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Strategic Goal Setting for Christian Leadership Success

Understanding the importance of vision in planning for successful journeys and setting SMART goals for effective leadership in Christian ministry.

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Strategic Goal Setting for Christian Leadership Success

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  1. Christian Leadership … All that Jesus began both to do and teach ( Act 1 : 1 ) جميع ما ابتدا يسوع يفعله و يعلم به

  2. Planning

  3. Why is knowing the Vision Important? • Know where we are heading. • Evaluate alternative actions and routes. • Prioritize actions. • Disagreements about the way are much easier to solve than disagreements about the direction

  4. A Journey… What do we need for a successful Journey? • Reason / Motive • Vision - Destination / Direction • Critical success Factors (CSF) • Good Route, Gas in the car, good tires,..etc • Measures or KPI’s • Action plan

  5. A Journey… Failing to Plan is the same as Planning to Fail

  6. No planning = Failing Think of a goal as your final destination, if you don’t know what your final destination is, there is no way to plan on how to get there.

  7. Definition of a Goal A Goal is: • A Dream with a deadline. (Napoleon Hill) • Within your control • In Writing

  8. Video

  9. Why Failure? • The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes measurements, timelines and resources. • Sometimes we don’t know who we really are, our talents, potentials and powers • It is not only Effort and Creativity that matters • The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added accountability, help and support. • Sometimes we lose the Vision of what we really need

  10. The Benefits of Setting Goals • Suffer less from stress and anxiety • Concentrate better • Show more self-confidence • Perform better • The Happier we become

  11. Strategic Goal A Dream with A Deadline

  12. Setting SMART Goals If goals aren’t reachable, they aren’t worth making. All you have to do to set realistic goals is follow the SMART goals guidelines.

  13. SPECIFIC • What details do you want to accomplish? • “I want to do better in my Spiritual Life” • “I want to increase my daily Prayer from 5 min to 20 min.

  14. MEASURABLE • All goals should have a way to evaluate whether or not they were accomplished. • “I want to train myself to know God’s will in my life.” • “I want to sit at least half an hour a day with my Bible.”

  15. ATTAINABLE • Goals must be something you are capable of reaching. Which one would be a better goal for Ghana Team? “We will help Ghana to know Christ” “We will start with a Fun day in 5 Schools in our next Mission.

  16. RELEVANT • Make goals that are important to you and your lifestyle. Which goal is better for an Evangelist? • “My goal is to discover a cure for Atheism” • “My goal is to inspire at least one person to become a true servant of God to labor with me in the Plentiful Harvest”

  17. TIME - BOUND • Make sure that you have a time set as a “dead line” so your goal is not unending. • “Our goal is to be able to turn Ghana to Christians.” • Our goal is to have a Coptic Priest in Ghana within 3 Years.

  18. Does a person have to achieve their goals in order to be successful? N O Failure to meet goals only matters if you don’t learn something from your mistakes. Sometimes God has a better plan, which will serve the Vision more appropriately, as long as our Vision is IDENTICAL to our Lord’s Vision

  19. Example of A Strategic Plan

  20. Vision Engaging people to Christ, on the foundation of the Gospel and the Sacraments of our Living Church

  21. Mission To deliver the Living Christ within us and show His endless love, to all the uninvolved Christians, unbelievers and Churched people in whatever countries which are in need and willing to accept our service. We strive to draw people’s attention to the goal of our existence and afterlife destination, which is the Kingdom of Heaven, and to gain souls to Christ through running successful projects and preparing suitable calibers to be rooted on the Faith of the Mother Coptic Orthodox Church, and to be equipped for evangelism and pastoral care. St. Paul Evangelism service will humbly give the needed help and support, avoiding the authoritarian image; this will be achieved through loyal servantswho sincerely believe, carefully study, faithfully explain and relevantly apply the word of God through the Mother Church.

  22. Strategic Goals The Goal is to: Establish an evangelic Coptic Orthodox Church within 5 years that will serve its people and be the light house for the whole country.

  23. SMART Goals To achieve this, we agreed upon 4 SMART goals : 1 - Empowering 15 local servant in three years period for each served country 2 - Facilitating the presence of one temporary priest within one year from staring our service and supporting the ordination of at least one permanent priest from the local servants within 5 years

  24. SMART Goals 3 - Facilitating the presence of an established church to serve the country within 5 years from staring our service 4 - Developing the served community: a - Spiritually: by at least one project annually; Conferences, Bible Studies, Visitations or any other way for spreading the Gospel.

  25. SMART Goals 4 - Developing the served community: b - Socially: by establishing at least one project within the first year; Nursery, Educational or Health Care Project or any other project that serves the local community.

  26. Action Plan

  27. Action Plan

  28. The Expected Results of the Project

  29. The Expected Results of the Project

  30. The Expected Results of the Project

  31. Example of Joshua’s Strategic Plan

  32. Joshua’s Vision: • “For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.” (Hab 2:3) لان الرؤيا بعد الى الميعاد و في النهاية تتكلم و لا تكذب ان توانت فانتظرها لانها ستاتي اتيانا و لا تتاخر. • "If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, 'a land which flows with milk and honey' (Num 14 : 8) ان سر بنا الرب يدخلنا الى هذه الارض و يعطينا اياها ارضا تفيض لبنا و عسلا (عد 14 : 8)

  33. Joshua’s Mission: و كان بعد موت موسى عبد الرب ان الرب كلم يشوع بن نون خادم موسى قائلا.موسى عبدي قد مات فالان قم اعبر هذا الاردن انت و كل هذا الشعب الى الارض التي انا معطيها لهم اي لبني اسرائيل. كل موضع تدوسه بطون اقدامكم لكم اعطيته كما كلمت موسى.من البرية و لبنان هذا الى النهر الكبير نهر الفرات جميع ارض الحثيين و الى البحر الكبير نحو مغرب الشمس يكون تخمكم. "Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them -- the children of Israel. "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. "From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory.”

  34. Joshua’s Mission: لا يقف انسان في وجهك كل ايام حياتك كما كنت مع موسى اكون معك لا اهملك و لا اتركك.تشدد و تشجع لانك انت تقسم لهذا الشعب الارض التي حلفت لابائهم ان اعطيهم. انما كن متشددا و تشجع جدا لكي تتحفظ للعمل حسب كل الشريعة التي امرك بها موسى عبدي لا تمل عنها يمينا و لا شمالا لكي تفلح حيثما تذهب. "No man shall [be able to] stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, [so] I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. "Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. "Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.”

  35. Joshua’s Mission: لا يبرح سفر هذه الشريعة من فمك بل تلهج فيه نهارا و ليلا لكي تتحفظ للعمل حسب كل ما هو مكتوب فيه لانك حينئذ تصلح طريقك و حينئذ تفلح. "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Josh 1: 2- 8)

  36. Joshua’s Mission: • Landing on Canaan • Land Distribution • Enforcing Law

  37. Strategy & Action Plan • Strategic Goal : Occupying Secured cities e.g. Jericho • Action Plan : SMART Objective You shall march around the city, all [you] men of war; you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days. And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. ( Josh 6 : 3-4 )

  38. Strategy & Action Plan • Output : Occupying Jericho “So the people shouted when [the priests] blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.” (Josh 6: 20) • Outcome : Experience the power of the Hands of the Lord • Impact : Fear in all the area from God’s people “So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country” (Josh 6: 27)

  39. Q & A

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