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THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN POLAND. ______________________________________ TARGU-JIU 2010. Pre - Primary STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM. Pre - Primary. PRIMARY ( szkoła podstawowa ) Certificate of Completion of Primary School Education ( Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły podstawowej ).

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  1. THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN POLAND ______________________________________ TARGU-JIU 2010

  2. Pre- PrimarySTRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM Pre- Primary PRIMARY (szkołapodstawowa) Certificate of Completion of Primary School Education (Świadectwoukończeniaszkołypodstawowej) Lower Secondary (Gimnazjum) Certificate of Completion of Education In Gymnasium (Świadectwoukończeniagimnazjum) Basic Vocational (Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa) Certificate of Completion of Education in the Basic Vocational School (Świadectwoukończeniazasadniczejszkołyzawodowej) • Technical Secondary School (Technikum) • Certificate of Completion of Education in the Technical Secondary School • (Świadectwoukończeniatechnikum) • Maturity Certificate of the Technical Secondary School (Świadectwomaturalne) • Upper Secondary • (Liceum Ogólnokształcące) • Certificate of Completion of Education In the General Lyceum (Świadectwoukończenialiceumogólnokształcącego) • Maturity Certificate of the General Education • (Świadectwodojrzałościliceumogólnokształcącego)

  3. HIGHER EDUCATIONCertificate of Completion Secondary Education(Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej)Maturity Certification(Świadectwo dojrzałości)NON-UNIVERSITY LEVEL Certificate of Completion Secondary Education (Świadectwoukończeniaszkołyśredniej) MaturityCertification (Świadectwo dojrzałości) Post-secondary school Szkołypolicealne Post-secondary schools for students who have Maturity Certification (Szkołypomaturalne)

  4. HIGHER EDUCATIONUNIVERSITY LEVEL STUDIES FIRST STAGE: First level studies are organized both by university-type higher education institutions and the institutions of higher education (wyższeszkołyzawodowe) The graduates are awarded: Theprofessionaltitle of licencjat (after 3 yearsstudies) Inżynier (after 3, 4 or 5 yearsstudies) universitylevel SECOND STAGE The title of magisteror its equivalent (after 1,5 – 2 years) The title of magisteror its equivalent (after 1,5 – 2 years) The title of magisteror its equivalent (after 5-6 years studies)

  5. UNIVERSITY LEVEL THIRD STAGE The academic degree of doctor can be obtained in two ways : By students of third level (postgraduate) studies that usually last for 3-4 years By persons who combine their professional work with academic research and the elaboration of a dissertation Thedegree of doktor habilitowany (for remarkable scientific or artistic achievements after submit a habilitation dissertation) Academic title ofprofesor conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland

  6. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, andthe Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made ofthe information contained therein.

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