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Discussion Activities : Collaborative & Discussion-Driven Activities on Argument & Documenting Sources. ENGL 1302 Dr. Rufel Ramos Revised 4/25/2014. Discussion Activity 1: Claims & Evidence (p.40). I. Identify either the Claim (Argumentative Thesis) as A) Good or B) Bad.
Discussion Activities: Collaborative & Discussion-Driven Activities on Argument & Documenting Sources ENGL 1302 Dr. Rufel Ramos Revised 4/25/2014
Discussion Activity 1: Claims & Evidence (p.40) I. Identify either the Claim (Argumentative Thesis) as A) Good or B) Bad. 1. Chicken is one kind of animal-based protein source. 2. Eating any animal-based food is unethical and should be stopped. 3. The “teen” years are between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. 4. If an eighteen-year old can go to war, then he or she should be allowed to drink alcohol! 5. No war is justifiable, and so we must withdraw from the Middle East. 6. A war is a conflict between two opposing, large groups. 7. The United States is too dependent on Middle East oil, which is harming our national security. 8. The price of gas was nearly $5.00 a gallon not too long ago. 9. Obesity, while a national health crisis, is definitely not a disease. 10. This paper will explain the causes and effects of obesity.
Discussion activity 1: claims & evidence (pp.37-38) II. Identify either the Evidence as A) Good or B) Bad for college-level essays. 11. Encyclopedia article 12. An academic journal article 13. Opinion from a person with no experience or training in the issue 14. A YouTube video about depression uploaded from a person who copied the video somewhere else. 15. A paid celebrity spokesperson for a product 16. An answers.yahoo.com article 17. A newspaper article 18. Spoken memories from a person who witnessed the issue 19. A YouTube video about depression uploaded from the production company of the video 20. A Wikipedia article
Discussion Activity 2: ID the logical Fallacies (pp.17-19) 1. Even though it’s only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course. A. Post hoc fallacy B. Hasty generalization 2. I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick. A. Hasty generalization B. Post hoc fallacy 3. Filthy and polluting coal should be banned. A. Either-or B. Begging the question 4. Green Peace’s strategies aren’t effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies. A. Non sequitur B. Name calling (ad hominem) 5. People who don’t support the proposed state minimum wage increase hate the poor. A. Straw man B. Argument from Analogy
Discussion Activities 3-7: Classic & Toulmin Arguments Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not? DA3: Classic Argument -- Emily Andrews “Why I Don’t Spare ‘Spare Change’” DA4: Classic Argument – Matt Daniels “An Argument against the Anna Todd Jennings Scholarship” DA5: Toulmin Argument – Nia Tuckson“Why Foreign-Language Study Should Be Required” DA6: Toulmin Argument – Kristina Mialki“Texting: A Boon, not a Threat, to Language” DA7: Toulmin Argument – Chris Muñoz “The Promise to Educate”
Discussion Activity 8: Quote or Paraphrase Choose whether the underlined word group is A) a direct quotation and requires quotation marks with other editing OR B) is a paraphrase and is correct as it is. 1. Thomas Jefferson once said the harder he worked, the more luck he seemed to have. 2. Albert Einstein said only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. 3. Research scientist Sybil Carrere says her studies indicate it's possible to predict which newlywed couples will divorce. 4. Former Mariners player Alex Rodriguez said what excited me is bringing guys here I can play with for the next several years. 5. In her famous speech at the Woman's Rights Convention in 1851, Sojourner Truth said nobody ever helps me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me the best place, and aren't I a woman?
Discussion Activity 9: Two Parts of Documenting Sources Identify as A) In-Text Citation or B) Works Cited entry. 1. According to Susan Wood, “LeGuin shares with Russ a concern with breaking down the social and sexual stereotypes common to all formula fiction” (LeGuin 8). 2. LeGuin, Ursula. The Language of the Night. New York: Harper Collins, 1989. Print. 3. Mitford, Jessica. “The Embalming of Mr. Jones.” Patterns for College Writing, 10th ed. Ed. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007. 310-314. Print. 4. “Embalming is indeed a most extraordinary procedure,” writes Mitford (310). 5. As Phelan reports, former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vicks had plead guilty, hoping to get a reduced sentence. 6. Phelan, Mike. “Vick Agrees to Plea Deal, Prison Possible.” CNN. CNN, 20 Aug. 2007. Web. 1 Aug. 2000. 7. “UWF Department of Government – Master’s Thesis.” University of West Florida. University of West Florida, n.d. Web. 21 May 2010. 8. According to Aristotle, “Education is the best provision for old age,” (qtd. In “UWF”). 9. Jones, David. Personal interview. 12 November 2009. 10. My co-worker, David Jones, lets his wife do all the bill-paying because, as he says, “I’m horrible with money.”
