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Dr Andrew Simpson, ASDI Conversation Series – 10 June 2009

Electric Vehicles and their Renewable Connection How Australia Can Take Part in the Green Revolution. Dr Andrew Simpson, ASDI Conversation Series – 10 June 2009. Electric cars - Now! http://www.sahkoautot.fi/eng. Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute PB-CUSP Alliance

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Dr Andrew Simpson, ASDI Conversation Series – 10 June 2009

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  1. Electric Vehicles and their Renewable ConnectionHow Australia Can Take Part in the Green Revolution Dr Andrew Simpson, ASDI Conversation Series – 10 June 2009 Electric cars - Now! http://www.sahkoautot.fi/eng Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute PB-CUSP Alliance www.sustainability.curtin.edu.au

  2. Outline • Background • Short history of transport and energy systems • A vision for plug-in electric-drive vehicles (EVs) in a new paradigm of sustainable communities • Global enabling factors: • Lithium-ion batteries • Mass-market EVs • Smart grids • Renewable energy • Green stimulus packages • Barriers and Opportunities for Australia • How is CUSP pursuing this vision?

  3. Andrew Background

  4. A vision for EVs in sustainable communities Onsite water and renewable energy Building efficiency and zero-waste Smart grid Transit-oriented development Plug-in EVs

  5. Enabling Factor: Travel Patterns Cumulative Distribution of Daily Driving Distances in Australia Adelaide – 98% drive less than 100km Sydney – 87% drive less than 100km

  6. Enabling Factor: Travel Patterns US VMT plateau in 2006, reducing since 2008

  7. Enabling Factor: Travel Patterns Plug-in vehicle utility is increasing as typical driving distances reduce.

  8. CARB expert panel (2007): “High energy Li-Ion technology has good potential to meet all performance requirements of EVs with batteries of modest weight…cell and battery technology designed for these applications are likely to also meet cycle life goals.” Enabling Technology: Li-Ion Batteries NB: Not all Li-Ion batteries are created equal.

  9. Li-Ion Battery Charging and Safety Charging • Li-ion battery charging rates depend on chemistry and anode/cathode design • Most batteries can charge in <60min, some batteries can charge in <10min. • Charging supply is usually the bottleneck Safety • Li-ion battery safety also depends on chemistry and anode/cathode design • The preferred automotive chemistry (Li-ion nanophosphate) is inherently safer and cannot go into thermal runaway. • Monitoring/management is critical for some other Li-Ion chemistries

  10. Enabling Factor: Mass-produced EVs Chevy Volt PHEV – 60km Toyota FT-EV – 80km Mitsubishi MiEV – 125km Mercedes BlueZERO EV – 200km Mini EV – 240km Ford Focus EV – 160km NB: Established car companies don’t always get it right.

  11. Enabling Factor: New EV Companies TH!NK City EV – 180km Aptera 2e EV – 160km Tesla Roadster EV – 400km BYD E6 EV – 300km Fisker Karma PHEV – 80km Reva EV – 160km NB: There are tremendous barriers to entry for new car companies

  12. EV/PHEV Production Ramp Production >600,000 units by 2012

  13. EV/PHEV Market Prices Median price $42,000

  14. EVs’ Lower Cost of Motoring NB: Innovative business models can amortize EVs’ higher upfront cost.

  15. No oil required for EVs from Garnaut Review (2008) NB: No oil required for EVs = energy independence

  16. Greenhouse Emissions Small Sedan Platform Evolution of electricity supply Oil shale Tar sands Gas-to-liquids Coal-to-liquids IGCC CO2 seq. Wind/solar Wave/tidal Evolution of petroleum supply NB: Cleaner electricity means cleaner EVs.

  17. Lifecycle Analysis for EVs/PHEVs Toyota study of Prius HEV – a net winner after 20,000km. MIT study of alt. vehicle technologies – EVs a net winner compared to ICE.

  18. EV Recharging Infrastructure Better Place Toyota Industries Elektromotive Coulomb Technologies / Charge Point NB: Standardized EV infrastructure is essential.

