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Issue 8, July 2009. Faith&Works. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” - Ecclesiastes 12:1 . This Month. The writers and subjects for this month are: ► Bro. Tim Miles (TFY) Carrying on with our study in Colossians, called Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Issue 8, July 2009 Faith&Works “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” - Ecclesiastes 12:1
This Month... The writers and subjects for this month are: ► Bro. Tim Miles (TFY) Carrying on with our study in Colossians, called Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth” ► Works - Bro. Tim Collard (TFY) Will be leading us in a practical Study entitled “The Challenge of a Wealthy Society”
Email: ttwas@hotmail.com Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth” Tim Miles Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Questions... How can we be raised with Christ (vs 1)? 2. How can our life be hidden with Christ (vs3)? 3. Who is this old and new man and how does it apply to us? 4. How many with Christ, in Christ and by Christs are there in the entire book? Do you notice a theme? Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Colossians Chapter 3 Brother Timothy Miles All Bible verses are taken from the New King James If you have any questions or problems with this presentation don’t hesitate to drop me a line on facebook or email me at ttwas@hotmail.com. But prayerfully I have aimed to expound God’s word according to His will. Thank you. Enjoy! Roots and Growth Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
The build up in Colossians As has already been shown, by Bro David and Bro James, Colosse was a young and vibrant Church with a lot of faith in Christ (Col 1:3 and 4). However being young they may have been easily subjected to many of the world’s doctrines, particularly (as James touched upon), the old law’s influence, which is hinted upon at the end of chapter 2. Therefore God, through Paul, writes exalting words which peak in chapter 3 about how they have rooted themselves and how they should grow, away from such influences. We shall now consider what this rooted and growth means in the context of the book. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
The aspiration, the target, the goal! Paul clearly lays out what we, as Christians, are aiming for: Col:1vs12&13. ...giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. From the 4 highlighted words it is clear what Paul wanted us to have in mind when considering the rest of the book. The aspiration to be part of that inheritance. To realise that we have already been delivered and be grateful and be continuing in this Kingdom of love. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
How do we become part of that inheritance? Col 2:6&7 “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built upin Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” Here we see that once we have received Christ (understood his true purpose and become baptised) we are also rooted in him. HOW? Roots show a very simple but powerful analogy. With them a tree is stable in the ground from being uprooted by the wind and can take in essential water for life through them. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Straight away we can then see how Christ can be our roots as he: • gives us support by being our high priest and intercessor (Heb7:25). • supports us through times of trouble (Matt11:29). • has freely given us of the water of life by proclaiming the word of God (John4:13&14). It is clear that the Colossians were well rooted as Paul gave thanks to God for their faith in Jesus in Col 1:4. So the starting point must be faith. Without faith we will falter in times of trouble, wither and die as followers of Christ, just as the parable of the sower demonstrates (Matt13:6&21). We therefore need constant faith in Jesus to survive our problems and to truly understand the word. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Additionally other examples of how Christ is the starting point include: Christ being the corner stone of the foundations of the temple. Demonstrating how a temple made from all of God’s people could not stand if Christ was not part of it (1Peter2:4&5). We also start off being fed the milk of the word (1Peter2:1&2). Milk is high in calcium which strengthens our bones enabling them to resist strong forces which may break our bodies. The beginning of our life as Christians starts with faith and can only strengthen us throughout our years. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Col 3:2. