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THE HISTORY OF CINEMA. Caravan Alexandru. The Beginnings of Cinema. From the Lumiere brothers to the Cohn brothers, and from Hollywood to Bollywood , from the Oscars to the Cannes Film Festival, the story of cinema is at the heart of the media revolution. Hollywood's Golden Age.
TheBeginnings of Cinema From the Lumiere brothers to the Cohn brothers, and from Hollywood to Bollywood, from the Oscars to the Cannes Film Festival, the story of cinema is at the heart of the media revolution.
Hollywood's Golden Age ‘’The Jazz Singer’’, the first movie to incorporate sound, ending the era of silent films.
Hollywood's Golden Age These are the names, along with dozens more, that emblazoned the fronts of movie theatres from coast to coast throughout the nineteen thirties and forties. Clark Gable Spencer Tracy Some of the most popular films released at this time in cinema history were "Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress," in 1944, and "Sergeant York," in 1941. Bette Davis Cary Grant Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Bergman
The most successful studios of the era were: Hollywood's Golden Age The film industry during this time was extremely affluent and powerful, and was producing so many movies during this period that major additions could almost always be seen being constructed at the sites of RKO, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, and MGM, the most successful studios of the era. This studios where the places where the magic of the golden era was created, and where, also, dozens of major stars were born.
Cinema today Nowadays, cinema halls are the most likely places,in order to go and watch a movie with your friends. so comfortable that you can drink juice, eat popcorn or nachos as if you were in your own living room!Sittingin a comfortable armchair,you can enjoy the movie and its sound effects made by the speakers surrounding the room.
Technology: Boom, Bust, and Beyond Most cinemas now are huge sprawling multiplexes that show dozens of movies at the same time, entertaining thousands of people at once. 3D movies have the ability to make us believe more. It’s more real. It's really very simple. 3D works the same way as our eyes. 3D video adds stereoscopic vision, meaning that two separate images are shown simultaneously—one to each eye. This presents enormous technical problems which is why there is still no perfect system almost 100 years since the first 3D movie was made.
3D Games The technology of 3D is slowly becoming an entertainment trend in watching movies or playing PC games. Owing to this latest innovation, manufacturers are offering 3D viewing facilities in their high-end line of gaming and entertainment laptop models. 3D Glasses Designed to add color, flair and marketing magic to any kind of event. They're perfect for fireworks and laser light shows, eclipses, sporting events, festivals, fundraisers, advertising and 3-D viewing of all kinds! 3D Laptops 3 D 3D Laptops Since these entertainment machines are intended to be used by gamers and 3D movie enthusiasts, their technical specs comprise top-end features and configuration.
For excitement, scale and sheer sensory overload nothing comes close to the IMAX experience. With a screen as high as a five storey building and as wide as four buses nose to tail, 2D presentations are spectacular enough, but the special 3D films will have people reaching out to touch the images on the screen. The crystal clear picture and 42 speakers of digital surround sound ensure a truly captivating experience. Sound is critical to the IMAX experience. The film soundtracks are delivered through a mighty 15,000 watt digital surround sound system. E IMAX P E R I E N C E ‘’Think big.’’ Bigger images. Better sound. Sharper 3D. The IMAX experience is the future of film entertainment.
People are just wobbled in this recession- anxiuos earth. To escape from these worries, people tend to find ways how to forget it,evenjust for awhile. Take vacations, eat-out…watch movies. And it is really great that this various things that entertain us also changes,innovates,making people more satisfied. And speaking of movies, a lot of it had changed. Before, we can just view it flat. But now, technology had brought as inventions that makes everything exciting.