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Supported by:. Allergies in America: A Landmark Survey of Nasal Allergy Sufferers. Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. February 17, 2006. Adults Diagnosed with Nasal Allergies: Household Screening.
Supported by: Allergies in America:A Landmark Survey of Nasal Allergy Sufferers Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. February 17, 2006
Adults Diagnosed with Nasal Allergies:Household Screening QA. Including yourself, how many persons, aged 18 and older, live in this household (even if they are not there right now)? QB. Have any of these persons been diagnosed as having hay fever, rhinitis, or nasal allergies? QC. How many persons, 18 or older, in this household have been diagnosed with hay fever, rhinitis or nasal allergies? N=61,655 adults in 31,470 households
Current Nasal Allergies:Household Screening QD. Has this person/have these persons had symptoms like sneezing, itching, watery eyes, nasal congestion, or other nasal allergy symptoms in the past 12 months? QE. Does this person/do any of these persons take any medication for their hay fever, rhinitis or nasal allergies? N=6,315 households with allergic rhinitis
Age of Persons with Nasal Allergies QH. What is the age/ages of the person/persons with nasal allergies, rhinitis or hay fever? N=7,758 QD3. What is your age? N=2,500
Gender of Persons with Nasal Allergies QH. What is the gender of the person/persons with nasal allergies, rhinitis or hay fever? N=4,614 QMGEN. Gender of respondent? N=2,500
Diagnosed with Nasal Allergies: Individual Screening QS1A. Has a doctor ever diagnosed you as having hay fever, rhinitis, or nasal allergies? Base: Persons identified as having been diagnosed and symptomatic or being treated for nasal allergies in household screen N=3,257
Current Nasal Allergies: Individual Screening QS1b. Do you still suffer from hay fever or nasal allergies? S1c. When was the most recent time that you experienced hay fever or symptoms of nasal allergies for a month or longer? QS2. In the past 12 months, have you taken a prescription medication to treat your nasal allergies? N=2,933 persons diagnosed
General Health Status Q1. In general, would you say your health is excellent, very good, good, only fair, poor or very poor? Unweighted N=2,500
Asthma and Allergies Q3c. Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Q3d. Have you had asthma in the past 12 months? Unweighted N=2,500
When Diagnosed With Nasal Allergies Q4. At what age were you first diagnosed with nasal allergies, rhinitis or hay fever? Unweighted N=2,500
Who Diagnosed Nasal Allergies Q5. What was the medical specialty of the doctor who diagnosed you with nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Skin and Blood Tests for Allergies Q6a. Were you given a skin test to see what you were allergic to? Q6b. Were you given a blood test to see what you were allergic to? Unweighted N=2,500
Seasonal or Persistent Allergies Q12. Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? Unweighted N=2,500
Allergy Symptoms Worse During a Particular Season or Time of Year Q12. Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? Q13a. In the past 12 months, have your nasal allergy symptoms been more frequent or worse during a particular season or time of year? Unweighted N=2,500
Season Allergies Are the Worse Q13b. During what times of the year are your nasal allergies the worse? Base: Worse at certain times Unweighted N=1,778
Allergies Worse Outdoors or Inside Q13c. Are your nasal allergies worse when you are outdoors or inside, or is it about the same? Unweighted N=2,500
Symptoms During Worst Month Q14. During the worst one month period in the past year, did you have (symptom) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, less than that, or never? Unweighted N=2,500
How Bothersome are Symptoms Q15. When you have nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually --- extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome ? Unweighted N=2,500
Most Bothersome Symptom Q16. Which of these symptoms was the most bothersome to you? Base: Had bothersome symptoms. Unweighted N=2,362
Degree of Discomfort from Allergies Q17. In general, when you have a nasal allergy attack would you say that your discomfort is usually something you can ignore, you can’t ignore it, but you can tolerate it, or you can’t tolerate it without relief? Unweighted N=2,500
What Triggers Allergy Symptoms Q19. What things usually trigger or make your nasal allergy symptoms worse? Unweighted N=2,500
What Triggers Allergy Symptoms (cont.) Q19. What things usually trigger or make your nasal allergy symptoms worse? Unweighted N=2,500
Employment Status of Persons with Nasal Allergies D6. Are you currently employed full-time, employed part-time, in the military, unemployed and looking for work, retired and not working, student, homemaker, disabled or too ill to work? Unweighted N=2,500
Do Nasal Allergies Keep from Working Full Time Q21a. Do your nasal allergies keep you from working full time? Unweighted N=2,500