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. This word set means to “have an affection for” and “to think about” presumably carefully. So we must also contemplate and love the word of God to be part of the inheritance. This is how we root ourselves in Christ Jesus. If we start our day thinking Godly thoughts we will be in a better mindset to take on the day as Christians in faith. This is also how we can grow. We grow by expanding our knowledge aiming to take in enough of God’s word (the water). This will enable us to one day become trees (which in the Bible can represent great Kingdoms (see Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) or something that brings forth righteous fruits for God). Psalm 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Col 3:3 “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” So how can our lives be hidden with Christ? Firstly that word hidden means to be ‘hidden by a covering’ linking to Jesus’ sacrifice acting as a covering for our sinful nature before God. Secondly we can see another example in the Bible of how we are with Christ now. The Lamb’s Book of Life. Rev21:27 “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” This is the reason why we are required to grow and set our minds, because some of us have been baptised and are therefore in the Book of Life awaiting judgement. Let us grow so that we can remain in that book and not be blotted out. After all Jesus died in order for us to be written in that book. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Col 3:4 This verse is the most self explanatory and (in my opinion) the most uplifting out of the whole of Colossians. “When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” He is everything to us. He is the reason for this second chance. (Col 1:15&16) Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Growth But first Paul reminds the Colossians, and us, of what Christ has done for us, how important Christ is in our lives. These thoughts are what we need to grow. Below I have listed the importance of Christ in our lives By Christ:found throughout Colossians by showing what we do by, in, through and through Christ. All things created 1:16, Reconciled us1:20 Through Christ: Peace achieved 1:20, Presents us holy 1:22. In Christ: Fullness/Complete can dwell in him 1:19 and 2:9, Reconciled in body 1:22, Christ in us 1:27, Holds knowledge and wisdom 2:3, Faith 2:5, Walk 2:6, Rooted 2:7, Established in faith 2:7. With Christ: Buried 2:12 and 20, Raised from baptism 2:12 and 3:1, made alive 2:13, Life hidden 3:3, Appear in glory 3:4. Isn’t that an awful lot? Do we everyday contemplate the scale of what God through Jesus has done for us? Let us try to, in order to grow! Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Additionally Look at Ephesians Chapters 1-3 How many reliances on Christ are there in these 3 chapters? Can you see any differences between the list you’ve made in the Ephesians Chapters and the Colossians chapters list on the previous page? Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Vulnerable The most vulnerable stage of a plant is when it shoot, the period where the most growth occurs comparative to its size. Therefore if the shoot is damaged or contracts a virus, when it’s a sapling, a lot more damage will be inflicted on the resulting adult plant than if it was damaged when it was fully grown. This is why there is a list of evil act from Col 3:5-8 as they are inflictions that will prevent the full growth of the plant in glory to God. We are told to put those members to death who practice these things amongst us. Not to kill but to remove them from the church so that their influence won’t spoil the growth of the body working together. We should clearly grow together as one, in the same manner with the same goal. Not alone. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Working together After being told what not to do we are told how to fertilize our Church by putting on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering so that we can bear one another’s burdens and forgive one another. (Col 3:12-16) Importantly if we do all of this, if we achieve a higher level of living than this world can ever offer us, we will love one another. This bond is perfection, completeness or fullness. Linking this back to Col 1:19 we see that God wishes for us to show a bond of completeness or fullness in order to dwell in Christ! Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Actively Helping One Another When needing spiritual sustenance or to be gently warned (admonished) we are told we can do so by singing the word of God to one another. Would be interested in hearing anybody’s opinions on this. Have you tried it? Did it work for you? Or do you have a different understanding of the verse? Paul and Silas in jail in Acts 16 could be this in practice? Please contact me if you have a point. Thank you. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Conclusion • If we root ourselves to weather the hard times • if we set our minds and take in the water of life • if we grow to the tall fruit bearing tree that God yearns for us to be • if we achieve the bonds of perfection (love) • We will live in Christ, we will gain that Godly inheritance we were promised (Col 1:12) and we will be one with each other, Jesus and our glorious Heavenly Father. Lord God, Thank You for giving us this opportunity, given to us in love, through Jesus, to grow together in Your word. Amen. Colossians 3: “Roots & Growth”
Email: timothycollard@gmail.com “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society” Tim Collard “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
