In a short space of time through extended schools we have managed to involve families in learning and community events. Some of our successes are in year 6/7 transition, engaging secure primary partnerships, “Find your Talent” (we are an area hub) and engaging with families who are disadvantaged and hard to reach. The aim is to work with families, students and schools to raise achievement and enthusiasm to be part of a winning team. Designed for: Extended Schools Co-ordinators, Senior Leaders or teacher with responsibility for Community Cohesion.
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