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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece. Level One Humanities. Pre-Test. What comes to mind when you think of Ancient Greece? Where is Greece? What are some natural boundaries of Greece? What are two major contributions to Western Civilization that the Greeks made?

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Ancient Greece

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  1. Ancient Greece Level One Humanities

  2. Pre-Test • What comes to mind when you think of Ancient Greece? • Where is Greece? What are some natural boundaries of Greece? • What are two major contributions to Western Civilization that the Greeks made? • Name the two ancient cultures that inhabited the island of Crete and influenced Greek culture. • What two famous epics were composed during the Dark Age of Greece?

  3. Pre-Test cont. • What is an acropolis? • What was the primary unit of political organization of Ancient Greece? • Name two important/influential ancient Greek city-states • Name a Greek god and what they represent

  4. Film Resources • The Minoan • http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=minoans## • The Mycenaean • http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/from-mycenaes-collapse-to-greek-colonization.html#lesson

  5. Compare and Contrast Please include at least three items in each section

  6. Olympics • The 2014 Winter Olympics have begun! • Olympics held as a religious festival honoring Zeus • The first documented Olympic game was in 776 BCE, but was most likely not the first ever played • Olympic games continued after Roman conquest • Banned in 393 CE by Roman Emperor Theodosius I as a pagan ritual • First modern Olympic game held in Athens in 1896 CE • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/the_olympic_games/

  7. Vocabulary List One Stems • “demo” • “polis” • “acro” • “archy” • “oligo” Terms • Democracy • Republic • Oligarchy • Monarchy • Aristocracy

  8. Bell Ringer 2/10 & 2/11 • What are some benefits of working in a collaborative group? • What are some drawbacks of working in a group setting? • What IB Learner Profile Traits do you need to be successful in a group assignment?

  9. Group Roles • Leader(Delegates tasks, manages time, makes sure that all written and verbal directions are followed, ensures that each member is on task and has the chance to offer input) • Speaker(Presents the group’s findings to the class in a clear, organized manner and collaborates with other members to understand the content, asks the teacher questions on behalf of the group) • Scribe(Records the group’s answers in printed or typed form, creates attractive visuals and pictures to accompany the presentation or demonstrate concepts to the class) • Scholar(Conducts research, defines unfamiliar words, makes connections to other content) • ALL GROUP MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PORTIONS OF THE ASSIGNMENT! It is expected that all members will work together to complete the tasks! • Groups of three: The Leader will assume the role of Speaker as well • Groups of five: The Scribe’s role will be divided into two: a writer and an illustrator

  10. Assignment • Group One- Government & Politics • Group Two- Geography & Economy • Group Three- Religion & Beliefs • Group Four- Arts & Sciences • Group Five- Government & Politics • Group Six- Geography & Economy • Answer the four questions on the assignment sheet plus all questions on the supplemental worksheet • Create/Delete groups as needed, repeating order

  11. Bell Ringer 2/17 & 2/18 • Define the following stems: demo, acro, polis, archy, oligo • Draw a picture of the one of the following words that illustrates the definition: democracy, republic, oligarchy, monarchy, aristocracy

  12. Standardized Definitions • Democracy • Republic • Oligarchy • Monarchy • Aristocracy • Government in which the power is held by the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving free elections • A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated presidentrather than a monarch. • A small group of people having controlof a country, organization, or institution • A form of government headed by a hereditarysovereign headof state, esp. a king, queen, or emperor. • A government by the best individuals or by a small, wealthy, landholding privileged class Our words As they will appear on the quiz

  13. Bell Ringer 2/19 & 2/20 • What is the difference between a democracy and a republic? • What is the difference between an oligarchy and an aristocracy? • Who is in charge of a monarchy?