The Challenge of a wealthy society Compared to other nations there is no doubt the UK is wealthy. Those of us living in the UK live in plenty: we have food, clothing and much more. In this context we can and should be content yet we are still ‘tempted’ daily, by goods and products, to seek more for self and to obtain a worldly lifestyle of luxury in difficult times. The questions below seek to outline the challenges to our faith and the opportunities God has given us. We must be wary of this prosperity because Jesus tells us “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” 1) What are the key challenges to our faith in a wealthy society? 2) What did Achan and Gehazi do wrong and how can we learn from them? (see Josh 7v1-26; 2Kings 5v15-27). 3) How can we make the word of God the treasure in our lives? (Matt6v21). 4) You maybe at University and will need to search for a job, maybe you have the threat of redundancy or have been made redundant? How should we as followers of Christ cope with a recession? 5) How can we use our privileged circumstances to please God? KJV used unless otherwise indicated “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
1) What are the key challenges to our faith in a wealthy society? • We are told in 2 Timothy 3 that in the last days ‘perilous’ or ‘fierce’ times would come. What did Paul, through inspiration, want Timothy to be so wary of? Paul points out some of the dangers for the believers to watch out for: amongst other things Paul notes that people will be ‘lovers of their own selves’ ‘lovers of money’ ESV and ‘lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God’. • Some of these dangers are prevalent in the UK in 2009. We have been brought up in a wealthy society but are we aware of the dangers? On the whole we are shielded from the real poverty and conditions that many people experience. This presentation seeks to outline the challenges we face so we can hold high the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked. • It isn’t a surprise that we find the large cities of ancient civilization to be where prosperity and sin walked hand in hand. Cities in Egypt, Babylon and Rome were all economically rich in their heyday and all seem associated with sin – yet the prosperity is only for a season/short time (Rev18v10). There were faithful men and women in those cities - we only have to think of Daniel and Friends. The challenge for us is to be aware of these problems and to stand up to them. • Here are a few challenges that we face: • Challenge 1: To overcome Temptation • Challenge 2: To beware of slackness • Challenge 3: To follow GOD NOT Mammon • Challenge 4: Peer pressure ‘to be like those around us’ • Challenge 5: To look through this life to the Kingdom • Challenge 6: Lack of discussion about doctrine • I list a few that are challenging and particularly relevant to a rich country (not that they don’t apply in poorer countries). If you have thought of any more and have any general comments on any of this presentation please let me know via timothycollard@gmail.com “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 1: To overcome Temptation • With so many things available to us in this life: clothing, food, cars, houses and so on, it is inevitable that we are challenged to want the best this life can provide. The advertising industry keeps us aware of the ‘things’ that are ‘deemed necessary’ for a comfortable life. • All these things are designed to challenge us to lust. Moses was in that situation. He had all the world could offer him in Egypt at the time, yet what did he do? • “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.” Hebrews 11 v25-26 • He chose to suffer rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. What’s even more amazing is that he esteemed the reproach of the anointed – he saw through the pleasure to Jesus, though he was long way off. • We have everything the world has to offer - in reality we are in “Egypt” – the prosperous place in worldly terms. • We are told in 1 John 2 v16 of the three key temptations we face in the world: • The Lust of the Flesh • The Lust of the eyes • The Pride of Life • Each of these presents a challenge to us today. With much available to us there are many things that can satisfy our flesh (with greed to excess). There are many things that we might see with our eyes and desire and the clothing fashions of this world and humanistic ideals can make us walk with an air of pride for life. • Jesus tells us if our eye offends you ‘cut it out’. We must tear ourselves away from the lusts and actually deny ourselves and take up our cross daily (Luke 9 v 23) – something we don’t naturally want to do. