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Galaxies. • Classification • Clusters • Collisions • Active galaxies and quasars. Classification. The Hubble sequence : • ellipticals E0 – E9 • spirals Sa – Sc • barred spirals SBa – SBc + irregulars. Classification - 2. Global properties Spirals Ellipticals Irregulars
Galaxies • Classification • Clusters • Collisions • Active galaxies and quasars
Classification The Hubble sequence: • ellipticals E0 – E9 • spirals Sa – Sc • barred spirals SBa – SBc + irregulars
Classification - 2 Global properties SpiralsEllipticalsIrregulars Visible mass (M ) 109 – 1011 106 – 1013 107 – 1010 Diameter (103 LY) 20 – 150 2 – 500 5 – 30 Stars’ages all ages old all ages Stellar orbits circular elliptical Interstellar matter yes no yes It was first thought that the Hubble sequence corresponds to an evolutionary path This is no more the case
Classification - 3 M74 Type Sc (Gemini)
Classification - 4 NGC4565 Type Sb (R. Gendler)
Classification - 5 M81 Type Sab (G. Benintende)
Classification - 6 M104 `Sombrero´ Type Sa (HST)
Classification - 7 NGC1300 Type SBbc (HST)
Classification - 8 NGC1365 Type SBb (SSRO/PROMPT and NOAO/AURA/NSF)
Classification - 9 M31 `Andromeda nebula´ Type Sb and companions M32 NGC205 (dwarf ellipticals) (R. Gendler)
Classification - 10 M87 Giant elliptical (CFHT) Main galaxy in the Virgo cluster
Classification - 11 M82 Irregular (HST) Intense stellar formation `Recent´ interaction with M81
Classification - 12 Sagittarius dwarf Dwarf irregular (HST) Satellite of our Galaxy
Classification - 13 Large Magellanic Cloud Dwarf irregular + bar (Wei Hao Wang, IfA, Univ. Hawaii) Main satellite de of of our Galaxy
Galaxy clusters Many galaxies belong to associations of variable size: groups or clusters • the localgroup contains ~ 30 galaxies with 2 major galaxies it is a satellite of the nearest cluster: • the Virgo cluster contains ~ 2000 galaxies with ~ 100 major galaxies • elliptical galaxies are more numerous inside clusters • spiral galaxies are more numerous outside clusters
Galaxy clusters - 2 The Virgo cluster at ~ 18 Mpc
Galaxy clusters - 3 The Coma cluster at ~ 100 Mpc (Jim Misti)
Galaxy clusters - 4 The Abell 1185 cluster at ~ 400 Mpc (CFHT)
Galaxy clusters - 5 Large structures The galaxy clusters are associated into superclusters which concentrate on irregular `surfaces´ (walls) surrounding nearly empty `bubbles´ (size ~ 1 Mpc) That structure is revealed by ambitious 3D cartography projects: • 2 coordinates are deduced from the position of the galaxy on the sky • distance is deduced from the spectral redshift → spectra of thousands of galaxies Large scale distribution of galaxies
Galaxy clusters - 6 The Hubble deep fields Hubble Ultradeep Field: Field without bright stars 11.3 days of exposure with ACS (visible) and 4.5 days with NICMOS (IR) ~ 10 000 galaxies in a field of 36.7 arcminutes squared ↔ ~ 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe
Galactic collisions •Collisions of planets: very unlikely d (planets) ~ 1000 RP • Collisions of stars: even more unlikely d (stars) ~ 10 000 000 R* • Collisions of galaxies: frequent in groups and clusters d (galaxies) ~ 10 to 100 RGal – unlikely to give rise to collisions of stars – but perturbation of orbits → some stars are ejected from the galaxies (~10 to 30% of stars in the Virgo cluster are outside galaxies)
Galactic collisions - 2 M51, spiral galaxy interacting with NGC5195, a lower mass companion
Galactic collisions - 3 Arp295, two galaxies that passed close to each other, giving rise to `tidal tails´ (USNO, Flagstaff)
Galactic collisions - 4 NGC4038 and 4039, `the antennae´, two colliding galaxies, with intense star formation and spectacular `tidal tails´ (Daniel Verschatse – Antilhue Observatory)
Galactic collisions - 5 NGC520, probably the result of two spiral galaxies that collided 300 millions years ago and have now nearly merged (Gemini obs.)
Galactic collisions - 6 AM0644−741, with ring of diameter ~ 150 000 LY, showing intense star formation (result of a `head-on´ collision) (HST)
Galactic collisions - 7 `Cartwheel´ galaxy with gas ring and intense star formation (HST)
Galactic collisions - 8 Neutral hydrogen contours superimposed onto the optical image of the `Cartwheel´ galaxy → reveal a `bridge´ of matter
Galactic collisions - 9 Consequences of galactic collisions • few perturbations onto stars, apart from their orbits • strong perturbations of interstellar clouds → starformation (and more… see AGNs below…) • Computer simulations: → reproduce the observed shapes → collision of 2 spirals often results in an elliptical → giant ellipticals might result from successive collisions (in agreement with their predominance in clusters) → what happened to the gas?
