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In Insights Care's latest edition, 10 Most Trusted Medical <br>Marketing Research Companies in 2023 we walk you <br>through the companies that analyze data related to the <br>healthcare industry. They provide insights and <br>recommendations to healthcare organizations, <br>pharmaceutical companies, and medical device <br>manufacturers to support informed decision-making, <br>identify market trends and develop effective marketing <br>strategies. Their work helps drive successful marketing <br>campaigns and improves patient outcomes.
10 MOST TRUSTED MEDICAL MARKETING RESEARCH COMPANIES IN 2023 May | ISSUE 03 | 2023 Fostering Precision in Unraveling Complex Medical Problems Clarity Pharma Research LLC ®
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Ed tor’ s Note
Recognizing Reliable Medical Marketing Research Companies I companies play a vital role in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data that help shape the future of the industry. However, with the proliferation of companies claiming to offer such services, it becomes increasingly important to identify those that can be truly trusted. n the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of healthcare, accurate and reliable information is crucial for making informed decisions. Medical marketing research patients, who can trust that their information will be handled with the utmost care and respect. Additionally, trusted medical marketing research companies are committed to delivering actionable and meaningful results. They go beyond just presenting data and statistics, providing insightful analysis and recommendations that can drive strategic decision-making for healthcare organizations. Their reports and findings are tailored to meet the specific needs of clients, enabling them to make informed choices that align with their goals and objectives. Trusted medical marketing research companies demonstrate several key qualities that set them apart. Firstly, they prioritize the integrity and ethical conduct of their research. They adhere to stringent guidelines and regulations, ensuring that data collection and analysis are carried out in a transparent and unbiased manner. This commitment to ethics and integrity ensures that the insights provided by these companies are credible and reliable. When considering a medical marketing research company, it is essential to evaluate their track record and reputation. Trusted companies often have a long-standing history of delivering high-quality research services and have built strong relationships with industry stakeholders. They have a proven track record of producing accurate and timely results, which further enhances their credibility. Another hallmark of trusted medical marketing research companies is their expertise and experience in the healthcare industry. They employ highly qualified professionals who possess deep knowledge of medical practices, industry trends and regulatory frameworks. These experts bring valuable insights and perspectives to their research, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare landscape. In Insights Care's latest edition, 10 Most Trusted Medical Marketing Research Companies in 2023 we walk you through the companies that analyze data related to the healthcare industry. They provide insights and recommendations to healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device manufacturers to support informed decision-making, identify market trends and develop effective marketing strategies. Their work helps drive successful marketing campaigns and improves patient outcomes. Moreover, trusted companies in this field prioritize patient privacy and data security. They implement robust measures to safeguard confidential information and comply with relevant data protection laws. This commitment to privacy instills confidence among healthcare professionals and Hope you have an amazing read! -Pooja Shah Pja Sh
Large Research and Consul?ng Firms24 Insights Opinion Offering Expert Data Collec?on Services to Profile Elizabeth Grant Skin Care16 Getting Into Your Skin with Torricelumn™: The story of CXO ideology slowly fading away32 Sons are more Important than Daughters - A baseless Articles 20 28 Exploring Insights Patient-Centered Marketing How Medical Marke?ng Research Companies are Advancing Healthcare Industry Role of Medical Marke?ng Research Companies in Pharmaceu?cal Innova?on Contents
08 Clarity Pharma Research® LLC Fostering Precision in Unraveling Complex Medical Problems Cover Story Contents
Editor-in-Chief Chidiebere Moses Ogbodo Executive Editor Saloni Agrawal Managing Editor Pooja Shah Visualiser David King Art & Design Head Mrunalinee Deshmukh Co-designer Paul Belin Art & Picture Editor Deepanjali Jena Business Development Manager Emily Jones Marketing Manager Bill Thompson Business Development Executives Anna Smith, Jack Miller Sales Executives Mike, Carl, John Technical Consultants David, Robert Assistant Technical Head Prashanth Hiremath Technical Head Jacob Smile Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege Assistant Digital Marketing Manager Sagar Lahigade SME-SMO Executives Gemson Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade sales@insightscare.com May, 2023 Contact Us: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027. Phone - India: 7410033802, 8956487823 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - +1614-602-4132 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com https://twitter.com/Insightscare Follow us on : www.facebook.com/InsightsCare/ We are also available on : Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Insights Care is powered by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.