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 2: To beware of slackness and apathy • Another key challenge concerns being slack or lazy in the things of God. After all it’s easy in a wealthy society to sit back on your chair and relax: to have your time eaten up and taken away by so many other things in abundance, including sports / music / games / TV / theatre etc. This may be because we make other things more important in our lives. At any rate our time can easily disappear. If we follow Jesus, do we prioritise following him in our lives or do we find ourselves filling our time with other things? We are told to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mat6v33). • Are we strict enough with ourselves to make sure we pray to God and do a straightforward activity like reading the Word of God. Just note the Laodicean Ecclesia – they were a wealthy bunch and Jesus has some specific words for them: • “thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev3v17) • The Laodiceans had goods, prosperity, the easy life. Yet their wealth had blinded their service to Jesus. These people weren’t really rich! They were poor to the riches of Jesus and the hope of eternal life. In reality they were wretched because of their predicament, miserable without real joy, and poor ‘in heavenly things’, blind because they were in darknesss, and naked as they had lost the garments of righteousness – they were tepid, unenthusiastic people who had been stalled by their wealthy lifestyle. • This is a big danger to us because in reality in the UK we have need of nothing. • It is no surprise that Jesus says it is “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” This analogy used by Jesus identifies that something very difficult – a camel getting into the small gate of the city – is a lot easier for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. This is sobering. • The challenge to us is to prioritise the word of God in our lives so that the riches of this life don’t take away our crown. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 3: To follow GOD NOT Mammon • Another key danger of this life is the lure of money - the desire to be rich. People become devoted to their wealth and seek ever more money so they can ‘increase their barns’ (Luke 12). They become ‘lovers of self’ and followers of Mammon (treasure). • We are told in the last days men shall be lovers of themselves and followers of their own selfish desires. • We are told in Luke 16v13 that “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” • Jesus said this to the Pharisees who were ‘covetous’ or ‘lovers of money’ • Riches are a key reason why people in this wealthy society are reluctant to turn to the word of God. They can only see the short term wealth and that is what they serve. • Our master is in heaven. We must love God more than money. • Balaam failed in this regard, he disobeyed the word of God by going to Moab when God hadn’t told him to go. The princes had offered him promotion and worldly gain. Balaam was drawn away by this worldly lure and didn’t obeying the word of God. See Num 22v15-21. Woe to them that run “greedily after the error of Balaam for reward.” Jude 11 • If we seek to follow after riches and money then we are not following God. We can easily follow after wealth, yet we must become poor: • Jas 2v5 “Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?” • God has chosen the poor people without the trappings of society who are more open to the word of God. Poor people with less distractions can’t spend money, so they are more inclined to spend time around the word of God. Are we poor? Not in worldly terms. We are rich and in the top 10% of the world population who appreciate many worldly things/ possessions etc. Do we spend much time with God, around his word, doing things that please him? “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 4: Peer pressure ‘to be like those around us’ • We can often be envious of other people in this life. Even though we are in such a privileged position there is still a gaping hierarchy in the UK between the ‘uber’ wealthy and the average citizen. There is also the temptation to have all the things that those around us have, yet we must ‘deny ourselves’ (Lk 9v23). • How much do we want to be like a university friend or work colleague in the things they purchase and possess? Do we want to be more like those at university or work? Why? Do we seek a ‘better quality of life?’ • Israel had this problem and suffered for it. They often looked around at other nations and lusted after their gods, their lifestyles etc., even to the extent that they sinned against God. We could consider the golden calf, the lusting after the food in Egypt and wanting to be back in the ‘wealthy’ place. Even in the land the Children of Israel looked around them and wanted to be like the nations and have a human king to rule over them. They conformed to this world. • We must be wary of wanting to be like the people and the nations in this world, for we are a peculiar people, a holy nation – we must seek to be separate from the world if we want to be God’s people. • We know that the best quality of life and treasure doesn’t lie in the world but in the promise, by God’s grace, of eternal life in the kingdom. WHAT A CONTRAST to the things we see around us that WON’T last forever. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 5: To look through this life to the Kingdom • A common theme that has been noted is to appreciate the temporary nature of wealth. • It is difficult to appreciate the transient nature of the world we live in but it is all for a passing moment all is vanity saith the preacher in Ecclesiastes. • The judgement of such wealth and prosperity is outlined in Revelation 18 with the city Babylon fallen in an hour, the merchants weeping “alas” and wailing because the delicacies of the city have gone… it is difficult to choose the right path especially with all the attractions in this life. • With our long term vision we know that worldly delicacies will come to an end. We are told: • Ecc2v16 “… there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten. And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.” • How dieth the poor? Exactly as the rich dieth! • Luke 16 v19-25 talks about a certain rich man clothed in purple every day and a beggar named Lazarus who was at his gate wanting the crumbs from his table. When both these men died, the beggar was in Abraham’s bosom. He had been baptised ‘into the promises’ and had fought the good fight, yet the rich man was in a predicament that none of us would want to be in – tormented without hope. He had received good things in his life from God – but he hadn’t used his position to serve God. • We can so often lust and seek the immediate short lived pleasures from ‘the world’, but there is no lasting joy. It is indeed a challenge to see through the fickle luring world which is all vanity and vexation of spirit. Yet God had promised a great deal to the faithful follower. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Challenge 6: Lack of discussion about doctrine • There is generally a lack of discussion about doctrine and godly principles in life today. Much of the day-to-day conversations revolve around what was on TV - not what you heard on Sunday evening. • It seems that less people discuss or want to know about the Bible. This is particularly true over the last century. People’s knowledge of the Bible and its characters is limited. Respect for the word of God in a wealthy society is reducing. Those in the last days will walk after their own lusts and they are (2Peter 3v5) “willingly ignorant that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water… ” They reject the creation of God or sit on the fence. • All this means we are not being tested or challenged about the things we believe which can lead to slackness. When somebody asks us or challenges us about the doctrines we believe, we can often be stuck or find it difficult to give them a proper convincing argument. Why? People with an understanding of God are far and few between. What are we, what are YOU going to do about it??? • Should we be paying more heed to doctrine? In the law it was commanded the children of Israel that they should talk with each other about the things of God DAILY.Deut 6v7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” • It is important to teach and to make the teachings of God something we talk about in our daily lives – before we go to bed and when we get up! It is also beneficial to meet regularly with brethren and sisters if this is possible and to speak about the word of God to provoke each other to love and good works. This is another challenge BUT it will stand us in good stead if we give heed to God’s advice. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
2) What did Achan do wrong? How can we learn? (see Josh 7v1-27) • What did Achan do wrong? • The Children of Israel had entered the promised land and were told to ‘keep yourselves’ from the accursed thing else they would make the camp of Israel a curse (Josh 6v17-18). • God had already told the children of Israel not to steal (Ex20v5) or take of the accursed thing (Deut 7v26 and13:17). Yet Achan didn’t pay attention to the law (his Bible). • Achan took of the accursed thing – when the walls fell down Achan lusted with his eyes and stole the goodly Babylonish garment, the 200 shekels of silver and the wedge of gold. • Outcome: • Children of Israel’s hearts melted • Ai campaign failed with 36 men killed • Achan and family stoned and burnt. • What can we learn? • Achan didn’t obey God’s word and focus on defeating the city. • Achan fell to temptation and sinned - he sought possessions for himself and got his punishment DEATH. • Just like us we should work for God but not seek possessions for ourselves especially in the work we do for God (like Sapphira and Annanias who kept back some money for themselves). • That lusting, stealing and keeping back what is God’s is a terrible thing to do. • That a sinful action can have a very bad effect on our brothers and sisters within an ecclesia. It can turn confidence into despair, concern and worry. • This incident made me ask the question: “Is going into a retail shop and buying a really snazzy shirt a sinful thing to do? • We need some clothes to wear, so it isn’t a sin, but we must remember where our priorities lie. • God is concerned with the inward appearance of the heart not the outward adorning of the flesh. • We are told to take no thought for clothing yet we are drawn away by the fashions of this world – Matt 6v30 • We are told to “lay up … treasures in heaven where moth and rust doth not corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal” (Mat 6v20) • We must remember that the things of this life are short term. Its gold is cankered and garments moth-eaten. • This relates to challenge 1: overcoming temptation 2: following mammon and 4: peer pressure “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
