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Holocaust. Jackie Ellis, Zach Hyden, and Kurt Ballinger. Introduction. General Theme: The Holocaust Subject: American Studies Participants: 8 th grade students Location: Harlan CAHS When: Period 3. Unit Objectives.
Holocaust Jackie Ellis, Zach Hyden, and Kurt Ballinger
Introduction • General Theme: The Holocaust • Subject: American Studies • Participants: 8th grade students • Location: Harlan CAHS • When: Period 3
Unit Objectives • Students will know, understand, and be able to explain the terms genocide, Holocaust, Concentration Camps, Final Solution, and Kristallnacht. • Students will be able to utilize maps, keys, and charts to locate and identify concentration camps, key countries, and casualty rates during the Holocaust. • Students will have a broad understanding of the Holocaust during World War II. • Students will be able to analyze and understand primary sources and videos. • ODE Standards: History, Geography, Psychology • NCSS Standards: I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
Content • The Persecution Begins • Holocaust • the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews • Anti-Semitism • hatred of Jews • Scapegoat • Germans blamed Jews for the cause of their failures, economic problems, and defeat in World War I • Kristallnacht • “The Night of the Broken Glass” • Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues • Plight of the St. Louis • German ship carrying many Jewish refugees reaches Miami and is turned around and sent back to Europe
Content Continued • Hitler’s Final Solution • Genocide • The deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population • Aryans/Master Race • Must be preserved by exterminating inferior or unworthy races • Gypsies, Freemasons, Communists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses • Ghettos • Segregated Jewish areas in certain Polish cities • Horrible living conditions • Concentration Camps • Labor camps where Jewish families were forced to work and eventually exterminated
Content Continued • The Final Stage • In 1942 the mass murder of Jews began through the use of poison gas and other means • Mass extermination • Six death camps in Poland • Huge gas chambers were more than 12,000 could be killed in one day • Auschwitz was the largest death camp
Key Terms • Holocaust • Kristallnacht • Genocide • Ghetto • Concentration Camps
Day One • Quickly review the Nazi Party, Gestapo, and policies and views of Adolf Hitler • Notes on the Holocaust; the Beginning • Student Activity: • Students will create a timeline covering important events from Jews being targeted, i.e, Kristallnacht, to the Final Solution • Homework: • Read Section 3, Chapter 16 from The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century.
Day Two • Finish timelines • Discussion and notes over key events • Students will add any key events that they missed to their timeline • Primary Source • Students will read and respond to the passage by Pastor Miemoeller • “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists and I did not speak up because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak up because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I was a Protestant so I did not speak up. Then they came for me…by that time there was no one to speak up for anyone.” • Students will discuss the passage and answer the following question: • What does Pastor Miemoeller imply about speaking up for the rights of others?
Day Three • When students walk into the classroom teachers will check each students’ eyes. If the student has blue eyes the student will receive a bag of popcorn and a soda. If the student has any other color eye, he/she will not receive a bag of popcorn or a soda. All non-blue eyed students who try to eat popcorn or drink the soda will be sent to the discipline office and given a detention. • Students will then watch a 40 minute segment of Schindler’s List.
Day Four • Class discussion about the events that took place during Day Three. Students will respond in their notebooks to the following prompts: • If you received the popcorn and soda, how did you feel? Did you feel badly or wonder why other students did not receive the popcorn and soda? Would you have done anything if the discrimination had continued? • If you did not receive the popcorn and soda, how did you feel? Did you feel anger or resentment towards the teacher or students who had the popcorn and soda? How did the students who had the popcorn and soda treat the students who did not? • Class notes; When you lose everything • Students will copy notes on how Jewish people lost identity, belongings, and control over what they can and cannot do • Homework: • Fill out the Daily Log of Activities worksheet
Day Five • Collect homework • Map Activity • On a blank map of Europe, students will have to identify the countries, identify the countries involved in the war and which side they were on (use colors to identify sides and create a key), identify key cities (i.e. capitals) and at least two concentration camps located in Germany and at least two concentration camps located outside of Germany. Students will be allowed to use their books. Students will have half the class (approximately 25 minutes) to work on the map and anything they do not finish will be homework. • Using Charts • Students will utilize charts from the book and provided from the teacher to identify the casualties of the Holocaust. • Homework: • Finish map activity (if not done), Study for quiz
Day Six • Collect Maps • Quiz • This quiz will consist mostly of short answer and fill in the blank questions, with a few multiple choice. • Sample Questions: • Define concentration camps. • Describe Hitler’s Final Stage. • Which of the following groups were not targeted by the Nazi’s? • Jews • Gypsies • Communists • All of the above • None of the above
Materials • Textbook • The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century. • DVD: Schindler’s List • Popcorn & Soda • TV & DVD Player • Holocaust Lesson Plans & Worksheets • A Holocaust Curriculum: Life Unworthy of Life • Colored Pencils • Blank Europe Maps • Internet access • Smart Board and LCD Projector
Adaptations • Closed captioning for the DVD • Textbook on tape for reading assignment • Extended time on tests, worksheets, and reading assignments • Guided notes (fill in) • Large print textbooks and maps • Modified tests with less/more fill-in, short answer, and multiple choice questions • Homework options varying in degree of difficulty for higher cognitive students