  14. Quiz Directions • Take out a blank sheet of paper • Write your name, date, and block in the upper right hand corner • Write “Vocab Quiz One” across the top of your paper • Write the color of your quiz paper on your sheet of paper (very important!!!) • Do not write on your quiz sheet • Turn both into me when complete • You will have fifteen minutes to complete this

  15. Vocabulary List Two • Peninsula • Archipelago • Isthmus • Assembly • Tyrant • Myth • Fable • Epic (literature) • Pantheon • Agora

  16. Standardized Definitions • Myth • Fable • Epic (literature) • Pantheon • Agora • A traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events • A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. • A long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation. • All the gods of a people or religion collectively • (in ancient Greece) a public open space used for assemblies and markets. Our Words As they will appear on the quiz

  17. Standardized Definitions Con. • Peninsula • Archipelago • Isthmus • Assembly • Tyrant • A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water. • A group or chain of islands • A narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land. • A group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose • A non-elected absolute ruler that takes power by force Our Words As they will appear on the quiz

  18. 2/21& 2/24 • Please take out your homework • Illustrate one of your words from Vocab List Two that clearly demonstrates your understanding of the definition.

  19. Bell Ringer 2/26 & 2/27 • What is the main difference between a myth and an epic? • What is the main difference between a peninsula and an isthmus? • Is there a word for Vocabulary List One you still struggle with? Which one? • Is there a word from Vocabulary List Two you are struggling with? Which one?

  20. Quiz Two directions • Take out a blank sheet of paper • Write your name, date, and block in the upper right hand corner • Write “Vocab Quiz Two” across the top of your paper • Do not write on your quiz sheet (class set) • Turn both into me when complete • You will have fifteen minutes to complete this • When you finish you may read a book, work on assignments for other classes, or revise your fable

  21. Mr. Pentzak’s Fable • A cat lived on a farm and was best friends with a mouse. They played together all day and enjoyed tormenting the dog. The mouse was very sneaky and always knew exactly how to make the dog upset. The mouse was very bossy and would convince the cat to do bad things. Together, the cat and mouse often got the dog very angry. The farmer would see the dog snarling at the cat and punish the dog for being mean. One day, the dog got an idea to get back at them. • The dog found some of the farmer’s cheese and put it on the kitchen floor. The mouse saw the cheese and could not resist. When the mouse was nibbling the cheese, the farmer yelled for the cat to catch the mouse, having no idea that they were friends. The cat had no choice but to catch the mouse. As he ate him he thought, “I should pick better friends!”

  22. Part Duex • There once was a T-Rex that wanted to be a fitness model. He didn’t want to eat meat and roar, rather he wanted to do push ups and eat salad. The problem was that his arms were too short, and every salad he ate gave him heartburn. • After weeks of failed pushups and indigestion, he was so hangry that his mighty roar caused all the trees in the forest to fall, killing every other dinosaur. All trees, being uprooted died, so there was no more leaves for salad. The T-Rex having nothing to eat had to consume the rotting corpses of the dinosaurs. Then he became a zombie and starved to death.

  23. Fable Revisions • NO spelling or grammar errors • Full sentences! • Lots of detail! • Makes sense! (follows PLOT) • Length requirement- two paragraphs AT LEAST (so it may be longer) • Two characters- at least one is an animal • Must have a moral • Include a relevant illustration that you draw (no internet images) • Typed OR neatly hand written • IF YOU TYPE IT… SAVE IT!!!! • Due next class

  24. Bell Ringer 2/28 & 3/3 • What is your definition of a hero? What qualities does a hero need to have? Can you make any IB learner profile connections? • Do you have a personal hero (perhaps a parent, guardian, coach or celebrity)? What makes you look up to that person? • What qualities do you think a hero would have needed to be considered “heroic” in Ancient Greece? (Think to what you may already know about Greek epics and myths)

  25. Bell Ringer 3/6 & 3/10 • Name a Greek god and what they are known for • Do you know any stories about them from myths? What is their personality like, or based on what they are the god/goddess of, what can you infer about how they would act? • Imagine them as a kid your age, what might they be like? (In some cases, there may be Greek myths about them as children, so think about that).

  26. Bell Ringer 3/11 & 3/12 • Please take out your yearbook project • What did you learn from doing the Greek god yearbook page? • What did you like about (or what worked well) the project? • What are our OFI’s? (Opportunities For Improvements) • What should change about the assignment?

  27. Bell Ringer 3/13 & 3/14 • What were the causes of the Greco-Persian War? • First, Next, Then, Last • What were the effects of that war? • Who benefited the most and why?

