FAMILY COMES FIRST With out my family I wouldn’t be able to do the great things that I do today in my wonderful life. Since the day I was born if there no one who had my back, it was my family. My family has always been their for me , and I don’t thing that they would ever be tray me for no reason . That’s why my family comes first in my life.
THE SPORTS IN MY LIFE I like to play many sports in my life. But the best one of them all is rodeo. Rodeo is the love of my life. I've been rodeoing all my life ever since I was born. I hope to keep rodeoing the rest of my life because that’s what I love.
MOST OF MY LIFE Most of the things I do in my life has something to do with the outdoors. Such as hunting, fishing, and rodeoing. I do those things because that’s what I love to do. Really to tell the truth that’s what I do with most of my spare time and also half of my life.
MY FURTURE When I'm all grown up, and ready to start working I want to be an all-round black cowboy. Or I earthier want to have my own Professional Bucking Bulls. I want to be those things because they involve being in the rodeo. Rodeoing is what I love to do, and that’s why I want to do that with my future.
MY TIME INSIDE I don't spend as much time inside as I do outside. Playing my game, watching television, on the computer, cleaning up, or sleep that’s what I do when I am inside. To me the best one of them all is sleeping.
THE ONE I LOVE THE MOST When I was just five years old , my best friend gave me a puppy. She was a Blue Heeler. Before I got her I had another Blue Heeler that died a year before I her. Sweepea was one of the best dogs I have ever had. She died just two years ago . When she did died I cried for three days . From this day on I still miss her.
WHAT I WANT TO DRIVE Most people drive the ordinary car ,or truck. When I grow up I want to drive a Dodge Ram 3500 Dually. I would like to drive this type of truck because it fits my life style just right . That's why that’s the type of truck of truck I want.
WHO I THINKS LOVES ME THE MOST I know everyone in my family loves me . But the one I think loves me the most would have to be my grandpa. I believe that because he has all ways been there for me , and he always will be . I know that for a fact.
THE END Well now you have found out just about everything there is to know about me . Now that’s all folks.