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Healthy Choices: Loblaw’s role in promoting healthier food choices for Canadian’s

Healthy Choices: Loblaw’s role in promoting healthier food choices for Canadian’s. Tina Stewart, RD. January 12, 2012. Agenda. Introduction to Loblaw Co. Ltd Presidents Choice Blue Menu – History of the Brand Health Initiatives - Sodium Reduction - Guiding Stars

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Healthy Choices: Loblaw’s role in promoting healthier food choices for Canadian’s

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  1. Healthy Choices: Loblaw’s role in promoting healthier food choices for Canadian’s

    Tina Stewart, RD January 12, 2012
  2. Agenda Introduction to Loblaw Co. Ltd Presidents Choice Blue Menu – History of the Brand Health Initiatives - Sodium Reduction - Guiding Stars Consumer Health Trends and Loblaw’s Initiatives Questions and Answers
  3. Loblaw Companies Ltd Overview Canada’s largest food distributor Plus, leading provider of: General merchandise Drugstore Financial products & services Over 1,000 corporate and franchised stores from coast to coast Operates four unique formats of stores to meet varying customer needs  Superstore  Hard Discount  Great Food  Wholesale One of Canada’s largest private sector employers with over 140,000 full-time and part-time employees Offers Canada’s strongest control brands Served by 25 company operated warehouses
  4. Loblaw Co. Ltd 22 different banners and 14 million customers visiting our stores each week
  5. Loblaw’s Mission To be Canada’s best food, health and home retailer by exceeding customer expectations through innovative products at great prices.
  6. The Way We Do Business Respect our environment Source with integrity Make a positive difference in our community Reflect our nation’s diversity Be a great place to work
  7. Loblaw Co. Ltd Owns and operates the two biggest consumer packaged goods brands in Canada.
  8. Evolution of a Healthy Brand 1991-introduced a new line of products called “Too Good Too Be True”™ (TGTBT) “Functional Foods”- to target health conscious consumers Created with the help of renowned nutrition researchers- Dr David Jenkins at University of Toronto
  9. Evolution of a Healthy Brand 2005- PC® Blue Menu™ is launched with 80 new products Targeting the health conscious consumer Innovative foods that are easy and convenient Easier nutrition messaging
  10. 2011- Blue Menu Over 400 products with new products being developed each year Each product must have at least one primary benefit Lower Fat Omega 3 Lower Calories Soy Protein Less Sugars Vitamins/Minerals/Antioxidants Less Sodium Plant Sterols More Fibre Prebiotics/Probiotics
  11. Ingredient Standards None of our products contain: hydrogenated oils monosodium glutamate sugar alcohols and other artificial sweeteners (except sucralose). Responsible for: sodium, sugar and fat
  12. Evolution of A Healthy Brand 2012- Relaunch of PC® Blue Menu™ New Products Reformulated Products - sodium reduction -enhanced nutrients New Packaging- to make it easier for consumers to see nutritional benefits
  13. Healthy Initiatives Sodium Reduction Strategy: Recommendations for the Sodium Working Group A structured voluntary reduction of sodium levels in processed food products and foods sold in restaurants and other food services. National strategy to reduce the population average sodium intake from 3400 mg to 2300 mg by 2016. The ultimate goal is to lower sodium intake for 95% of the population below 2300 mg. per day.
  14. Sodium Reduction: Finland Industry has reformulated a variety of product groups to reduce their salt content by about 20% to 25%. Results: “comprehensive approach” has resulted in one third reduction in sodium intake contributed to a decrease of more than 10 mm Hg in the population average systolic and diastolic blood pressure 75% decrease in both stroke and coronary heart disease mortality. Source: Health Canada 
  15. Sodium Reduction Consumer Research 21% are willing to pay more for foods that have reduced salt/sodium 55% look for salt/sodium when reading product labels 86% have tried to reduce their sodium/salt intake over the past 3 months, while 19% of Canadian households claim it is one of the most challenging food items to reduce from their diet Source: Neilson Panel Views Health and Wellness Survey 2010
  16. Sodium Reduction Internal Sodium Guidelines – established for PC® Blue Menu™ and other control brands 2010- reformulated 132 products and reduced sodium by 19% 2011 Target- 200 products and 15% sodium reduction
  17. Sodium Reduction PC Blue Menu Diced Tomatoes 796ml can 5mg of sodium/125ml (0% DV) Product Launched in 2006
  18. Sodium Reduction No Name Diced Tomatoes 796 ml can 310mg of sodium/125ml (13% DV)
  19. Guiding Stars Nutrition navigation system Helps shoppers identify more nutritious food choices in the grocery store Star Rating of 0, 1, 2, 3 stars
  20. Guiding Stars Scientific Algorithm – rates foods on nutrient density- 100 calorie portion More Stars Less Stars + vitamins/minerals - saturated fats + fibre - trans fats + whole grains - added sodium + omega 3 - added sugar Source: guidingstars.ca
  21. Trends 48% are aware of health symbols or logos on packaging Consumers believe products with health symbols are better for you 85% refer to the Nutritional Facts Panel when shopping for groceries while 69% look for health-related symbols/logos on the package When reading product labels, fat (58%), salt/sodium (55%) and sugar (47%) are the top factors looked at when deciding to buy
  22. Guiding Stars Jan 2012- 4 stores in Ontario May 2012- All Loblaw stores in Ontario Sept 2012- Zehr’s, Fortino’s, Independent Grocer stores in Ontario
  23. Health and Wellness Initiatives Established Health and Wellness Team In-store dietitians- 24 stores in Ontario and expanding Partnering with organizations: Canadian Diabetes Association Hypertension Canada
  24. Consumer Health Trends Top Five Nutrition Trends for 2012 Go Green and Add Some Spice! - consumers will demand more local, organic and sustainable, fresh, minimally processed foods -simplifying ingredient list -sodium reduction -elimination of high fructose corn syrup - add spice for flavour
  25. Consumer Health Trends 2. Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber! - more antioxidants and phytonutrients in the diet - more fibre from whole grains and fruits and vegetables
  26. Consumer Health Trends “ In Season” Increased fruit and vegetable consumption Plant based foods Local and organically grown
  27. Consumer Health Trends 4. How low can you go? - reduction of : trans fats added sugars saturated fats sodium
  28. Consumer Health Trends Make your Plate look like My Plate USDA’s My Plate- US Canada’s Food Guide - Canada Identified as top authorities on topic of healthy eating Portion control and fruit and vegetable intake
  29. Questions???????
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