Active galaxies and quasars What is an AGN? AGN = Active Galactic Nucleus Some galaxies have several peculiarities: • very luminous center • output of a huge energy amount in a small volume • strong emission lines 4 main AGN categories: Seyfert galaxies, radiogalaxies, blazars and quasars Center of active galaxy NGC1097 (VLT)
Active galaxies and quasars - 2 Seyfert galaxies 1943: Carl Seyfert → catalogue of spiral galaxies showing a particulary bright nucleus Luminosity of nucleus highly variable on time scales < 1 year → size < ~1 LY 2 subcategories according to spectrum: • Type 1: intense continuum + broad permitted emission lines + narrower forbidden lines (lower Doppler broadening) • Type 2: only narrow emission lines Spectra of Seyfert galaxies
Active galaxies and quasars - 3 Radiogalaxies = giant elliptical galaxies+ strong emissions at radio frequencies (~10 000 stronger than normal galaxies) Nucleus does not always have an optical counterpart Radio waves emitted by highly energetic electrons moving inside a magnetic field → synchrotron radiation Radiogalaxy Centaurus A
Active galaxies and quasars - 4 Synchrotron radiation Charged particle moving at relativistic speed in a magnetic field: → the particle spirals around the field lines → radiation depending on the intensity of the magnetic field and of the velocity distribution of the particles : Fν ~ ν−α(non thermal)
Parts of the radio galaxy Cygnus A Active galaxies and quasars - 5 Radio emission Radio flux < radiolobes (total extent ~10 times the extent of the galaxy) Lobes sometimes linked to nucleus by thin filaments called radiojets (relativistic: particles moving at velocities close to c) 2 types:Narrow-Line & Broad-Line Radio Galaxies (NLRG/BLRG) according to the absence or presence of broad permitted lines in the optical spectrum Radiogalaxy M87
Active galaxies and quasars - 6 Quasars Quasar = QUAsi-Stellar Astronomical Radio Source Neologism invented in the 1950s: strong point-like radio sources, some without any optical counterpart First hypothesis: new type of stars in our Galaxy, with emission lines that do not correspond to any known chemical element? 1963: Maarten Schmidt realizes that quasars are very distant, thus extremely luminous → strongly redshifted emission lines Maarten Schmidt
Active galaxies and quasars - 7 Quasars and QSOs Not all quasars emit strong radio waves → radio-loud quasars & radio-quiet quasars → alternate name for radio-quiet: Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs) The brightness of the nucleus and the distance mask the host galaxy → appear as point sources unless observed at very high angular resolution Unclear distinction between (radio-quiet) QSOs and Seyfert galaxies → adopted definition: QSO if MV < −23 A quasar and its host galaxy (HST)
Active galaxies and quasars - 8 Quasars and host galaxies Quasars are found at the centers of massive galaxies of various types, but often perturbed by gravitational interactions ~ 60 000 known quasars ~ 10% are intense radio emitters Redshift 0.06 < z < 7.1 → located in between 800 millions and 13 billions LY → useful tools to probe the evolution of the Universe Quasar host galaxies (HST)
Active galaxies and quasars - 9 Quasar spectra Luminosity ~ 1012 to 1015 times the solar luminosity Spectral distribution: non thermal continuum (≠ black body law) → synchrotron radiation • Type 1 quasars: broad + narrow lines • Type 2 quasars: only narrow lines, weaker continuum (less frequent) ↔ Seyfert galaxies Typical spectrum of a type 1 quasar
Active galaxies and quasars - 10 Blazars BL Lacertae (prototype discovered in 1929) + quasar = blazar Characteristics: appear point-like at low resolution, strong radio emitters, highly variable, found in the center of elliptical galaxies 2 sub-categories: • BL Lac: absence of broad lines • OVV = Optically Violently Variables: weak broad lines Intensity fluctuations of the blazar 1156+295
Active galaxies and quasars - 11 AGN unification model Basic idea: Different types of AGNs are variants of the same phenomenon: • at various luminosities • seen under different angles Taking into account: • anisotropy of the AGN radiation • extinction by dust Artist view of an AGN
Active galaxies and quasars - 12 Basic ingredients of the model At the center of the AGN: supermassive black hole (106 to 109M ) • accretion of matter • conservation of angular momentum → accreted matter forms a rotating accretion disk • viscosity (friction) inside the disk heats the matter → emission of a continuum radiation, carrying a huge amount of energy Other artist view of an AGN
Active galaxies and quasars - 13 Energy radiated by AGNs Typical power (luminosity) of an AGN: ~1040 W → `swallow´ a mass ~10 M /year (up to 100 for the most luminous quasars) • AGNs turn `on´ and `off´ depending on the available matter • When all surrounding matter is exhausted, the AGN becomes invisible and its host a `normal´ galaxy • AGNs were more numerous in the past • The Milky Way may have experienced a (rather mild) AGN phase in the past Illustration of a black hole
Active galaxies and quasars - 14 Variability of AGNs Variation of the rate at which the black hole is fed → variation of the AGN luminosity Depends: • on the presence of matter in the vicinity of the black hole • on mechanisms bringing matter close enough to the black hole: – bar in a spiral galaxy – collision between galaxies
Active galaxies and quasars - 15 Emission lines regions Gas cloudsin orbit around the black hole → responsible for emission lines observed in the spectrum • Broad-Line Region(BLR): dense clouds close to the black hole → fast motion → high velocity dispersion → broad lines • Narrow-Line Region(NLR): lower density clouds, further away from the black hole
Active galaxies and quasars - 16 Around the black hole Dust torus • surrounds the fast rotating dense clouds • located in the same plane as the accretion disk • opaque to visible and UV radiation Possible radio jets • particles accelerated along the rotation axis to v≈c • decelerated when colliding with matter → radio lobes
Active galaxies and quasars - 17 Influence of orientation with respect to the line-of-sight The BLR is visible: → quasar or type 1 Seyfert The BLR is hidden: → type 2 One or two jets viewed from the side → radiogalaxy (NLRG or BLRG as above) A jet points towards us → blazar