10 Most Trusted Medical Marke?ng Research Companies in 2023 Featuring Person Company Name Description Dr Jack R. Gallagher, Susan Carroll Founder,Managing Director and Owner Clarity Pharma Research claritypharma.com Clarity Pharma Research is founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of “reciprocal personal well- being.” Escalent is an award-winning data analytics and advisory firm that helps clients understand human and market behaviors to navigate disruption and business transformation. Escalent escalent.co Melissa (Ross) Sauter CEO Focus Pointe Global provides high-quality marketing research data collection services by leveraging new techniques and technologies to make market insights more accessible, accurate, and affordable. Focus Pointe Global schlesingergroup.com Steve Schlesinger CEO Sharoz Ghauri, Shahab S Director of Client Services, Director of Research Services Insights Opinion is an emerging global leader in research outsourcing, offering expert data collection services to large research and consulting firms. Insights Opinion insightsopinion.com Karchner Marketing Research LLC kmrresearchstudio.com Karchner Marketing Research (KMR) is a full-service custom marketing research practice specializing in qualitative market research. Helen Karchner CEO Market Mirror Research Solutions is delivering its best services to prestigious client at their maximum level of Satisfaction, through knowledgable and experienced market research field peoples. Market Mirror Research Solutions market-mirror.com Anuj Agarwal Founder Robas Research has positioned itself to provide the most reliable market research services to a wide range of organizations around the world. Robas Research ro-bas.com Ankit Dhanuka Co-founder Frédéric-Charles Petit CEO Toluna Toluna delivers real-time consumer insights at the speed of the on-demand economy. tolunacorporate.com Vital Connections vitalconnections.ca Vital Connections has been trusted to connect market researchers with opt-in medical experts. Andrew Udell President Worldwide Clinical Trials is a leading full-service global contract research organization (CRO) that works in partnership with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to create customized solutions that advance new treatments. Worldwide Clinical Trials worldwide.com Peter Benton CEO
Dr Jack R. Gallagher Chief Scientist and Director of Analytics
Cover Story Clarity Pharma Research LLC ® Fostering Precision in Unraveling Complex Medical Problems ® Clarity Pharma Research LLCis the only pharmaceutical market research company that consistently provides the degree of scientific rigor required to accomplish this challenging task.
10 Most Trusted Medical Marke?ng Research Companies in 2023 H enabling clients to use this information about patterns of care, treatment costs, unmet patient needs, and more to develop and provide crucial pharmaceutical and medical device products. ealthcare research manifolds a high value as it grasps the ability to deliver precise data related to disease trends and underlying risk factors, Clarity Pharma Research® LLC is proud of playing a key role in the success of its clients, big and small. Scientific research organizations (SROs) also conducting pharmaceutical market research to provide a valuable adjunct to the clinical trials that precede launching of medical products. While clinical trials prospectively track a selected sample of patients to measure efficacy, adverse events, and other outcomes pre-launch, SROs can help during pre-launch by studying a nationally representative, retrospective sample of treating physicians and their patients to size the potential market through epidemiology or see how a condition is currently being treated before a client's own drug launch, helping the company to answer unmet needs, attract investors, and find a marketing niche. "reciprocal personal well-being." The company's mission is to provide accurate, relevant, timely and cost-effective research and recommendations that enable its clients to make informed and optimizing decisions. Post-launch, similar treating physician/deidentified patient records studies can capture real-world evidence of how the product is being used in the field, how quickly the new drug is being adopted, clinical utility, efficacy, dosing and titration trends, adverse events, how it compares with the competition, and much more. The development of an entrant to the atypical antipsychotic pharmaceutical market is a prime example of Clarity's success in helping clients navigate through a landscape of awaiting fierce competition by working in tandem with the client's in-house drug and brand development teams both before and after a drug's launch into the marketplace. Clarity's combination of qualitative interviews and quantitative, fact-based survey research played a central role in guiding the drug's success. Pre-launch research provided insights to enable the drug to meet sales forecasts for the post-launch period. Post-launch, Clarity's team and the client worked closely to leverage annual research into effective strategies, resulting in a product that maintained a high level of financial contribution to the client for many years. Quasi-experimental research such as propensity score matching studies can take retrospective, observational, anonymized patient data and match two groups of patients, for instance, one receiving the client's product and the other, a competitor's product, by key characteristics to compare outcomes between patients with matched (highly similar) profiles. All such research plays a vital role in recording and assessing familiarity of conditions and new treatments in clinical practice to improve strategies for best practices and ensure high-quality patient care. Collectively, scientific and clinical research organizations have helped the industry in developing important new therapies, enabling a notable improvement in the healthcare sector. An Inspiring Beginning Dr Jack Gallagher founded the company after leaving the faculty of the University of Virginia Medical School, where he directed a multi-university research consortium and taught medical residents, fellows, and other graduate students how to evaluate, interpret and recognize flaws in published research, particularly what he calls the silent killer of survey research: biased samples. He also lectured on epidemiology at other universities. During that period, he realized that medical research in general, and pharmaceutical market research in particular, was rife with this usually undiagnosed slayer of study validity. Clarity Pharma Research LLC is an SRO serving pharmaceutical, medical device, and biomedical companies with an established definition for quality that begins with identifying short- and long-term decisions, problems, and opportunities for which a client is responsible. ® Under the leadership of Dr Jack R. Gallagher, Founder, and Susan Carroll, Managing Director and Owner, the firm is dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of Thus, it became clear that a substantial market existed for a pharmaceutical market research supplier that is dedicated to
