How To Increase Website Blog Traffic Many people spend a great amount of money trying to launch their website through strong advertising campaigns; however, a lack of funds shouldn't be a setback as there are many ways to get traffic without spending a dime.
Steps for increasing your website/blog:
1) Optimize your website to be search-engine friendly. Submit it to various search engines and directories. In addition to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing and MSN, it's worth submitting to lesser known web directories. If your website is listed in as many places as possible, it can boost your rankings in major search engines as well.
2) Make sure your title, description head, and header html tags accurately convey the subject of your site; search engine algorithms use these as keywords to categorize your site and direct relevant traffic.
3) Spread the word about your affiliate program by submitting it to affiliate program directories and contacting the owners of related websites.
4) Create a links page that will contain the links to other non-competing websites in the same industry. Contact the owners of other websites with your proposal to exchange links. You will add their link to your links page, and they will link to your website in return.
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