  19. EV Battery Exchange Better Place

  20. Enabling Technology: Smart Grids(cars as appliances) Courtesy of EPRI

  21. EVs and Smart Grid: Capacity Expansion • The existing US electricity grid can support a light-duty vehicle fleet that is composed of 73% EVs (160 million). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2007) “Impacts Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles on Electric Utilities and Regional U.S. Power Grids” NB: No new capacity required to support mass-market EVs, but utility-optimized charging is preferred.

  22. EVs and Smart Grid: Capacity Factors • EVs can increase capacity factors with low marginal cost of electricity supplied. Letendre et al (2006) “Electric & Hybrid Cars – New Load, or New Resource?”

  23. EVs and Smart Grid: Ancillary Services • Ancillary services are a multi-billion-dollar market, and are also the most promising application of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. NB: “Back-feeding” of power is not essential to provide V2G services.

  24. EVs and Utilities • Utilities that ‘get it’ are incredibly supportive of EVs • Southern California Edison (SCE) Southern California Edison (SCE) Electric Vehicle Technical Center SCE has operated a fleet of 320 Toyota RAV4 EVs since 1998

  25. EVs and Utilities • Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) • Special EV tariffs • Early adopter of pre-production EVs • Considering aftermarket for used EV batteries

  26. EVs and Utilities • Xcel Energy • Field trials with 6 Ford Escape PHEVs with smart charging • Comprehensive service territory modelling with NREL

  27. EVs and Utilities • Electricite de France (EDF) • Prius PHEV field trials in Paris, London and soon, Spain NB: Many utilities are still unfamiliar with EVs.

  28. EVs and Smart Grid: V2G Aggregators • Emerging business opportunities for EV “aggregators” who can pool EV resources, sell V2G services to utilities, and provide new commercial models for EV ownership to consumers. Project Better Place Coulomb Technologies

  29. EVs and Smart Grid: Enabling Renewables Grid mix without EVs Grid mix with EVs Doubling of installed wind capacity Short & Denholm (2006) “A Preliminary Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Wind Energy Markets”

  30. Enabling Renewables: Solar EV Charging

  31. Enabling Technology: Maturing Renewables Hunwick Consultants (2002)

  32. Enabling Factor: Green Stimulus Packages $11B for Smart Grids, $6B for Renewables, $2B for Plug-in Vehicles! $2B for Renewables, $1B for Green Cars, $100M for Smart Grids!

  33. It might happen first in our backyard! North Port Quay: a carbon-free community development based on renewables, smart grids and electric vehicles.

  34. Barriers to EVs in sustainable communities in Australia • Lack of plug-in vehicles & components • Lack of plug-in infrastructure • Lack of plug-in vehicle standards and regulations • Misperceptions about EVs • Market distortions due to undersupply • Lack of green vehicle incentives • Regulatory constraints in the utility industry • Lack of truly smart grids • Lack of foresight in urban planning processes

  35. Opportunities for EVs in sustainable communities in Australia • Vehicles and charging infrastructure • components and systems • hardware and software • new and retrofit • New automotive business models • Aggregators of V2G ancillary services • Demonstrations and pilot deployments • New communities (green and brown-field) Blade Electron (VIC)

  36. How is CUSP pursuing its vision? The CUSP team: Peter Newman, Andrew Simpson, Walter James, Andrew Went and Peter Wolfs Research projects: • Potential for EVs, smart grids and renewables (Walter James with Western Power) • Distribution impacts of EVs in smart grids (Andrew Went) • Transmission dynamics for EVs in smart grids (Prof Peter Wolfs with Western Power) • Economics of EVs (Andrew Simpson) • Environmental benefits of EVs (team in conjunction with EV infrastructure provider) Stakeholder engagement and pilot deployments • West Australian EV Reference Group (with UWA, Murdoch and CO2 Smart) • Linking to AutoCRC and local EV conversion businesses for domestic EV supply • Advisors to green urban developments e.g. North Port Quay and Lochiel Park CUSP Discussion Paper: Renewable Transport – How Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles using Vehicle to Grid Technology can make Carbon Free Urban Development http://sustainability.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/cusp_discussion_paper.pdf

  37. From this… …to this…

  38. …or we’ll be stuck with this.

  39. Any Questions?

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