1. Kelvin’s Bridge
2. Modified version of Wheatstone's bridge
measuring range -1 micro ohm to 1 ohm
Uses a second set of ratio arms
Called Kelvin’s double bridge
Eliminates the effects of contact & lead resistnace
5. For bridge to balance
Rx = R2. R3 / R1
Rb/ Ra = R3 /R1
6. Mega Ohm bridge used to measure high resistance
Range 0.1 to 10 6 M O
Accuracy - 3 %
8. Eqlt. For high resistance A high resistance
Guard terminal to insulator
9. Mega ohm meter
10. High gain amplr
Balancing bridge
11. Ac bridges Based on Wheatstone bridge principle
To measure L & C
Appln. In communication & complex electronic circuits
Used for phase shifting, providing feed back path for oscillators & ampr, filtering, measuring frequncy
I1 Z1 = I2 Z3
I1 Z2 = I2 Z4
Z1/ Z2 = Z3 / Z 4
Z1 Z 4 = Z2 Z3
15. Similar angle bridge Also called Capacitive comparison bridge
Series Resistance capacitive bridge
Used to measure impedance of capacitive ckt.
Independent of frequency
16. Thank u
17. Similar angle bridge
18. Maxwell bridge To determine unknown resistance
With capacitance standard
(C not affected by external field,cheap, small in size)
Also called Maxwell- Wein bridge
For measuring L with low Q (< 10)
20. Hay bridge
21. Used to measure R & L where resistance is a small fraction of reactance Xl.
Used for coil with high Q
Replacing capacitor for measurement in similar angle bridge
Opposite Angle bridge