What did Gehazi do wrong? What can we learn? (2 Kings 5v15-25) • Context • Naaman the Syrian has just been baptised and recovered of his leprosy. • After following Elisha’s godly instructions, Naaman wants to give a gift but Elisha refuses any gift. • When Naaman is about to go Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, lies to Naaman by pretending two young prophets needed a change of garment and silver. • He received the gifts and returns back to Elisha who knows of the sin. • The leprosy of Naaman was transferred to Gehazi. • What did Gehazi do wrong? • Gehazi lied to Naaman in order to satisfy his lust and get 2 changes of garment and some money. • What can we learn? • At the time it looked a good idea BUT Elisha had shown that the gifts from God are free and not to be charged for, yet Gehazi lusted and was greedy of gain. • We can learn to be honest and not seek wealth from our preaching efforts. • We know whatever we do is known in heaven as Gehazi’s actions were known to Elisha. • Gehazi got his punishment – the leprous skin. Ultimately the spots of sin cause death. • This relates to challenge 3: following Mammon 4 Peer pressure “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
How can we make the word of God the treasure in our lives? • Firstly we are told by Jesus that “where your treasure is there will your heart be also” Matt6v21 • It is a big danger in a rich society that we have ‘treasures’ in this life. We can easily get absorbed into its riches and turn away from God. There are many instances in scripture where man’s heart has turned away from God – especially in the kings of Israel and Judah. • “When Solomon was old, his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God…” 1Ki 11v4 • “But Jehu took no heedto walk in the law of the LORD God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, which made Israel to sin.” 2Ki10v31 • On the other hand • “… in every work that [Hezekiah] began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.” 2 Ki31v21 • If our heart really desires the things of God we must read the word, take heed and do the things Jesus says. It is important to “continue steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2v42 • We must continue steadfastly and use our time seeking to please God by: • Considering doctrine - the teachings from the word and using the wealth of resources available for study • Meeting together in fellowship – in one mind away from those seeking mammon. • Partaking in the breaking of bread in memory of Jesus • Praying and speaking to our God. • Preaching to others the hope of the gospel • Praising God and giving glory to his name • “Love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength” Mr12v30 • We should be seeking to lay up our treasures in heaven which will continue, rather than on earth where it will come to an end. • If we seek the kingdom of heaven we must seek the pearl of great price. The word of God is more precious than anything we possess. We need to make it an active part of our lives. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Coping with the recession/ downturn/ uncertainty in life? • There are many concerned people in the UK, especially with the threat of job losses and the difficulty in getting a job. A lack of credit - to banks, companies and individuals - brings with it the threat of recession, job losses, bankruptcies, repossessions and a rise in living costs. • The ‘credit crunch’ and resulting recession has come about due to a number of factors: • The ‘crisis’ is linked to the sub-prime mortgage business, in which US banks give high-risk loans to people with poor credit histories. • Falling house prices and rising interest rates lead to high numbers of people who could not repay their mortgages. • Credit markets freeze as banks are reluctant to lend to each other. • UNDERLYING this all are the actions of sinful man. The ‘blame’ has been attributed to bankers who received huge bonuses from ‘ill gotten gains’, yet if we were in their position would we have done the same? Man’s greed has exacerbated the situation. • The culture of greed and immorality is a danger to those that are in Christ. • There may be the concern of going without and ‘tightening the belts’. How should we respond? • 1) We must pray without ceasing. It is a comfort that all our problems are known before God. “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need”. In a similar situation Hezekiah ‘spread his problem before the LORD.’ We must do likewise in times of distress. • 2) The world can provide no certainty even though it pretends to convince us otherwise. ‘Northern Rock’ wasn’t much of a rock. We must keep Jesus as a foundation stone to our lives. We can be assured of eternal life and have an eternal future with God. • 3) We can use the recession as an opportunity to preach about the good news of Jesus who is the rock – the wise man built his house upon a rock. • 4) We can speak to brethren and sisters about concerns/ problems. The Benevolent Fund may have to be put into action. In hardship, the body of Christ needs to work together in love. • 5) Fear not We know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8v28 • 6) Jesus says: “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?” (Mat 6v29-30) • We have been given only ONE life. We must seek to use it to serve God and he will give eternal life. Life may be difficult at times but the trial of our faith worketh patience. • Our priorities are to seek the kingdom and not worldly wealth and riches. “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