Susan Carroll Owner and Managing Director
and successful at minimizing such study validity-destroying biases. This realization provided him the source of inspiration for starting Clarity Pharma Research LLC. ® Clarity is a unique pharmaceutical market-research- focused organization that provides scientifically valid answers to vital strategic questions about the epidemiology, patient history, and treatment of patients with various medical conditions, particularly those with cancer and/or with rare conditions. The organization also stands out from other firms in this space by avoiding or minimizing another potentially validity-killing flaw in survey-based observational studies: non-participation bias. A testament to the quality of the company's research is the fact that when a client wishes to share non-proprietary findings in the medical literature or at major conferences, the company's studies meet the corresponding peer-review standards, as the organization has confirmed more than a hundred times through its medical journal publications and conference presentations. The Pillars of Clarity With a mission to foster the well-being of people and organizations, Dr Gallagher and Ms. Carroll aim to bring clarity to complex decisions. Talking about their journeys in the field of pharmaceutical research, Ms. Carroll said she started off with her master's thesis at Indiana University, titled "Orphan Drugs, Orphan Patients." This journey continued in 2007 when Ms. Carroll joined the Clarity team. research validity. So, Dr Gallagher decided to do a little survey to find out. He started calling former physician students of his who were now treating patients. He first asked if each physician would participate in a brief market research study that a pharmaceutical company was sponsoring. They all said that they did not have time for such a study. He then asked, if a modest honorarium were offered for their participation, would they do so? Each one said no. They all said, in effect, that they were too busy to participate in a market research study even if an honorarium were offered. After assisting with the management of fieldwork on several large pharmaceutical market research projects, she progressed to interpreting study data collected, study design, and writing study reports. In 2010, she began directing several studies before becoming Managing Director of all studies in 2012. After serving as Managing Director for a decade, Ms. Carroll acquired the company from Dr Gallagher, who remains as Chief Scientist and Director of Analytics. It kept Dr Gallagher wondering what it would take to get them to participate. All but one said that they would take time to participate in such a study if they could learn something from doing so. The answer was given by a former student who was a fellow in pediatric neurology when Dr Gallagher taught him and characterizes the answers given by all the other former students the scientist called. Dr Gallagher said the physician told him, "I am always interested in what others in my specialty are doing, and I would tend to participate if I knew that I would learn something that might help me in my practice." Though she did not realize it at the time, she was acquiring management, writing and research skills that also are vital to owning and managing a successful pharmaceutical market research company through her undergraduate and graduate degrees in journalism and later experiences as an editor at major national and regional publications. Dr Gallagher said the next step was to explore options for providing study-participating physicians with feedback or information that they would value without compromising proprietary information that a client would not want to share. He found that most prospective pharmaceutical clients with whom he spoke agreed that it would be When Dr Gallagher founded the organization, one of the first questions confronting him was, "How do you get study-target physicians to participate in a pharmaceutical market research study?" The answer to this question was particularly important, he said in a recent interview, because non-participation bias can be another silent killer of
represent the universe of target physicians and patients that we sample, whether national or multi-national.” For a market research survey to accurately mirror its study universe, each participant's probability of study selection must be known and study findings weighted accordingly to accurately reflect that individual's relative contribution to study results, she said. Clarity is the only pharmaceutical market research company that consistently provides the degree of scientific rigor required to accomplish this challenging task. According to Ms. Carroll, any pharmaceutical company should be able to ask a current survey research supplier to select a few deidentified, anonymized patients from a recent study and show that each one's probability of selection was used to ensure that the patient's responses were not over- or under-represented in the study findings. She further asserted, "We can do this for all of our survey sample-based studies and provide the corresponding documentation necessary to meet peer-review journal standards when a client desires publication on non-proprietary results." She also noted that the unseen elephant in the room, i.e., ubiquitous unrepresentative study samples, was highlighted by Dr Gallagher in his address to several hundred market researchers at the European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association Annual Conference in London during 2013 as he pantomimed leading an elephant into the room through an outside door. desirable to find a way to share at least some helpful information with study-participating physicians. This has led to the writing and publication of many medical journal articles and medical presentations as part of Clarity's offered services to clients. Distinguished and Paramount Services The organization also stands out from other firms in this space by avoiding or minimizing another potentially validity-killing flaw in survey-based observational studies: non-participation bias. Dr Gallagher pointed out earlier that he finds patient-care physicians are much more likely to When talking about the services provided by Clarity ® Pharma Research LLC, Ms. Carroll said, "We are totally devoted to providing research results that accurately
