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People and Ideas Develop

People and Ideas Develop. What’s happening in India Aryans from modern day Russia/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan spread into India, bring with them the Vedas – their sacred writings revealing much about their culture Aryans were taller/lighter skin color, brought with them 3 social classes

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People and Ideas Develop

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  1. People and Ideas Develop • What’s happening in India • Aryans from modern day Russia/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan spread into India, bring with them the Vedas – their sacred writings revealing much about their culture • Aryans were taller/lighter skin color, brought with them 3 social classes • Brahmins (priests) • Warriors • Peasants/traders • Once in India, a fourth one develops – laborers • These social classes would become called the Caste system • As Aryans spread across India, power struggles between tribal chiefs cause strife • Mahabharata created – great Indian epic, reflecting these struggles and blending of Aryan and non-Aryan cultures • Shows blending of cultures taking place, Krishna was big character

  2. Hinduism - It’s like totally old • Collection of religious beliefs that developed slowly over time • No one founder with a single set of ideas • Origins and Beliefs • 750–500 B.C. Hindu teachers create Upanishads—texts of teachings • Each person has atman—soul united with all others in Brahman – world soul • In reincarnation, people reborn to new lives • A soul’s good and bad deeds, karma, determines course of new life • Over last 2,500 years, different forms of gods grow in importance – Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Rama • Today, Hindus choose own path to moksha—a state of perfect understanding • Hinduism strengthened the caste system

  3. Buddhism, not Bro-ism • Siddhartha Gautama • Founder of Buddhism; priests prophesized his greatness, either world ruler or spiritual leader • Raised in isolation, in Nepal, Siddhartha Gautama wants to learn about world • Seeks enlightenment (wisdom), how to escape human suffering • Tries many methods; gains enlightenment by meditating • Becomes the Buddha, the “enlightened one”

  4. Tell me what you believe, Buddha • Buddha begins to preaches Four Noble Truths—basic philosophy of Buddhism • Life is filled with suffering and sorrow • The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this world • The way to end all suffering is to end all desires • The way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path, or the Middle Way • Right views, Right resolve, Right speech, Right conduct, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, and Right concentration • By following Eightfold Path, one can achieve Nirvana: • a perfect state of understanding • a release from selfishness and pain • a break from the chain of reincarnations, rebirths • Buddha rejects caste system and multiple gods of Hinduism

  5. Buddha’s my buddy • Some followers devote lives to religion, become monks and nuns • Many followers at first among poor and lower caste • Monks and nuns spread Buddha’s teachings • Teachings written to become sacred literature • Spreads to other parts of Asia • Never gains firm hold in India; Hinduism remains strong • Buddhist pilgrims often visit India • Buddhism spreads by traders to: • Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Korea, Japan

  6. Judaism in the House, son • Torah, first five books of Hebrew Bible, tells early history of Hebrews • In Torah, God chose Abraham, a shepherd, to be father of Hebrew people • Hebrews are monotheists, believing in one God only—Yahweh, an all powerful being, no physical form • A mutual promise, covenant, is made between God and Abraham • Abraham promises to obey God, Yahweh promises protection • Abraham moves family and herds from Ur to Canaan (present day Israel/Palestine) around 1800 B.C. • Around 1650 B.C. Abraham’s descendants move to Egypt, at first honored there but later become slaves

  7. Let me people go, brosif • Hebrews flee Egypt between 1300 and 1200 B.C. with Moses leading them • Moses receives Ten Commandments—become basis of Hebrew law • Don’t kill, don’t steal, honor father and mother, respect Sabbath (Sunday), don’t take lord’s name in vain, no false idols • Women and men have separate roles, responsibilities • Law includes strict justice softened by mercy • Prophets arise later to interpret the law • They teach people to live moral lives

  8. Moses seriously needed GPS • Moses leads them in desert for 40 years, arrive back to Canaan and form 12 tribes • Hebrews believe God promised them Canaan (that’s why it’s called the Promised Land, dummy – yeah I got that, thanks for being a jerk) but land is harsh; Hebrews expand south and north • This expansion brings them into conflict with other people eventually leaving one tribe – Judah, hence Judaism • From 1020 to 922 B.C. Hebrews (Jews) unite; new kingdom called Israel • King David (from David and Goliath fame) establishes Jerusalem as capital • From 700 B.C. to early 1900s (A.D.) Israel is conquered by different groups: Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Ottomans

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