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The commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh has another name as the “city of foodies”. This name has been given to Indore because of its Flavours, it’s variety of chats and the wide range of street foods that is enough for a mouthgasm for anyone. One who comes here for any reason, be it travelling, business or catching up with relatives, he/she is bound to get the awe from the food of Indore.
The Advent of Lord Krishna Once upon a time, Mother Earth was suffering from the actions of many demons and evil kings. Unable to bear her burden any longer, Mother Earth decided to go for help. She took the form of a cow and went to see Brahma. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she told him her story. Brahma took pity on Mother Earth and together they went to Lord Vishnu's abode, called KsheerSagar (Ocean of Milk). They also took Lord Shiv followed by many devatas with them. Once there, Brahma prayed to Lord Vishnu and went into deep meditation. As he was meditating, he heard within himself the voice of the Supreme Lord say, "I know of the distress to Mother Earth. To relieve her of this pain, I will soon appear on earth as a child of Vasudev and Devaki. I will take the divine form of Lord Krishna. My eternal devotees will also take birth on the planet to help in Mymission." Krishna Leela Brahma told Mother Earth and devatas what Lord Vishnu had revealed. They rejoiced together and then went back to their abodes. Krishna Leela At this time, there was a dynasty called the Yadavs. They were descendants of King Yadu. It was into this dynasty that the Supreme Lord had promised to appear. There were two brothers, Ugrasenand Devak, who were well known kings of this family. Ugrasenwas the king of Mathura. He had a son called Kansa. Devak had a daughter named Devaki. Kansahad no sister of his own and became very fond of his cousin, Devaki. They were like real brother and sister as they grew up. When Devaki was old enough, a marriage was arranged for her with a young man of noble character. His name was Vasudev and he was known for always keeping his word. Krishna Leela Their marriage took place in a beautiful, traditional ceremony. When the joyful wedding and the feast were over, Vasudev prepared his chariot to take his bride home. The chariot was piled high with the many lavish and expensive gifts the couple had received. To be sure they would travel in comfort, Kansahad made elaborate arrangements for their journey. But as the time drew near for them to leave, Kansabegan to feel sad. He would be separated from his sister from now on. Stay Connected With Us Through Social Media:
So that they could be together a little longer, Kansadecided that he would drive their chariot to Vasudev's house. He mounted the chariot and took the horses' reins. The procession started off to the sound of many conches, drums, and trumpets. Everyone felt happy and was in a joyful mood. Without event, the procession moved along toward Vasudev's house. Suddenly, a thunderous voice roared at Kansafrom out of the heavens. "Fool!" the voice boomed, "Know that the eighth child born to your sister shall be the cause of your death!" Krishna Leela When Kansaheard these words, he was gripped by fear. His feelings of brotherly love for Devaki dried up instantly. Now, he wanted to kill her. He dropped the horses' reins. With one hand, he caught hold of his sister’s hair. With his other hand, he drew his sword. Looking straight into her face, he shouted, "You wretch, whom I loved so much! You are going to be the mother of my murderer. This will not happen, for I will kill you this very moment. Then I shall have nothing to fear." Krishna Leela Vasudev heard all that Kansasaid. He knew that to save Devaki’s life he would have to calm down Kansa. “Kansa," he said,“Everyone praises you for your bravery and valor and for your noble character. What will people think when they hear that you have killed your innocent sister on her wedding day? Your reputation will be ruined." Krishna Leela But Vasudev's words failed to change Kansa's mind. Seeing this, Vasudev tried again. With folded hands, he begged, "Oh, Kansa, please spare Devaki’s life! If you will do this, I swear that I shall hand over to you every child born to us. Please Kansa, trust me, and spare her life." Krishna Leela Knowing that Vasudev would keep his promise, Kansalost his fear. He let go of Devaki, put his sword away, and ordered the wedding procession to continue on. Krishna Leela Vasudev and Devaki were very happy together. After some time, their first child was born. True to his word, Vasudev took the baby to Kansaand gave the child to him. This was a very hard thing for Devaki and Vasudev to do. They already loved this child very much but knew they had to keep their promise to Kansa as well. Kansawas very pleased that Vasudev had kept his promise. His heart softened. “This is your first child," Kansasaid. "I have nothing to fear from this one. It will be your eighth child who will try to kill me." So saying, Kansahanded the child back to Vasudev. Kansathought he had done well to return the baby to Vasudev and Devaki and was very pleased with himself. Not long after, he was sitting at home when Narad, the Divine Sage, came to visit him. He spoke to Kansaabout many things. Finally, he said, "All of Devaki's children will be rays of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord himself will take birth (incarnate) as their eighth child. Lord Vishnu's divine associates have already taken birth in the Yadav clan. So, be careful, Kansa. Narayan! Narayan!" Krishna Leela Stay Connected With Us Through Social Media:
Once again, fear seized Kansa. He realized it had been a mistake to spare the life of Devaki's first child. As soon as Narad left, KansaimprisonedVasudev and Devaki and put them in chains. Then, hewent to the prison, found Devaki, and snatched the child from her hands. He raised his sword and without mercy, slew the little one. Kansahad vowed he would take no more risks with her children. Devaki gave birth to five more children. Kansamurdered each baby soon after it was born. By doing these terrible deeds, Kansathought he kept himself safe. But who can hide from the Supreme Lord? The Lord had promised to relieve Mother Earth of her suffering and he would keep his promise to her. Stay Connected With Us Through Social Media: