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Advanced User Support

Advanced User Support . Amit Majumdar. Outline. Overview of AUS from PY04 IPP Operational Activities AUS.ASTA AUS.ASP AUS.ASEOT. Overview of AUS from PY04 IPP. A dvanced S upport for T eraGrid A pplications ( AUS . ASTA ) A dvanced S upport for P rojects ( AUS . ASP )

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Advanced User Support

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  1. Advanced User Support Amit Majumdar

  2. Outline • Overview of AUS from PY04 IPP • Operational Activities • AUS.ASTA • AUS.ASP • AUS.ASEOT

  3. Overview of AUS from PY04 IPP • Advanced Support for TeraGrid Applications (AUS.ASTA) • Advanced Support for Projects (AUS.ASP) • Advanced Support for EOT (AUS.ASEOT)

  4. I. Advanced Support for TeraGrid Applications (AUS.ASTA) • Users can request ASTA as a part of their TRAC resource allocation proposal • Quarterly TRAC • Reviewed by TRAC members and recommendation score provided • Scores taken into account to select ASTA projects • Other criteria – • well defined work plan • matching of AUS staff to project • interest of PI staff • Startup and Supplemental ASTA via POPs – new mechanisms for ASTA request (Startup cap 0.25 FTE) • Elevating a regular user support activity to be ASTA • The scope of a regular user support activity becomes Startup/Supplemental ASTA level • PI requests startup ASTA or TRAC ASTA at the next quarterly (user support not interrupted) • ~ 15 FTE

  5. II. Advanced Support for Projects (AUS.ASP) • Foundation work : e.g. installation of complex software, and associated debugging, optimizing, and interaction with users • Carried out by AUS staff who have expertise in specific domain science • Projects of importance to many (~10) users or user groups • Identified jointly by AUS POCs, AUS staff, users, other TG WGs (XS, US, SGW) • Example projects: • Porting, optimizing, and benchmarking widely used scientific applications on TeraGrid machines and providing well documented information for users • Providing, usage based, technical documentation on effective use of profiling, tracing tools on TeraGrid machines for single processor and/or parallel performance optimization • Enabling users on Track2 systems by analyzing, benchmarking hybrid programming techniques, multi-core programming techniques • Providing usage-based visualization, workflow, data analysis/transfer use cases • Construct exemplary scenarios of TeraGrid use for the guidance of users who undertake new projects • ~8 FTEs

  6. III. Advanced Support for EOT (AUS.ASEOT) • Prepare and deliver advanced HPC/CI topics in workshops etc. • Provide outreach to user community about AUS • Work with EOT and XS WGs in promoting petascale TG users • Interaction with other (e.g. Datanet etc.) NSF funded CI projects and NSF directorates • ~4 FTE

  7. Initial Operational Activities • AUS started in Aug 2008 • First month spent in identifying AUS POCs from the participating sites • Next task was collecting names, expertise/experience/interest of AUS staff, percentage effort etc. from participating sites • Next write up the year4 IPP with input from all the AUS POCs and maintaining some continuity with year4 IPP on User Support

  8. Regular Operational Activities • AUS POCs from every RP site • Biweekly meeting – for coordination, IPP, reporting, looking at PIs’ proposals for ASTA, matching of staff to projects etc. • AUS technical staff • Biweekly technical tele/webconference on ASTA and other projects (about 40 attendees; using readytalk) • 5 presentation sessions (including today),12 tech presentations • Technical insight gained by all the AUS staff on ASTA projects • AUS staff expertise and research interest shared • AUS.ASPtelecons/presentations, discussions, contacting PIs • Created AUS allocation for staff to use for AUS work • aus@teragrid.org email list – has all the AUS staff (total 60 or so) • Wiki webpage has all the telecon minutes, presentations, AUS project descriptions etc; AUS webpage to be constructed/modified

  9. ASTAs from September 2008 TRAC

  10. Startup/Supplemental ASTAs Multiple other startup/supplemental ASTA requests in the work

  11. December, 2008 ASTA requests • Including all the Sept and Dec 2008 ASTA projects, total of TRAC, Startup, and Supplemental number of ASTAs reaching approx. 25 (target is 25 by third quarter) • Impact of ASTAs as important as meeting the target number • Outreach for ASTAs via news to users and targeted emails

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