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Models of E-Business

Models of E-Business. Prepared by: Ashis Mitra. Business Models). Business to Consumer (B to C) Business to Business (B to B) Business to Government (B to G) Consumer to Consumer (C to C) Consumer to Business (C to B). Business to Consumer (B to C).

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Models of E-Business

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  1. Models of E-Business Prepared by: Ashis Mitra

  2. Business Models) • Business to Consumer (B to C) • Business to Business (B to B) • Business to Government (B to G) • Consumer to Consumer (C to C) • Consumer to Business (C to B)

  3. Business to Consumer (B to C) It applies to any business or organization that sells its products or services to consumers over the internet. In other words, it involves a direct on-line transaction between the business and the consumer. E-tailing: B to C involves electronic retailing or e-tailing for on-line retail sales. It makes it easier for a manufacturer to sell directly to a customer, cutting out the need for an intermediary.

  4. Major activities of B to C • Information sharing Following applications may be used to share information with the customers: (i) company Website; (ii) on-line catalogues; (iii) E-mail; (iv) on-line advertisements; (v) message board system; (vi) newsgroups and discussion groups. • Ordering Customer may order a product by making use of electronic forms (on-line fill-up and submission) or E-mail

  5. Major activities of B to C(contd) • Payment Options for making payment include: (i) credit cards; (ii) electronic cheques; (iii) digital cash • Delivery co-ordination It involves the physical delivery of a product or service from the merchant to the customer.

  6. Major activities of B to C (contd) • Service and support Different ways to provide service and support to the customers may include: (i) E-mail confirmation; (ii) periodic newsflash; (iii) On-line surveys; (iv) help desk; (v) guaranteed secure transactions; (vi) guaranteed on-line auctions.

  7. Major Business models of B to C • Portals – Offering integrated package of services and content like search, news, e-mail, chat, etc. (Ex. Yahoo.com) • E-tailer – Offering online retail store with distribution channel and mail catalogue (Ex. Amazon.com) • Content provider – Providing infornmation and entertainment like, newspaper, sports, etc. • Transaction broker – Stock brokers, travel agents • Market creator – Web based auctions bringing buyers and sellers together

  8. Business to Business (B to B) It involves online business dealings between two or more businesses or organizations. In terms of monetary transactions B to B is much greater than B to C.

  9. Major activities of B to B • Purchasing and procurement • Supply management • Inventory management • Channel management • Payment management • Service management

  10. Types of B to B markets • Independent e-marketplace These are usually on-line public marketplaces open to all buyers or sellers in a particular industry or region. It is generally operated by a third party who is neither a buyer nor a seller.

  11. Types of B to B markets (Contd) • Buyer-oriented e-marketplace This is normally run by a consortium of buyers in order to establish an efficient purchasing environment. Existing suppliers are encouraged to place their catalogues on-line so that they can be accessed by all members of the consortium. • Supplier-oriented e-marketplace This is set-up and operated by a number of suppliers to reach a large number of buyers.

  12. Types of B to B markets (Contd) • Vertical and horizontal e-marketplace Vertical e-marketplace addresses the requirements of a specific industry sector, like automobile, chemical, etc. A large organisation may set up such a marketplace to work with smaller businesses in its supply chain. A horizontal e-marketplace addresses regional or functional requirements.

  13. Major Business models of B to B • B to B aggregators – One company aggregates buyers to forma virtual entity and/or aggregates supplier to form a virtual distributor. The aggregator takes the responsibility for selection and fulfillment, pricing and marketing segmentation. • Market place (B to B hub) – Bringing buyers and sellers together to reduce procurement cost • B to B service provider – Supporting companies through on-line business services • Matchmaker – helping businesses to find what they want • Infomediary – Gathering information about consumers and using it for businesses.

  14. Business to Government (B to G) It involves the communication and transaction between businesses and government agencies over the internet.

  15. Major activities of B to G • Tax payment • On-line applications • Filing required reports • Exchange of documents

  16. Consumer to Consumer (C to C) It involves the exchange of information or transaction between two or more customers. When this exchange is done without any third party involvement, it is known as Peer to Peer (P to P).

  17. Major activities of C to C • Free classified • Auctions • forums

  18. Consumer to Business (C to B) It involves the communication from consumer to business related to a specific transaction or general business. It implies the transfer of data, content and knowledge from consumer to business.

  19. Major activities of C to B • Enquiries • Data submission • Feedback

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