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Early Human Migration - Exploring the Ice Ages and Land Bridges

Explore the reasons behind early human migration as a response to the Ice Ages, leading to the development of land bridges and innovative adaptation strategies.

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Early Human Migration - Exploring the Ice Ages and Land Bridges

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  1. Topic: Early Human Migration Essential Question: Why did early humans migrate and how?

  2. Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era), the climate around the world began to change. • This also transformed the Earth’s geography • These changes forced people to migrate, or move, to new places • Early humans began this process as early as 2 million years ago. People on the Move

  3. Scientists believe the cause for this migration was long periods of freezing weather, called the ice ages. • During this time, huge ice sheets covered much of the Earth. • This period began about 1.6 million years agoand ended about 10,000 years ago. Ice Ages

  4. The ice was formed from ocean water, which significantly lowered the ocean level. • Many areas that are underwater today were dry land as a result. • Strips of land that connected continents, or land bridges, to be exposed • This allowed hominids to travel to many continents. More Ice Ages

  5. Land Bridge

  6. Humans began to migrate from East to southern Africa • From there they spread out to Southeast Asia and Europe. • From there they could migrate to Australia. • However, it is still unclear as to how early hominids made it to Australia. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJdT6QcSbQ0 Settling New Lands

  7. Land Bridge Theory • Most scholars believe that early humans crossed a land bridge from Asia to North America following herds of animals. • Coastal Theory • Humans followed the coasts either walking or in a simple boat. • Island Hopping Theory • Move between islands that are small distances apart until you reach your final destination. (Ex. Chains of islands in Indonesia to get to Australia) How Did We Get Here?

  8. Many of the new lands that humans migrated to had much colder climates. • There were also strange plants and animals that early humans had never seen before • In order to survive in their new homes, they had to adapt to their surroundings. Adaptations

  9. Fire was used to keep people warm, however it was not enough. People had to learn to sew animal skins together to make new warmer clothing. Clothing

  10. These people first took shelter in caves, but not all areas had caves to live in. • The first homes were called pit houses. • These were pits in the ground with roofs of branches and leaves. • Above ground homes were also made. • Tents of animal skin. • Permanent structures made of wood, bones, stone, clay, etc. Shelter

  11. Pit House & Mammoth House Example

  12. New uses for bones and stone tools were discovered. • Fishing hooks and spears • First Bow and Arrows • New technology improved their lives. • Canoes • Pottery • Pets Tools and Technology

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