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Presentations from speakers. Opportunities in cities Budapest. Luca Koltai presented by Miklós Budai. Equal Opportunity Office of the Municipality of Budapest. founded by the Budapest Municipality in 1996 supporting unemployed people, organising public employment
Opportunities in citiesBudapest Luca Koltai presented by Miklós Budai
Equal Opportunity Office of the Municipality of Budapest • founded by the Budapest Municipality in 1996 • supporting unemployed people, organising public employment • providing methodological support, building partnerships • promoting equal opportunities in the labour market
Diverse population ofBudapest • Population: 1,7 million • 144 religion, Over 30,000 people belong to minorities, 81,000 disabled • Average age: 41 (growing) • Unemployment rate (2006, region) 3,1% (55% woman) • Employment rate 62,7%
Problems • Low employment rate + low unemployment rate • Low employment opportunities for: • Disabled • Roma minority • Woman returnees • Older workers • Discrimination at the workplaces
Equal Opportunity 2000 StrategyOverall Goals: • market oriented employment strategy • equal chance of admittance of services • composition of joint objectives • prevention of social exclusion • partnership approach
Diversity Action Plan – pilot program of the city Aim: • to promote equal opportunities at the workplace in Budapest. • The measures and initiatives of this program will be used as models for employers not only in institutions maintained by municipalities but in case of for-profit companies also. • We work with both public, non-profit and for-profit organisations.
1. Budapest as an employer / owner of organisations • 50,000 employees in these organisations • 40+ Ethical Code • Equal Opportunity Plan of the employers • Yearly report to the General Assembly
2. Budapest as a City - Strategic development • Inclusive Budapest project: The project wishes to create an operable practice and produce real results against the prejudiced attitude of the employers. We are processing a model that is capable to help the inclusion and the integration of disadvantaged people in regard to the labour market. • Budapest survey on equal opportunities at work • Development of strategies / methods aimed at equal opportunities at work • Information for employers, forming an attitude
3. Budapest as partner of businesses • Global Compact • Budapest Human Resources Forum • „Inclusive workplace” prize
Mainstreaming equality – 2007 European Year of Equal Chances for All • Inclusive Workplace Network project • Largest project of the Year of Equal Chances for All in Hungary • Nationwide network for the promotion of equal opportunities at work
Mainstreaming equality – 2007 European Year of Equal Chances for All • Series of regional briefing seminars on equality at the workplace • 7 regions, participants from 130 settlements • 500 employers concerned • 60-80,000 employers concerned • Consulting service • Interactive website • More and more visitors • Methodological publication • ”The Best Equal Opportunity Plan” prize
Thank you for your attention! Luca Koltai, innovation executive tel: +36 (1) 216-0809 e-mail: koltai@pestesely.hu
Equal opportunites for all in the city of Stockholm lena.lefverstrom@stadshuset..stockholm.se
Introduction to the City of Stockholm City of Stockholm- 782 000 inhabitants The largest enterpriser in Sweden with 49.900 employees 28 District councils and special committees 17 City companies
Discimination should be prohibited according to the following grounds of discrimination: Sex Sexual identity Ethnic background Religion or other religious belief Disability Sexual orientation Age
Brief overview on existent inequalites Equal wages between men and women and eqvivalent work Difficulties for immigrants and disabled to enter te Swedish labour market Violence against women
Assignment The City should be an attractive place for living, buisnesses and visitors.
Equal Opportunities Policy All inhabitants of Stockholm shall have equal opportunites to work, education, influence and independence The work for equal opportunites shall be integrated into all the activites of the city of Stockholm Annual goalorintated actionplans for equal opportunities and diversity
A policy of three parts The City as employer The City´s activities directed a the city´s inhabitants The City and the wider world
A good working environment That work is organised in such way as to facilitate- for both women and men the combination of gainful employment with family life Equal opportunities for training as well as for competencies and career development Equal pay for equal or equivalent work
A fair distribution of resources to women and men, girls and boys. That the city works actively to break patterns of traditional career choice and gender division in the labour market The proposals for change are analysed from a gender and diverst perspective
That regional,national and international developments are monitored Cooperation and knowledge exchange That the city initiates, participates in and keeps up to date with research and development That the City actively combats phenomena wich threaten the equality of women and men That the City aims to achieve an even gender distribution when appointing members to comissions and boards
Surveys and evaluation The file of complains Statitics considering the citizens conditions Client´s satisfaction survey Statistics considering the employees situation Employees satisfaction survey Leadership survey Evaluation of the actionplans
Conclusion Legislation and framework Increased knowledge of equal opportunities Equal opportunites and diversity mainstreaming Gender separated statistics and surveys Equal oportunites and diversity as a natural part of the regular controlling of the organisation Profitability! Attitudes
”It is one of he beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerly try to help another without helping himself.”Ralph Waldo Emerson1803-1882
Equal opportunites for all in the city of Stockholm lena.lefverstrom@stadshuset..stockholm.se
Discriminations reinforce Social inequalities Discriminations can be related to origin, sex and sexualorientation, ethnic, national or race belonging, political opinions, trade-union activities, religious beliefs, genetical features, age, physical appearance, patronym, handicap, as defined in article 225-1 of penal code. When cumulated,these various types of discriminations reinforce social inequalities . UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Discriminations create injustice Discriminations create injustice that affect «living together». A great number of inhabitants of Ile de France are affecte by discriminations namely people living in poor areas especially in what concerns access to accomodation, employment, education, training, entertainment, healthcare… their relationship with institutions, public services and agents UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Commitment into action The Ile de France Région has wished to create a global framework for action and to reinforce even more its commitment into action by the implementation of a determinate global policy in the field of fight against discriminations, namely by strongly supporting innovative projects Throughout its systems, its major contracts, and its Stratégic plans, On the whole territory UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
