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Industrial and innovation policy Dr. Astrid Ziegler VB 06 / Wi / Ressort Industriepolitik

EMF Summer School 30.8.-2.9.2010. Industrial and innovation policy Dr. Astrid Ziegler VB 06 / Wi / Ressort Industriepolitik. Topics. Data and facts on innovation activities in Germany Innovation policy in Germany: High-tech strategy Shortfalls in innovation policy IG Metall activities.

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Industrial and innovation policy Dr. Astrid Ziegler VB 06 / Wi / Ressort Industriepolitik

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  1. EMF Summer School 30.8.-2.9.2010 Industrial and innovation policy Dr. Astrid ZieglerVB 06 / Wi / Ressort Industriepolitik

  2. Topics • Data and facts on innovation activities in Germany • Innovation policy in Germany:High-tech strategy • Shortfalls in innovation policy • IG Metall activities VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 2

  3. 1. Data and facts on innovation activities in Germany VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  4. R&D investment in 2007 in Germany 61,4 bn. €, = 2,54% of GDP 2/3 Employers 43 Mrd. Quelle: Stifterverband VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 4

  5. % of the GNP on R&D investments by sector in 1999 to 2009 * SchätzungQuelle: Stifterverband VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 5 5

  6. 2. Innovation policy in Germany: High-tech strategy VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  7. Responsible bodies for shaping innovation policy: BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research Basic research, Science system, Cooperation science and economy BMWi Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Key technologies, SMEs, Establishment of companies, Regional networks, Cluster promotion EU European Union EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Structural funds Strategy of Lisbon VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 7 7

  8. High-tech strategy • Since 2006 a broad concept was followed in innovation policy, since mid 2010 a „high-tech 2020 strategy“ • create lead markets • increase cooperation regarding science and economy • further improve framework conditions for innovation • A concept stretching across all (policy) areas • Market-orientated priority planning based on promotion of cutting-edge technology • Strengthening (regional) cooperation structures VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  9. Lead market orientations and promotion of key technologies Health Medical technology, health research Climate and resource protection / energy Climate and energy technologies, plants Key Technologies Biotechnology Nanotechnology ICT Microsystem technology Production TechnologyAerospace technology Material Technology Services Mobility Aviation, vehicle and transportation technologies, maritime technologies Safety Safety technologies Quelle: Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 16/12900 VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 9

  10. ZIM – Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand: aid scheme for R&D projects of medium(and small)-sized enterprises Strengthen innovativeness of medium-(and small) sized companies 3 building blocks: ZIM-KOOP: promotes joint R&D projects involving two or more companies or cooperation between research installations ZIM-NEMO: promotes network management (innovative networks of serveral SMEs, research installations or other regional) ZIM-SOLO: promotes single company R&D projects in companies Economic package II: ZIM boosted with €450m p.a. VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  11. 3. Shortfalls of innovation policy VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  12. Shortfalls of innovation policy • Innovation policy is highly competitive, based on ‚strengthening the strengths‘, along the lines of - High-tech and best technologies/flagship („Leuchttürme“) - Future sectors - Competition - Hightly qualified • Innovation policy is selective,goes against the „weak“, such as the unskilled and semiskilled, „old industries“, low-tech sectors, structurally weak regions... VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  13. Shortfalls of innovation policy Concepts for company strategies and business cost-benefit calculations are used on state level Innovation is more than technology Promotion of cutting-edge technologies is not sufficient High demand for innovation in key industrial sectors (structural change) Employment policy and social dimension not receiving enough attention VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  14. Prospects from a trade union point of view More means for R&D Find / promote closer links between high and low technology Strengthen competence transfer innovation policy Setting social, sustainablegoals Support industrial structural change VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 14

  15. 4. IG Metall activities VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  16. IG Metall – Approach: Project „Earlier recognition and innovation“ Broad understanding of innovation Holistic and integrated approach to innovation policy interlinking strategic, technological, organisational and social competences Goal Contribution to improve advisory structures on innovation policy and labour policy Target audience Workers‘ reps in supervisory boards, works councils and shop stewards, members of economic/finance committees VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  17. IG Metall – Approach: Project „Earlier recognition and innovation“ Developing instruments Pilot projects/ Multiplicators Analysis / guidelines Early recognition and innovation • Set up in 2009 • Short-term goal: curb effects of the crisis: create future prospects and shore up existing ones • Mid-term goal: improve works councils ability to work better with innovation management • IG metall in-house project Topics • Short-time work • Qualification • Production Systems • Production Innovation • Quality Management • Company health and safety • Resource efficiency • Innovation (potential) • Staff development • Employee suggestion scheme in the company • … Work-orientated diagnosis tool Business information system • Evaluating companies innovation (potential) (Innokenn) • Early detection of crises • Visibility of ways to optimise VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler 17 17

  18. Some examples • Consultancy Project:company innovation process 1. „future workshop“, to bring in ideas2. covert ideas into projects3. inform workforce about implementationSector specific approachConsequences of electric drive for forges and foundries (in pilot projects) • Extension of regional innovation networks: Qualify works councils and prepare them for innovation and improvement processes in the company. Make company examples known. VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

  19. Thank you for listening! Dr. Astrid Ziegler 06/Ressort Industriepolitik Tel. 069-6693-2442 Email: astrid.ziegler@igmetall.de VB 06, Ressort Industriepolitik, Dr. Astrid Ziegler

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