How can we use our privileged circumstances to please God? • Jesus tells us “where a man hath been given much, much will be expected of him” (NEB) “and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” KJV Lk 12v48 • We have indeed been given much, having been brought up in a prosperous country. We all have been given various talents and gifts by God: knowledge, understanding and wealth in comparison to others – we have been given much. How are we going to use our position? What can we do? • Opportunity 1: In the UK we can use our time to visit lonely bro/ sis (James 1v27). • Opportunity 2: In the UK we can be “given to hospitality, apt to teach” inviting people round for a meal. • Opportunity 3: Supporting the poor brethren and sisters all over the world (sending money, spiritual stimulation, practical help in sending things to improve their condition before God). • We are commissioned with assisting our poorer brethren and sisters: note the collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem to help them in their poverty (Rom 6v26). • Our actions to the poor in this country don’t go very far to help address the global inequalities that exist – we are never going to resolve them “the poor are always with you” (Mat 26v11). We can seek to help by giving money to organisations etc. but even then we are not actually doing anything. Moving to a poorer country to help those in need would be an extreme option. • Opportunity 4: Giving alms - Kind donations and offerings go a LONG way in poorer countries, especially as 1 billion of the world’s population are hungry; that’s one sixth. In addition we can deny ourselves in order to provide much needed life essentials to those in poverty. ‘Ordering our lives’ is challenging yet can have a real impact for others. • How should we go about donating money? • in secret NOT openly Matt 6v1-4 • “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20v35 • Jesus will appoint the trusty and sensible servant ruler over his household. • The Son of Man will come in the time that we least expect! We must be watching and waiting for Jesus with our loins girded and our lamps burning. Luke 12v35 “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Memory verses to assist our challenges • In temptation Jesus quoted scripture to focus his mind to help him overcome here are a few suggestions to help us with our challenges: • Challenge 1: To overcome temptation • 1Cor10v13-14 “… God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.” • Jas1v12 “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” • Challenge 2: To beware of slackness and apathy • Gal 6v9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” • 2Thess3v13 “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” • 1 Jn 4v11 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” • Challenge 3: To follow God NOT Mammon • Deut 6v5 “And thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might.” • Mark 8v36 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” • John6v27 “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you…” • Rom 6v23 “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” • Challenge 4 Peer pressure ‘to be like those around us’ • 1 Pet1v15-16 “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (life). Be ye holy: for I am holy” • 2Cor 6v17 17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” • Heb 13v5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” • Challenge 5:To look through this life to the Kingdom • Is2v4 “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” • Mat 6v33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” • Rom8v18 “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” • Rev 21v4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” • Challenge 6: Lack of Discussion about doctrine • Deut 6v7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” • Mal 3v16 “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.” • Col4v6 “Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” • Phil1v27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ…” “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”
Closing thoughts • I write this for my own benefit – I fail to heed the challenges. • This society affects us all we really must anoint our eyes that we may see. • The challenges seem to have cross-overs i.e. serving mammon (money) is falling to temptation and peer pressure can also be a big temptation to sin. • Please get in touch should you have any comments and other verses that can be included in the memory slide: timothycollard@gmail.com “The Challenge for a Wealthy Society”