Discussion Activity 10: Rebuttal Argument Rebuttal Argument – Marta Ramos “Oversimplifying the Locavore Ethic” • Who is Marta Ramos’ opposition? • What are her opposition’s points? • Do you agree with Marta Ramos? Why or Why not?
Discussion Activity 11: Works Cited & In-Text Citation For the following pair, choose the sentence that correctly uses MLA style in-text citation. 1. The writer is citing page 99 of an essay, "The Dinosaur Rip-Off," by Stephen Jay Gould. The writer cites a second essay by Gould, "Bully for Brontosaurus," in the paper. A. Gould asks readers to consider "the aggregate mental power vested in 10 million five-year-olds, each with an average of twenty monstrous Latin dinosaur names committed to memory with the effortless joy and awesome talent of human beings at the height of their powers for rote learning" (99). B. Gould asks readers to consider "the aggregate mental power vested in 10 million five-year-olds, each with an average of twenty monstrous Latin dinosaur names committed to memory with the effortless joy and awesome talent of human beings at the height of their powers for rote learning" ("Dinosaur" 99).
DA11: Continued 2. The writer is citing an online article titled “CounteeCullen’s Life.” The author of the article is Gerald Early. A. Gerald Early notes that disputed facts about Countee Cullen include "exactly where he was born, with whom he spent the very earliest years of his childhood, and where he spent them" (“Countee Cullen’s Life”). B. Gerald Early notes that disputed facts about Countee Cullen include "exactly where he was born, with whom he spent the very earliest years of his childhood, and where he spent them."
DA11: Continued 3. The writer is citing a webpage titled “Religion” from The Angkor Wat Information Pages site with no named author. Its URL is www.angkorwatinfo.com. A. The worship of the Cambodian ruler as a god "became the basis for a new Cambodian religion based first on Indian Hinduism" in the ninth century (www.angkorwatinfo.com). B. According to The Angkor Wat Information Pages, the worship of the Cambodian ruler as a god "became the basis for a new Cambodian religion based first on Indian Hinduism" in the ninth century (“Religion”).
DA11: Continued 4. The writer is citing page 17 of an essay written by J. R. R. Tolkien and collected in an anthology (book) written by Harold Bloom. The writer’s Works Cited lists Tolkien as the source. A. Tolkien asks readers of Beowulf to accept "that the monsters are not an inexplicable blunder of taste; they are essential, fundamentally allied to the underlying ideas of the poem" (17). B. Tolkien asks readers of Beowulf to accept "that the monsters are not an inexplicable blunder of taste; they are essential, fundamentally allied to the underlying ideas of the poem" (Bloom 17).
DA11: Continued • For each of the following items, choose the Works Cited entry that uses correct MLA Style. 5. The writer has cited the book A World of Art by Henry W. Sayre. It was published by Prentice Hall in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, in 1997. A. Henry W. Sayre. A World of Art. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 1997. B. Sayre, Henry W. A World of Art. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 1997. Print. 6. The writer has cited the article "Samsung's Next Act" by Heidi Brown and Justin Doebele. It is found on pages 18-23 of Forbes Global magazine dated July 26, 2004. A. Brown, Heidi, and Justin Doebele. "Samsung's Next Act." Forbes Global 26 July 2004: 18-23. Print. B. Brown, Heidi, and Doebele, Justin. "Samsung's Next Act." Forbes Global 26 Jul. 2004: 18-23.
