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Song ^0 Pitch


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Song ^0 Pitch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Run From Love – Detailed Pitch

  2. The Track is by Sture Zetterberg with Easton. • It contains older male American male voices, who are most likely in their 30/40s. The Track

  3. The song is about moving on from loving someone when you were younger and his past relationships. The Meaning

  4. The genre of the song is classic 70s/80s rock, which would appeal to an older audience as well as younger people who enjoy the genre or grew up listening to their parents playing it. The genre

  5. Sitting in room alone singing to self • Leaves room and can see is in a studio, still singing – lights, crew, etc • Walks to other “fake” studio room • Garage style band, in someone’s house. • Walking across a bridge, other direction of everyone else on line “run from love” • Having two people standing and mirroring each other as camera pans around them. The idea (Synopsis)

  6. Close up of guitar player on guitar solo. • Costume & lighting colour change as person walks through the clothing rack and come out the other side (Still Feel). • Camera slowly spins around the band as they are playing. • Birds eye of drums playing in dark room & flashing different coloured lights. Visual Cues (Colours/images)

  7. halfalive – empty space with bright colours & dance choreography, living room set Influences

  8. James Tyler The cast (Who do you hope will be involved in your production?)

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