The Régional commitment The Ile de France Région already contributes in its systems to the prévention and fight against inequalities and discriminations, particularly in what concerns gender inequality. In order to combat stereotypes information and awareness actions are required as well as the training of beneficiaries The evaluation of systems with indicators and the inclusion of compelling articles in contracts and specifications is also necessary. UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
The commitment of the Région Throughout the régional life long training scheme which wasvoted by the regional assembly 28th june 2007, the Région clearly declares it wants to fight against inequalities and discriminations in the 5th strategic principle of this plan In apprenticeship, the Contrat of Objectives and means hasalsotaken this aspect into consideration dimension by encouraging actions in favour of fight against discriminations and an increased access of girls in more diversified curricula. UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
5 main axis to fight against discriminations Aim at giving a new impulse to regional commitment • Publicly declare the commitment of the Région • Support and assist innovative projects on territories • Inform and train actors bénéficiaries of régional systems to fighting against discriminations in order to create a common and shared culture • Organise a network of partnerships and evaluate actions • Improve and reinforce the knowledge of discriminatory mechanisms UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Axis 1 : publicly declare the commitment of the Région • Improve the visibility of régional action • encourage the involvement of the Région, on highly symbolic dates (8th march etc.) • régional informationcampaigns UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Axis 2 : Support and assist innovative projects on territories • The projects can be proposed by associations, social partners, representing either employers and employees, private companies, public institutions, training organisations, local authorities. • La Région will endeavour to enhance and publicise innovative actions in this field and will organise moments of exchange and debates on good practises. UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Axis 3 : Inform and train actors and bénéficiaries Information and training of all régional actors to fight against discriminations in groups where apprenticeship trainers, training organisations, association local leaders, will be able to meet each other, is a strong orientation of régional action. These multi targeted training actions will come in addition to existing sectorial systems which train local missions for young unemployed people and apprentice ship training centers UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Axis 4 : Organise a network of partners and assess supported actions • The partners will come from institutions such as la Haute Autorité de Lutte contre les Discriminations et pour l’Égalité (HALDE), l’Agence Nationale pour la Cohésion Sociale et pour l’Égalité des Chances (ACSE), • An axis of partnership with socioeconomic actors also seems crucial. A common action of the main stake holders of the Région is absolutely necessary to fight against discriminations, particularly in the field of employment. The commitment of some big companies in the diversity charta is an illustration of this trend. • La COPIRE, (Commission Paritaire Interprofessionnelle Régionale de l’Emploi) is then one of the main partners of the Région to intervene on the fight against discriminations in an open minded attitude towards social partners, either representing employers or représenting employees. • Regional action will also takes its examples from abroad namely european programmes . UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Axis 5 : Improve and reinforce the knowledge of discriminatory mechanisms • The lack of knowledge, and namely of statistics is a limit to evaluation. • the Ile-de-France region is aware of the need to have detailed statistics available on its systems, without stigmatising its publics. • Moreover, collecting and disseminating gendered statistics in all the systems and projects suported by the Région is also an essential strategic process which has been recommended for long by the European Union. UNITE DEVELOPPEMENT MISSION STRATEGIE
Diversity & Equality – What First? Presented by: Gillian McDonald Policy and Projects Manager (Race) Rob Downey Policy and Projects Manager (Sexual Orientation)
Presentation outline The main political drivers An exemplary employer The business case for equality Performance monitoring framework Performance monitoring tools Key ways equality is mainstreamed Promoting equality to London How citizen’s influence policy development Key current and future issues Further information
The main political drivers From a Race perspective: • Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 • Promoting equality of opportunity • Promoting equality between people of different ethnic groups • Challenging discrimination
The main political drivers From a sexual orientation perspective: • Greater London Authority Act 1999 • Employment Equality Regulations 2003 • Gender Recognition Act 2004 • Civil Partnership Act 2005 • Equality Act 2006 • Discrimination Law and Equality Reviews 2007 • Goods, Facilities and Services Regulations 2007 • Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill Review 2007 • Anniversary of decriminalisation of ‘homosexuality’ • No relevant category in the National Census
The business case for equality Generating a reputation for fairness and equality will attract the most talented recruits A diverse workforce that represents society brings a balance of experience and skills. Diverse staff bring creativity, perspective and new ideas into the business. Demographics of Britain are changing. Diversity assists in understanding the requirements of existing and future generations. Equality of opportunity has been recognised as contributing towards employee retention
An exemplary employer Mayor promotes equality and diversity from the ‘top’ Robust performance management framework in place Every GLA officer has a duty to promote equality Zero tolerance to discrimination Comprehensive diversity training programme All policies and practices are ‘equalities compliant’ Staff census collects data across all equality strands Employ a represenative workforce Well established Employee Networks Equalities Team mainstream equality & diversity Stakeholders Team engages externally