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Reporting Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities

Martha Thurlow National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota. Reporting Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities. What Data Sources Does NCEO Use to Identify State Reporting Practices?. Analysis of State Data Reports Analysis of State Biennial Performance Reports

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Reporting Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities

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  1. Martha Thurlow National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota Reporting Assessment Resultsfor Students with Disabilities

  2. What Data Sources Does NCEO Use to Identify State Reporting Practices? • Analysis of State Data Reports • Analysis of State Biennial Performance Reports • State Survey Results (2003 and older)

  3. Analyses of Biennial Performance Reports (2002) NCEO Study Procedures [Data for 2000-2001] • Received data from OSEP, U.S. Dept of Ed • Summarized findings and sent to states to verify • States sent corrections • No numbers changed (unless incorrect) except those in resubmitted BPRs

  4. 2000-2001 General Assessment Participation Data – BPRs NH WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA NE OH PA IL IN RI NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth Mariana Islands District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI State Reported General Assessment Participation Data (49 regular, 8 unique)

  5. Biennial Performance Report 2000-2001 General Assessment Participation* NH WA MT ND VT** MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA** NE ** Indicates that the participation rate was close to the cut for the next higher grouping (see Appendix B). PA IL OH IN RI NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE** OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL TX GA LA** American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth N. Mariana Islands** District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI Rates are for the population of students receiving special education services at the grades assessed. 25-49% (1 regular, 2 unique) 50-74% (5 regular, 1 unique) 75-89% (18 regular, 2 unique) 90-100% (19 regular, 1 unique) No Participation Rate Data (7 regular, 3 unique) No state had participation rates below 25% *Rates are the highest reported participation rate

  6. 2000-2001 Alternate Assessment Participation Data – BPRs NH WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA NE PA IL IN RI OH NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth Mariana Islands District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI State Reported Alternate Assessment Participation Data (43 regular, 4 unique)

  7. Biennial Performance Report NH WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA NE PA IL OH IN RI NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth N. Mariana Islands District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI Rates are for the population of students receiving special education services at the grades assessed. 0-1% (5 regular, 0 unique) 2-5% (19 regular, 0 unique) 6-10% (12 regular, 2 unique) 11-20% (1 regular, 0 unique) > 21% (1 regular, 1 unique) No Overall Participation Rate Data (12 regular, 6 unique) 2000-2001 Alternate Assessment Participation*

  8. Major Findings • Nearly all states reported numbers of students participating in general and alternate assessments, but rates could not be calculated in all states • Average participation rates were General assessments: 84.2% (regular states) and 63.8% (unique states) Alternate assessments: 5.6% (regular states) and 12.3% (for unique states) OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN THOSE STATES FOR WHICH RATES COULD BE CALCULATED

  9. 2000-2001 General Assessment Performance Data – BPRs NH WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA NE PA IL OH IN RI NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth Mariana Islands District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI State Reported General Assessment Performance Data (49 regular, 8 unique)

  10. 2000-2001 Alternate Assessment Performance Data – BPRs NH WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY IA MA NE PA IL OH IN RI NV UT CO CT WV KS MO KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA American Samoa Bureau of Indian Affairs Commonwealth Mariana Islands District of Columbia Guam Marshall Islands Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands AK FL HI State Reported Alternate Assessment Performance Data (28 regular, 2 unique)

  11. % Proficient? Not yet summarized across states, but may do so in the future!

  12. Visit the NCEO website: http://education.umn.edu/nceo Go to “What’s New” to find the “Biennial Performance Report Summary”

  13. Analyses of Public Education Reports (2003) NCEO Study Procedures [Collected reports through May 2002] • Searched Web sites of all 50 states • Summarized findings and sent to states to verify • States sent additional public reports • Changes made only if reports were available to the public

  14. Number and Percent of States with Disaggregation of General Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities

  15. Public Reporting NH 2002 Study WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID MA WY MI NY IA NE PA RI OH IL IN CT NV UT CO WV NJ KS MO KY VA DE CA OK TN MD NC AR AZ NM SC MS AL General Assessments LA TX GA FL HI AK No disaggregated data (n=6) Performance data only for some tests (n=2) Performance and Participation data for some tests (n=10) Performance data only for all tests (n=4) Performance and Participation data for all tests (n=28)

  16. Proximity of Special Education Data to Data for All Students or Special Education Students

  17. Number and Percent of States with Disaggregation of Alternate Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities

  18. Public Reporting 2002 Study VT NH WA MT ND MN ME SD OR WI ID WY MI NY MA IA NE RI PA IL OH CT IN NV UT CO NJ WV KS MO KY VA DE CA OK TN NC MD AR AZ NM SC MS AL LA TX GA Alternate Assessments FL AK HI No disaggregated data (n=25) Participation data only (n=10) Performance data only (n=2) Participation and Performance data (n=13)

  19. State Survey of Special Education Directors (2003) NCEO Study Procedures [February – April, 2003 +] • Notified all state directors of on-line or paper survey in February • Collected responses through April 15th + • Summarizing results • Verification will occur after data tabulated or graphed

  20. Do Participation Numbers Include Students Who are Absent or Hospitalized, or Students who Refuse? Of the 42 states that responded (so far): PRELIMINARY DATA

  21. Plans for How Scores from “Not Okay” Accommodations Will be Reported? NH* WA MT ND VT MN ME SD OR WI ID WY* MI NY IA MA NE PA IL OH IN* RI NV UT CO CT KS MO WV KY VA NJ CA DE OK TN NC AZ AR MD NM SC MS AL LA TX GA FL Ways in Which States Report Data for Non-Approved Accommodations AK HI Not Reported Aggregated *IN, NH, & WY used lowest or zero score Separate Aggregated and Separate

  22. How Do States Keep Track of Accommodations Used During Testing? Of the 42 states that responded (so far): PRELIMINARY DATA

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