  28. Bell Ringer 3/17 & 3/18 • What were the causes of the Peloponnesian War? • Think: First, Next, Then, Last • What were the effects of that war? • Who benefited the most and why?

  29. Creating a visual aid • You and your group will create a visual organizer to help us get the details of the Greco-Persian War and the Peloponnesian War straight. • It should clearly go through PLOT (first, next, then, last- please note, there will be multiple nexts/thens) • You are free to choose how you will organize and display the information (use lecture and film materials)

  30. Mr. Pentzak’s example Then, the Persians retreat and Darius vows revenge Next, Athens sends troops to help the Ionians because… Themistocles builds triremes First, Persia invades Ionia Silver discovered near Athens Darius dies, son Xerxes takes over and builds army Greek Victory 20,000 Persians land in Marathon Phidippides legendary run

  31. Location & Geography • Greece is located in Southern Europe, on the Mediterranean Sea and next to Asia Minor. • Primarily surrounded by water, covered in rocky mountains and hills, with over 1000 islands • Most soil is not suited for agriculture and historically, Greece has relied on trade • About 19% of land is suitable for farming • Barley, grapes, olives, fruits & nuts

  32. Greece

  33. Images of Diverse Landscape

  34. The Minoans • Circa 2000 BCE, the Minoans thrive on the island of Crete • Agriculture & Trade based economy • Linear A -has not been deciphered (not Greek) • Frescos & pottery tell us about them • Peaceful • Matriarchal • Widespread • Circa 1600 BCE volcanic eruption cripples society • Circa 1400 BCE Mycenaean take over Crete

  35. The Mycenaean • Built settlements on Greek mainland • Warriors • Take over Crete around 1400 BCE • Trade based economy • Linear B script- precursor to Greek, syllabic, only used by scribes • Circa 1200 BCE a series of earthquakes weaken their civilization and invaders from the north (Dorian Invasion) conquer the Mycenaean

  36. Greek Dark Ages • The Dorianshad no written language and did not depict their way of life in art • 1200 BCE to about 800 BCE written records end • Story tellers travel throughout Greece telling legends and myths (language, culture, religion) • Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey • Fables by Aesop • Trade routes break down independent city-states form

  37. Aesop • Aesop (c. 620 BCE) possibly a slave, perhaps a king’s advisor, of uncertain origin (most likely didn’t exist at all) • A collection of 600+ fables are credited to him • Fables are stories that are meant to teach morals and usually use animals as primary characters • Tortoise and the Hare- slow & steady wins the race! • Ant and the Grasshopper- plan ahead and be responsible • Boy Who Cried Wolf- always tell the truth • Goose With Golden Eggs- Greed doesn’t pay off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V9uL_ruafU

  38. Iliad • Attributed to Homer (sequel is the Odyssey) • Back story: • Thetis (a sea goddess) marries a mortal man (they are the parents of Achilles), all gods get invited except Eris. She gets back at them by sending a golden apple (beauty contest prize) • Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam judges the contest and picks Aphrodite and is rewarded with the most beautiful woman in the world Helen. • Helen is already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. Paris was a guest at a feast and kidnaps Helen • Everyone is mad • Menelaus’ brother is King Agamemnon of Mycenae and he rounds up his army (including great warrior Odysseus) and most Greek city-states • The gods pick sides • Greeks have Troy surrounded and under siege for nine years (Iliad picks up here in the tenth year of the war)

  39. Iliad cont. • Achilles being half man/half god has super strength and agility = mightiest warrior • Struggles with mortality, (the idea of dying) and wants to become immortal through his deeds • Mother gives him as much protection as possible (River Styx and the “Achilles Heel”, shield of Achilles) • He is the main character and always looking for a fight (Agamemnon, lesser deities, etc.) • His bffPatroclus is killed by Hector Priam’s eldest son and heir to the Trojan throne • Achilles kills Hector and dishonors the body • Patroclus comes to Achilles in a dream and a cease fire is called for Hector’s funeral (end of the Iliad) • Killed by Paris with an arrow guided by Apollo into his heel • Trojan war ends after Odysseus comes up with the Trojan Horse plan

