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Matthew 18:11 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

Matthew 18:11 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance. Timothy G. Standish, Ph. D. Introduction- Gregor Mendel. Father of classical genetics.

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Matthew 18:11 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

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  1. Matthew 18:11 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

  2. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Timothy G. Standish, Ph. D.

  3. Introduction- Gregor Mendel • Father of classical genetics. • Born 1822 to peasant family in the Czech village of Heinzendorf, part of the Austro-Hungarian empire at the time. • Austrian Augustinian monk (Actually from Brunn which is now in the Czech Republic).

  4. Gregor Mendel - Education • Studied mathematics in Olmutz college. • Attended University of Vienna 1851 - 1853. Influenced by: • Franz Unger, a plant physiologist who believed new species could come about via hybridization. • Christian Doppler, physicist who discovered the Doppler effect. Sharpened his math skills.

  5. Gregor Mendel - Work • Studied peas which he grew in a garden outside of the Abbey where he lived starting 1856 (3 years prior to publication of Origin of Species). • Showed that the traits he studied behaved in a precise mathematical way and disproved the theory of "blended inheritance."

  6. Gregor Mendel - Work Cont. • Published rules of transmission of genes in 1866 (handwritten in German, not Latin!). Work was totally ignored. • Mendel’s work was rediscovered in 1900 by three botanists: • Carl Correns (Germany) • Erich von Tschermak (Austria) • Hugo de Vries (Holland)

  7. 3 Reasons Mendel’s Work Was Ignored • Mendel was not on the ball • Biologists didn’t know mathematics • Lack of independent supporting discoveries

  8. Reasons Mendel’s Work Was Ignored:1) Mendel was not on the ball • Wrote in an obscure journal (Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brunn). • Wrote in German, not Latin. • Mendel was not well known and did not persevere in his attempt to push his ideas.

  9. Reasons Mendel’s Work Was Ignored:2) Biologists didn’t know math • Biologists didn’t understand math very well. • Biologists were interested in the explaining the transmission of continuous traits like height, esp. after publication of Origin of Species in 1859. Mendel suggested that inherited characteristics were discrete units (discontinuous).

  10. Reasons Mendel’s Work Was Ignored:3) Lack of independent supporting discoveries: • There was no physical element in which Mendel’s inherited particles could be identified. • By the turn of the century, chromosomes had been discovered (physical particles) and biologists were better at math.

  11. Chromosomes:The Physical Basis of Inheritance • 1866 Mendel published his work • 1875 Mitosis was first described • 1890s Meiosis was described • 1900 Mendel's work was rediscovered • 1902 Walter Sutton, Theodore Boveri and others noted parallels between behavior of chromosomes and alleles.

  12. Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance • Genes have specific loci on chromosomes. • Chromosomes undergo segregation (meiosis) and independent assortment, • Thus alleles of genes are independently assorted.

  13. Mother Father Telophase I e E Prophase I Crossing Over Replication e e E E e E e e E E n N N n n N n n N N e e E E N n N N n n Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance Telophase II

  14. Eggs EN En eN en Sperm EN EENN EENn EeNN EeNn E N En EENn EEnn EeNn Eenn E n eN EeNN EeNn eeNN eeNn e e e E E N N N en EeNn Eenn n eeNn eenn n e n Independent Assortment As long as genes are on different chromosomes, they will assort independently

  15. Mother Father Telophase I e e e E E E Prophase I Replication e e E E e E a a A A a a a A A A A A a a e E e E a a A A Two Genes On One Chromosome Telophase II As long as genes on the same chromosome are located a long distance apart, they will assort independently due to crossing over during Prophase I of meiosis

  16. Thomas Hunt Morgan • First to associate a trait (gene) with a chromosome. • Worked with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) • Why fruit flies? • Short generation time (≈ 2 weeks) • Survive and breed well in the lab • Very large chromosomes in some cells • Many aspects of phenotype are genetically controlled.

