1. Leadership Development ProcessPrepared by: 2LT Christian Gehrels Yellow/Blue cards
Effective writing
2. Purpose of the Yellow Card Used to document your ability to meet the requirements of your leadership position
Used to document actions above and beyond your required duties
Used by your evaluator as a window to the actions he/she has not noticed, and compare to their own notes
3. Proper format (STAR,TAR,TAR) S- Situation
This will never change from:
“I was tasked/assigned ____ from the dates of ____ to ____ responsible for # CDTs”
5. Proper format (STAR,TAR,TAR) T- Task
Begin recording your tasks based off the Troop Leading Procedures
i.e (Receive the mission, Issue a WARNO)
Tasks should be quantitative (include numbers)
8. Proper format (STAR,TAR,TAR) A- Action
Tell the story
Include all you did to accomplish those tasks
Again, be sure to use quantitative actions
Numbers of people, times, dates, names
Use “action speak”, expand your vocabulary
“effectively communicated, SQD was motivated, utilized subordinates”
11. Proper format (STAR,TAR,TAR) R- Result
This should always lead into a leadership dimension, plan ahead with your actions so it flows into the dimension
It should always make you look better
Never admit to a fault that would compromise a dimension
14. Strongest/Weakest Dimensions Strongest
Always put more than one
Relate it back to an event on the front of the card
Show Proof
If you can get away with it put down only one
Use a dimension that is less in your control
16. Set yourself up for success Fill out in pencil
If your yellow card is not an “E” your blue card will not be an “E”
If you are not sufficiently aware of your actions to write about them in detail (continuation card) then you probably Need Improvement
Meet with your evaluator ahead of time
Ask about expectations and tell him your goals and Courses of Action
17. What’s not a good yellow card Being vague
If you can’t pick out the main point, neither will your evaluator
Missing key events in a rotation
These things are always part of a leadership position
Large training events
If you had no hand in getting your squad there. What did you do?
18. What’s not a good yellow card Too much information
Your evaluator doesn’t want to know when you tied your boots or ate lunch
On the other hand if it lead to the success of your mission, i.e (helping someone out with their task, generally improving the squad) include it
Too little information
“I did the TLPs”.....really? You did?
19. What’s not a good yellow card Too much information
Your evaluator doesn’t want to know when you tied your boots or ate lunch
On the other hand if it lead to the success of your mission, i.e (helping someone out with their task, generally improving the squad) include it
Too little information
“I did the TLPs”.....really? You did?
21. Questions?