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Josef Aschbacher is the ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes & Head of ESRIN, ESAu2019s centre for Earth Observation located in Frascati, Italy. https://www.josefaschbacher.com/
Josef Aschbacher: Taking the Pulse of our Planet from Space space is fascinating, space is essential for your daily life … earth observation offers unexpected insights into our planet and its rapid evolution …Josef Aschbacher is the ESADirector of Earth Observation Programmes and Head of ESRIN, ESA’s centre for Earth Observation, located in Frascati (near Rome), Italy. Born in Austria, he studied at the University of Innsbruck, graduating with a Masters and a Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences. He has an accomplished international career in space, with more than 35+ years combined work experience at the European Space Agency, European Commission, Austrian Space Agency, Asian Institute of Technology and University of Innsbruck.
Josef Aschbacher has an accomplished international career in space, with work experience at European Space Agency, European Commission & much more Hosting the Living Planet Symposium 2019 Milan, ItalyJosefAschbacher has an accomplished international career in space, with more than 35+ years combined work experience at the European Space Agency, European Commission, Austrian Space Agency, Asian Institute of Technology and University of Innsbruck.
Academic Publications Aschbacher, J., 1985: NiederschlagserfassungausMeteosat- und synoptischenDaten; Diploma Thesis, University of Innsbruck, Austria (in German), 138 pp. Rott, H., J. Aschbacher and K.G. Lenhart, 1986: Study on river runoff prediction based on satellite data; Final Report; Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, Austria (Mitt. Nr. 2), 85 pp. Aschbacher, J. and H. Rott, 1987: Rainfall Analysis Based on Meteosat Data in Combination with Synoptic Parameters; Proc. of the 19th ITAM (1-6 Sep 1986, Rauris, Austria), ÖsterreichischeGesellschaftfürMeteorologie, p. 55-60. Aschbacher, J., 1987: Combination of Meteosat- and Synoptic Data to Determine Rainfall: A Case Study; J. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 37, p. 212-218. Teutsch, H., J. Aschbacher and W. Kloetzer, 1987: LufthygienischeSchwerpunktstudie Villach; Amt derKärntnerLandesregierung Abt. 19, Nr. 5, Kap. 4 Immisionsklimatologie (in German), p. 13-36. Miller, B., H. Rott, J. Aschbacher and G. Watzek, 1987: HornhautendothelveränderungendurchKontaktlinsentragen; Proc. 20. AschaffenburgerKontaktlinsentagung, 19.-21. März 1987, (in German), p. 77-86. Aschbacher, J. and H.
ESA Centre for Earth Observation, during the news conference. By tracking such tiny changes at surface, scientists can get a better of underwater ocean. One of the mission’s scientific instruments is a high-precision altimeter that can measure changes in the height of the ocean’s surface to a resolution of only 0.75 inches (2 centimeters). By tracking such tiny changes at the surface, scientists can get a better idea of underwater ocean currents that are many feet or meters in height and that drive heat and energy around the world through the oceans. Overall sea levels around the world are rising roughly 0.19 inches (4.8 millimeters) a year — up from 0.12 inches (3.1 mm) a year in the 1990s. -Josef Aschbacher, ESA’s director of Earth observation, during the news conference.
Contact Josef Aschbacher Please feel free to contact Josef Aschbacher directly if you have any questions, comments or concerns. ESA – European Space AgencyDirector of Earth Observation ProgrammesHead of ESRIN Largo G. Galilei 1, 00044 Frascati (RM), Italyjosef.aschbacher@esa.int | T +39 06 94180 300 | www.esa.int | @AschbacherJosef Wikipedia: Josef Aschbacher Twitter: Josef Aschbacher You Tube: Videos on Josef Aschbacher