DA11: Continued 7. The writer has cited the article "Road Rage Keeps Ants Moving Smoothly." No author is listed, and the article is found on page 190 of Science News magazine dated March 20, 2004. A. Anonymous. "Road Rage Keeps Ants Moving Smoothly." Science News 20 March 2004: 190. B. "Road Rage Keeps Ants Moving Smoothly." Science News 20 Mar. 2004: 190. Print. 8. The writer has seen the YouTube video titled “Animal Underworld” by Alan Green, uploaded on January 3, 2005. The writer saw the video on May 28, 2010. The web address (URL) is www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABCDwvgFGH. A. Green, Alan. “Animal Underworld.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 3 Jan. 2005. Web. 28 May 2010. B. YouTube. “Animal Underworld.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABCDwvgFGH. 9. The writer has cited the editorial "The gang that couldn't get the cocktail hour right" by Dan Seligman. It is found on page 68 of Forbes magazine dated January 12, 1998. A. Dan Seligman. "The gang that couldn't get the cocktail hour right." Forbes 12 Jan. 1998: 68. Print. B. Seligman, Dan. "The Gang That Couldn't Get the Cocktail Hour Right." Editorial. Forbes 12 Jan. 1998: 68. Print.
Discussion Activity 12: Rogerian Argument • Which is the better Rogerian Argument –Chris ChuorZoya Khan? Why?
Discussion Activity 13: Works Cited & In-Text Citation 1. The writer is quoting from page 12 of the book Literary Learning. The authors given on the Works Cited list are Robert Con Davis, Ronald Schleifer, Armado Reyes, and Grace Herlihy. A. As even professors of literary criticism have observed, students new to the field "can easily become lost and feel as if they are overhearing a discussion in another language" (Literary Learning 12). B. As even professors of literary criticism have observed, students new to the field "can easily become lost and feel as if they are overhearing a discussion in another language" (Davis and Schleifer et al. 12). 2. The writer is quoting from a website article titled “Apple’s Design” by Rob Walker on the website Wired. A. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, stated in his speech that design is "not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works" (Walker). B. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, stated in his speech that design is "not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works" (Wired).
DA13: Continued 3. The writer has cited the page on "Claudio Monteverdi" from the Web site Here of a Sunday Morning, which is written by Chris Whent. The Web site was most recently updated on October 10, 2004, the date of access was October 16, 2009, and the URL is http://www.hoasm.org/index.html. A. Whent, Chris. "Claudio Monteverdi." Here of a Sunday Morning. HOASM, 10 Oct. 2004. Web. 16 Oct. 2009. B. Whent, Chris. "Claudio Monteverdi." http://www.hoasm.org/index.html. 4. The writer has cited an article from the Web site of the Chicago Tribune newspaper. The article, "'Motor Room' Bound to Be a Traffic Stopper" by Mary Umberger, appeared in the print edition of the paper on November 1, 1997. The writer read the online piece on May 4, 2009. The URL for the article is http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune. A. Umberger, Mary. "'Motor Room' Bound to Be a Traffic Stopper." Chicago Tribune. Chicago Trubune, 1 Nov. 1997. Web. 4 May 2009. B. Umberger, Mary. "'Motor Room' Bound to Be a Traffic Stopper." Chicago Tribune. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune. 5. The writer has cited the film Cousin Cousine, dated 1975. It is directed by Jean-Charles Tacchella; the performers are Marie-Christine Barroult, Victor Lanoux, Marie-France Pisier, and Guy Marchand; and the studio is Janus Films. A. "Cousin Cousine." Dir. Jean-Charles Tacchella. Perf: Marie-Christine Barroult, Victor Lanoux, Marie-France Pisier, and Guy Marchand. Janus, 1975. DVD. B. Cousin Cousine. Dir. Jean-Charles Tacchella. Perf. Marie-Christine Barroult, Victor Lanoux, Marie-France Pisier, and Guy Marchand. Janus, 1975. DVD.
Discussion Activity 14: Proposal Argument • Who do you most agree with – • Erin Blaine in her essay “Should Date Posted on Social Networking Sites Be ‘Fair Game’ for Employers” or • Melissa Burrell in her essay “Colleges Need Honor Codes”? • Why?
Discussion Activity 15: Elements of an Annotated Work Cited Entry 1. Choose ONE of the ten argument sample essays that you’ve read (Andrews, Daniels, Tuckson, Mialki, Munoz, Ramos, Chu, Khan, Blaine, or Burrell). 2. Create a Works Cited entry for that chosen essay. 3. Following the “Annotated Bibliographies” guide and the sample Annotated Work Cited entry handout, write a short (3-5 sentences) annotation under the Works Cited entry. Note: Make sure to Summarize, Assess, and Reflect.