  17. Drosophila Nomenclature • + = Wild type, phenotype in nature (i.e., red eyes and round wings) • Mutants are alternatives to the wild type • Fruit fly genes are named after the mutant • Dominant mutations are capitalized (i.e., Hairless or H and Bar or B) • Recessive mutants are named using lower case letters (i.e., black or b and white or w)

  18. Drosophila Mutations

  19. More Drosophila Mutations Wild Type ++ ebony body ee white eyes ww

  20. Sex Determination • Two ways in which sex can be determined: • Environment: • Turtles - Temperature of development • Some fish - Social structure • Chromosomes - Three methods: • XO - Haploid/diploid, i.e., bees, haploid males diploid females • ZW - Heterogametic (ZW) females, homogametic (ZZ) males, i.e., birds • XY - Heterogametic (XY) males, homogametic (XX) females, i.e., humans and Drosophila

  21. X-Chromosome Human and Drosophila Genes Are Easy To Find • In humans and Drosophila, males are XY • Thus males are haploid for the X chromosome • Because of this, recessive genes on the X chromosome show up far more commonly in male than female phenotypes

  22. X+ X+ Xw XwX+ XwX+ X P Y X+Y X+Y X X+ Xw F1 X+ X+ X+ XwX+ 1/4 1/4 1/2 Y X+Y XwY F2 Morgan’s Discovery Of An X-Linked Drosophila Gene A white-eyed male was discovered

  23. The Key To Morgan’s Discovery • The key to Morgan’s discovery was the observation that all the white-eyed individuals in the F2 generation were males • Without this vital data on the association of white eyes with being male, the gene for white eyes could have been seen as a simple recessive trait on an autosome • This illustrates the importance of recording all the data possible and being alert to the possibility of interesting things being present in the data • “Fate favors the prepared mind” (Louis Pasteur)

  24. Human X-linked Recessive Genes • Brown enamel - Tooth enamel appears brown rather than white • Hemophilia - Two types: • A - Classic hemophilia, deficiency of blood-clotting factor VIII • B - Christmas disease, deficiency of blood-clotting factor IX

  25. X-linked Recessive GenesRelated to Sight • Coloboma iridis - A fissure in the eye’s iris • Color Blindness - Two types: • Deutan - Decreased sensitivity to green light • Protan - Decreased sensitivity to red light • Congenital night blindness - Not due to a deficiency of vitimin A • Microphthalmia - Eyes fail to develop • Optic atrophy - Degeneration of the optic nerves

  26. 1n Gamete + Interruption of meiosis 2n Gametes 3n Zygote Pro or Metaphase I Metaphase II Variation In Chromosome Number - Polyploidy • Polyploid individuals have more than two sets of chromosomes • Many important commercial plants are polyploid: • Roses • Navel oranges • Seedless watermelons • Polyploid individuals usually result from some sort of interruption during meiosis

  27. + Zygote + Zygote Metaphase I Anaphase I Variation In Chromosome Number - Aneuploidy • Polyploid humans are unknown, but individuals with extra individual chromosomes are known. • Having extra chromosomes or lacking some chromosomes is called aneuploidy • Aneuploid individuals result from nondisjunction during meiosis

  28. Aneuploidy In Humans • Most human aneuploids spontaneously abort • The most viable variations in chromosome number are those that deal with the sex chromosomes: • XO - Turner’s Syndrome - Phenotypically females • XXX…- “Super” females • XYY… - “Super” Males - On average tend to be larger and less intelligent • XXY - Klinefelter’s Syndrome - Phenotypically male • Of the non-sex chromosome aneuploids, Down’s Syndrome, extra chromosome 21, tends to be the most viable • Down’s Syndrome is more common in children of mothers who gave birth after age 40

  29. Gene Dosage • There seem to be elegant mechanisms for maintaining the correct dosage of genetic material in each cell • When aneuploidy causes a change in the relative dose of one chromosome, problems result • Another way in which dosage of genetic material can be changed is via macromutations

  30. Macromutations • Four major types of Macromutations are recognized: 1 Deletions - Loss of chromosome sections 2 Duplications - Duplication of chromosome sections 3 Inversions - Flipping of parts of chromosomes 4 Translocations - Movement of one part of a chromosome to another part

  31. Chromosome Centromere Genes A B C D E F G H A B C D G H E F Macromutation - Deletion

  32. Chromosome Centromere Genes A B C D E F G H A B C D E FE F G H E F Duplication Macromutation - Duplication

  33. Chromosome Centromere Genes A B C D EF G H A B C D F E G H Inversion Macromutation - Inversion

  34. Chromosome Centromere Genes A B C D E F G H A B E F C D G H Macromutation - Translocation

  35. The Lyon Hypothesis • Having extra chromosomes causes problems (e.g., Down’s Syndrome) • Men have only one X chromosome and they are normal (at least they think so) • Women have two X chromosomes and they are normal • Mary Lyon proposed that the extra dosage of X chromosome that women have is compensated for by turning off one of the X chromosomes. • This turned-off chromosome can be observed as a “Barr Body” in metaphase female nuclei

