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Decline of the Republic…Rise of the Empire. Ancient Rome Mr. Blais. Slave Revolt. While the Roman govt was in disarray one of the worst slave revolts in Roman history happened in 73 B.C.E. It was led by a gladiator (slave who fought for public entertainment) named Spartacus
Decline of the Republic…Rise of the Empire Ancient Rome Mr. Blais
Slave Revolt • While the Roman govt was in disarray one of the worst slave revolts in Roman history happened in 73 B.C.E. • It was led by a gladiator (slave who fought for public entertainment) named Spartacus • He escaped from his training facility and began rallying slaves across the Roman world to his cause.
Slave Revolt (cont.) • Within a year Spartacus had an army of 100,000. • His army ravaged Italy for two years and defeated a least four major Roman generals and their armies. • Finally in 71 B.C.E. Marcus Licinius Crassus was given command of the army and crushed the revolt in 6 months. • Approximately 6,000 of the rebels were crucified along the main road to Rome as a warning to all who dared challenge Rome.
Marcus Licinius Crassus • After putting down the slave revolt Crassus was elected consul of Rome in 70 B.C.E. • He shared power with a good friend Pompey • Crassus was a skilled military commander and was a very wealthy man who made his money dealing in slaves and making sound investments. • He would later become the money behind the throne of later the Republican govt
GneiusPompeius Magnus • Better known as Pompey or Pompey the Great he was elected consul in 70 B.C.E. • Pompey had led a military life, fighting in earlier civil wars • He later became a household name in Rome with his victory over Mithradates of Pontus (A major foe in the east) • Thus gaining many new provinces for Rome throughout modern Turkey and Syria
Gaius Julius Caesar • Caesar was born to a noble Roman family in 100 B.C.E. • At about age 18 he left Rome (due to political turmoil) and joined the army in the east. • He spent his early years their fighting Rome’s enemies and getting an education. • Using his new found skills in military and political matters Caesar became the financial officer of Spain in 68 B.C.E.
Gaius Julius Caesar (cont.) • Caesar married Pompeia (cousin of Pompey) in 68 B.C.E., thus beginning their important friendship. • Caesar spent about 6 years in Spain putting down rebels, reorganizing the govt., and sending large sums of money to the treasury of Rome. • Both Caesar and Pompey returned to Rome around 61 B.C.E. as well known and popular political figures.
The First Triumvirate • Caesar, though hated by the Senate, had the support of the people • Pompey, a good friend and wife to Caesar’s daughter Julia, had support of the army. • With Crassus’ money these three men created a political alliance to gain greater wealth and power for each of them • This culminated in Caesar’s election as consul in 59 B.C.E.
59 B.C.E. • As consul Caesar now had the ability to push his own agenda. • He reworked the Agrarian Laws and distributed large tracts of land to the common people, particularly Pompey’s veterans • By 58 B.C.E. the Senate made him governor of Gaul, mostly in an effort to get Caesar out of Rome
Caesar’s Murder • Caesar was murdered on March 15, 44 B.C.E. • His murder was led and organized by Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus • Cassius hated Caesar and Brutus hated tyranny • Caesar’s death led to chaos and riots across Rome, the conspirators were forced to flee the city and much of their property was destroyed.
Solidifying Power • Caesar’s named heir was Gaius Octavius (his 19 year old nephew) • Octavius allied with Marc Antony (Caesar’s most trusted general) in a war against Caesar’s murderers • In November, 42 B.C.E. the two armies met. Cassius and Brutus were each separately defeated by Antony and Octavius. • The Republic had now officially fallen!
East and West • Antony and Octavius now divided the empire, Octavius in the west and Antony in the east • Over the next ten years they each solidified their power in their realms and Antony formed an alliance with Cleopatra of Egypt. • Octavius would use this political alliance to destroy Antony’s character in Rome and as justification to go to war with Antony.
Rise of the Empire • Antony and Cleopatra met Octavius in the naval battle of Actium (31 B.C.E). • Octavius’ forces won the battle and Antony and Cleopatra retreated to Egypt. • Over the next year Octavius’ armies slowly took the eastern provinces back from Antony. • This all culminated in the suicides of Antony and Cleopatra in 30 B.C.E. giving Octavius full control of the Roman Empire