  40. Links for Iliad & Odyssey • Trojan War: “Unsolved History: The Trojan War part one” http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=homer • Iliad: • http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/the-iliad-greek-epic.html#lesson • Odyssey • http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/the-odyssey-greek-epic.html#lesson

  41. Athens • Well know for arts, literature, government, and educational system • Patron god: Athena= goddess of wisdom • Boys well educated (start around 6 or 7, then go to middle school and high school, then into the military) • Girls were excluded from citizenship; taught how to be a good wife and mother • Democracy • Direct Democracy • Pericles • Only male citizens could vote

  42. Sparta • Well known for their skills in warfare • Boys begin military training at age seven and join the agogewhich would last until the were thirty • Combat, physical fitness, social skills (loyalty), music, language • Women had more freedom almost equal to men • Own land, divorce, inherit property, delayed marriage, literate & educated • Oligarchy: two hereditary kings and council of elders

  43. Greco-Persian War • The city-states of Greece actively involved from 492–449 BCE • The rapidly expanding Persian Empire invaded Ionia, a region across the Aegean Sea in modern day Turkey • Athenian troops went to Ionia and helped them kick out the Persiansin 499 BCE • The Persian king Darius gathers his armies and invades

  44. Greco-Persian War cont. • Battle of Marathon 490 BCE • 20,000 Persians arrive in Marathon, approx. 26 miles away from Athens • Spy alerts Athens, they surprise attack in the night and win • Pheidippides (?), a messenger runs first to Sparta to request backup (they refused) then ran nonstop to report the victory in Athens & dies after the report (26 miles, 285 yards=modern marathon) • Persians retreat, ten years later Darius’ son Xerxes will invade again

  45. Greco-Persian War cont. • Xerxes sends 200,000 men and 800 ships to Greece • 480 BCE Battle of Salamis results in a great victory for the Greeks (choke point + large army = confusing mess) • Couple more battles, Persians retreat, Greeks on the offensive • Athens and other city-states meet on the island of Delios and form the Delian League • Delian League punishes those who did not fight against Persia • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHMu2gVzspA

  46. Peloponnesian War Origins • DelianLeauge was dominated by Athens • Moved the treasury to Athens to “protect it” from Persia • Members could only give money, not soldiers or ships like in the past Growing resentment of Athens • Used the taxes raised to build the Parthenon in 447BCE • Athens uses the navy to expand their territory and weaken Persia • When a helot (domestic & agricultural slaves) rebellion erupted in Sparta, Athens sends troops to aid them • Sparta refuses support, Athens orders members to end trade with them • Sparta declares war on Athens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXnEewb4GE4

  47. Peloponnesian War (Part I) • Sparta puts Athens under siege 431 BCE • Athens gets supplies from allies and resists • All the people living around Athens ordered inside the city for safety • Disease spreads quickly and kills 2/3 of the population, including Pericles • Sparta retreats fearing that they would get sick • Athens regroups, uses navy and truce with Sparta declared • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFXJWkEvNgk

  48. Peloponnesian War (Part II) • Athens continues to expand, and launched an attack on Sicily in 413 BCE • Sicily asks Sparta for help, receive support • Athens loses, army and navy power reduced • Athens requires more taxes losing allies • Sparta gets Persian help • 404 BCE Athens surrenders &lost all territory and colonies, navy, and city walls. Ruled as a Spartan outpost for ten years

  49. Alexander The Great • Born in 356 BCE to King Philip II of Macedon(ia) • Educated by Aristotle as a young teen • Exposed to Greek culture: arts, science, literature, language • Philip expands his kingdom, unites most of Greece under his banner • 336 BCE Philip II assassinated, Alexander inherits throne • Begins rapid expansion and conquest campaign • Never lost a battle • Spread Greek cultural throughout his expanding empire • Cultural diffusion: the spreading out of culture, culture traits, or a cultural pattern from a central point. • Asia minor, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India • Hellenistic Greece • http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/alexander-the-great-and-the-birth-of-hellenism.html#lesson (start at 2:40)

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