Nasal Allergies Stop or Limit Working Q21a. Do your nasal allergies keep you from working full time? Q21b. Are you limited in the kind or amount of work you do because of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Missed Work due to Nasal Allergies Q22a. Have you missed work in the past 12 months due to your nasal allergies? Base: Employed full time Unweighted N=1,315
Work Interference from Nasal Allergies Q22a. Have you missed work in the past 12 months due to your nasal allergies? Q23a. Aside from actually missing work, have your nasal allergy symptoms in the past 12 months interfered with your performance at work? Base: Employed full time Unweighted N=1,315
Work Interference due to Allergies Q23b. On days when you had nasal allergy symptoms how much did the symptoms interfere with your ability to do your job? Did the symptoms interfere a lot, a moderate amount, some, only a little, or not at all? Base: Full time, Interfered with work Unweighted N=547
Productivity and Allergies Mean Productivity Q24. Thinking about your productivity on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% productivity, where would you rank your productivity on days when you don’t have nasal allergy symptoms? Q25. Where would you rank your productivity on the same scale of 0 to 100 … when your nasal allergies are at their worst? Base: Employed full time Unweighted N=1,315
Exposed to Allergens at Workplace N26a. Are you exposed to anything at your workplace that affects your nasal allergy symptoms? Base: Full time and interferes at work. Unweighted N=511
Avoid Activities because of Allergies Q27a. Do you avoid any activities because of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Symptoms During Worst Month Q30. During allergy season, how often do you feel (ITEM) – frequently, sometimes, rarely or never? Unweighted N=2,500
Impact of Allergies on Daily Life Q31. During allergy season, would you say the condition impacted your daily life …..? Unweighted N=2,500
Nasal Allergy Control in Past Week Q32. Overall, how well would you say that your nasal allergies have been controlled in the last week? Would you say it was completely controlled, well controlled, somewhat controlled, poorly controlled, or not controlled at all? Unweighted N=2,500
Allergy Symptom Severity in Past Week Q33. How would you describe your nasal allergies during the last week? Would you say you had … no symptoms, mild symptoms, moderate symptoms, or severe symptoms? Unweighted N=2,500
Other Conditions in the Past Week Q37. During the last week have you had ………….? Unweighted N=2,500
Usual Source of Medical Care Q41. Is the place that you usually go for your overall medical care, medical advice or treatment a……? Unweighted N=2,500
Primary Health Care Provider Q41b. Who do you see most often for your health care, medical advice or treatment ……? Unweighted N=2,500
Specialty of Doctor Treating Nasal Allergies Q43. What is the medical specialty of the doctor that you see most often for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Seen Doctor for Nasal Allergies in Past 12 Months Q42a. Have you seen a health practitioner about your nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Unweighted N =2,500
Skin Test for Nasal Allergies Q45a. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you a skin test to see what causes your nasal allergies? Q45b. When was the most recent time you had a skin test for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N =2,500
Blood Test for Nasal Allergies QN46a. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you a blood test to see what causes your nasal allergies? QN46b. When was the most recent time you had a blood test for your nasal allergies? N =2,500
Shots for Nasal Allergies QN47a. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy shots? QN47b. When was the most recent time you had nasal allergy shots? Unweighted N =2,500
Drops or Extracts for Nasal Allergies QN47c. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue to treat your nasal allergies? QN47d. When was the most recent time you had nasal allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue? Unweighted N =2,500
Shown How to Use Nasal Spray Q48a. Has a health practitioner ever shown you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Q48b. When was the most recent time a health practitioner showed you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Follow Health Practitioner’s Advice Q49. Would you say that you follow your health practitioner’s advice on the management and treatment of your nasal allergies – all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, rarely or never? Unweighted N=2,500
Satisfaction with Health Practitioner’s Management of Your Allergies Q51. Overall, how satisfied are you with your health practitioner’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Changed Doctors due to Dissatisfaction Q52a. Have you ever changed doctors because you were dissatisfied with their management of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500
Seen Specialist for Nasal Allergies Q54a. Have you seen a specialist about your nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Unweighted N=2,500
Satisfaction with Specialist’s Management of Your Allergies Q54c. Overall, how satisfied are you with your specialist’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Base: Seen specialist other than primary doctor in the past year. Unweighted N=265