  36. Consequences of X-Chromosome Dosage Compensation • During early development, X chromosomes are randomly turned off in female cells • All daughter cells have the same X chromosome inactivated as their parental cell. • Thus, females are a mosaic of patches of cells, some patches expressing the genes on the paternal X chromosome, other patches expressing the maternal X chromosome

  37. XX XX XX XX XX XX Zygote XX XX XX XX Cell division XX Consequences of X-Chromosome Dosage Compensation At some point (probably later than the 4-cell stage) half the X chromosomes are turned off Daughter cells inherit the mother cell’s mixture of off and on X chromosomes Because of dosage compensation, females are thought to be a mosaic of patches of cells with each patch expressing the same X chromosome, but none expressing both chromosomes Different patches of cells inherit different act X chromosomes

  38. Why Calico Cats Are Usually Female • Orange coat color is a sex-linked trait in cats (it is on the X chromosome) • A female cat heterozygous for orange, has skin patches expressing the orange X with the other X chromosome turned off. In other patches the opposite occurs.

  39. Problem 1 • In Drosophila, vermilion (v) is recessive to red (v+) eyes and miniature (m) wings are recessive to normal (m+) wings. The following cross was made: Malev+v+m+m+ xvvmmFemale • What was the phenotype of the F1 generation? • What F2 phenotypic ratio would you expect? • If the actual F2 phenotypic numbers were: • 147 red-eyed normal winged • 49 vermilion-eyed miniature winged, • 2 red-eyed miniature winged, • 2 vermilion-eyed normal winged, How would you explain this?

  40. Solution 1 • What was the phenotype of the F1 generation? v+v+m+m+ makes v+m+ gametes vvmm makes vm gametes Thus the F1 must be v+vm+m • What F2 phenotypic ratio would you expect? 9 red-eyed normal winged (v+_m+_) 3 red-eyed miniature winged (v+_mm) 3 vermilion-eyed normal winged (vvm+_) 1 vermilion-eyed miniature winged (vvmm)

  41. v+ m+ 0.49 v+ m+ v+ m v+ m 0.01 v m+ v m+ 0.01 v m v m 0.49 Solution 1 Continued • If the actual F2 phenotypic numbers were: • 147 red-eyed normal winged • 49 vermilion-eyed miniature winged, • 2 red-eyed miniature winged, • 2 vermilion-eyed normal winged, How would you explain this? F1 Gametes

  42. 0.49 v+m+ 0.01 v+m 0.01 vm+ 0.49 vm 0.49 v+m+ 0.2401 v+v+m+m+ 0.0049 v+v+m+m 0.0049 v+vm+m+ 0.2401 v+vm+m v+ m+ 0.49 v+ m+ v+ m v+ m 0.01 v+m 0.0049 v+v+m+m 0.0001 v+v+mm 0.0001 v+vm+m 0.0049 v+vmm 0.01 v m+ v m+ 0.01 v m 0.01 vm+ 0.0049 v+vm+m+ 0.0001 v+vm+m 0.0001 vvm+m+ 0.0049 vvm+m v m 0.49 0.49 vm 0.2401 v+vm+m 0.0049 v+vmm 0.0049 vvm+m Solution 1 Continued 0.74 v+_m+_ (0.74*200=148) 0.01 v+_mm (0.01*200=2) 0.01 vvm+_ (0.01*200=2) 0.2401 vvmm 0.24 vvmm (0.24*200=48)

  43. v m 1cM Solution 1 Continued • Vermilion and miniature winged are closely linked genes on the same chromosome • The distance between vermilion and miniature is 1 centimorgan • The reason numbers in the cross do not fit the prediction of 1 centimorgan exactly is that the numbers are the result of chance and thus would not be expected to fit the predicted ratio perfectly

  44. A. Aa Aa aa Aa aa A_ aa A_ aa Aa ? A_ A_ aa aa A_ A_ A_ Problem 2 Use deductive reasoning to solve this problem • How is the gene tracked in the pedigree shown below inherited? In other words, what is its mode of inheritance? Hypothesis 1 - Autosomal dominant Hypothesis 2 - Autosomal recessive Hypothesis 3 - Sex linked dominant Hypothesis 4 - Sex linked recessive Answer - Either sex linked recessive (most likely) or autosomal recessive

  45. B. Problem 2 • How is the gene tracked in the pedigree shown below inherited? In other words, what is its mode of inheritance?

  46. The End

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