Understanding and helping satisfy client business needs are the company's underlying motivations. Intuitive Advice participate in studies from which they might learn something of value for their respective practices. Addressing budding entrepreneurs who wish to venture into the healthcare industry, Ms. Carroll advised, "Like many, I believe that you have to develop the right product or service at just the right time and then work relentlessly with determination." In many cases, a client intends to share information from the company's studies through presentations at medical conferences, publications in medical journals or marketing materials, and through detailing. The organization then lets potential study participants know this during their decision- to-participate process. Most of the company's studies are double-blinded, meaning that neither the client nor the participating physician knows the other's identity, further minimizing survey bias. Further, she mentioned Dr Gallagher's presentations at medical and drug development conferences and quoted him as saying, "Opportunities in the scientific research industry, particularly healthcare and medicine, are beyond snail pace but are about to blast into outer space." Fostering Clarity and Understanding The Future Roadmap Understanding and helping satisfy client business needs are the company's underlying motivations. It is a team of committed practitioners of the adage: "If you want to be heard, you have to listen," Ms. Carroll said. This often requires helping clients prioritize their needs and research expectations. For example, the company has developed a scale to help clients do this, which goes from "absolutely essential to meeting study objectives" to "nice to have if you had the time and money." While addressing the question of scaling Clarity Pharma ® Research LLC's services, Ms. Carroll said, "We are excited about the exploding opportunities in our business space, and we are developing and continually revising our plans to capitalize on the changing and increasingly favorable landscape." She also said the company is planning to continue focusing much of its efforts on rare conditions and various types of cancer. The organization is enhancing its sales structure to identify and directly reach key decision-makers in the research buying process through various social media. Performing an Optimal Role Clarity Pharma Research LLCis proud of playing a key role in the success of its clients, big and small. The company has helped many smaller companies optimize their limited resources. These efforts include start-ups still in clinical-phase development, companies it has helped through devising a new and cost-effective epidemiological methodology that answers the questions investors ask first: How many? ® Continued sharing of nonproprietary study results in the scientific literature and at medical or drug development conference presentations in collaboration with clients, particularly keynote engagements, will become even more vigorous. For example, the company will continue to share Dr Gallagher's and Ms. Carroll's presentations at various medical and drug discovery conferences around the world. Photos © 2022 heather g photography | Graphics © 2022 Clarity Pharma Research LLC
Getting Into Your Skin with Torricelumn™: The story of Elizabeth Grant Skin Care I t's true to say that not all great companies last in the business, and even more true when talking about the beauty industry. It is almost unheard of to say that our company, Elizabeth Grant Skin Care, has been around for 75 years (and counting). What has helped us last for over 7 decades in the beauty industry? Our company is based on science & technology while being rooted in family values and one that has been changing the skincare industry for over 75 years. It all started with an accident. My grandmother, Elizabeth Grant, did not always have the flawless skin she has today. Her skin was damaged during the Second World War, and it became a source of personal shame and embarrassment - to the point where she avoided going out in public and living her life fully. actually compliment her skin after having such damage done to it. Elizabeth told her client about the miracle serum that she had created. The woman left with a sample, only to return 10 days later, asking for more. About the Author About the Author Margot Grant Witz grew up as a student of beauty and style. Her Grandmother, Elizabeth Grant, is the original founder of the luxury skincare company Elizabeth Grant International Inc., and her mother, Marion Witz, is the President. Several years ago, Elizabeth and Marion welcomed Margot into the company. The three women work side by side, making Elizabeth Grant Skin Care a widely successful international beauty brand. Margot now proudly holds the position of Vice President, and she is an on-air spokesperson for Elizabeth Grant Skin Care television shows around the world. All of that changed in 1948 when Elizabeth discovered a natural substance that was used to treat war wounds. She had it specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients and began applying it to her own damaged skin. Gradually, but very noticeably, the transformation occurred. Within eight months, my grandmother's skin had improved remarkably, and she was able to get her confidence back to get back to the life and job she was so desperately missing. My grandmother, who was a makeup artist at Elstree Studios in London, England, just wanted to get her confidence back in order to not only look and feel beautiful but to ensure she could make other's look and feel beautiful. In her work as a makeup artist, one of her clients complimented her on her skin's fresh, healthy and youthful appearance. Flattered and shocked that someone would May 2023 16|www.insightscare.com
It was in those 10 days; her client had discovered the power of Elizabeth's moisturizing miracle. Her skin was starting to feel normal again, and her symptoms - clogged pores and skin that looked tired and age-worn - were disappearing. When she visited my grandmother after those 10 days, her skin was glowing. Little did my grandmother know that her little product that she created, not only would launch our company, but also create a new category in the skin care industry, the serum category for at home use in 1948. At first, she privately sold her products to people who asked, until she launched her trademarked secret to the public with the launch of her company in 1958, and she did it with her ingredient known as Torricelumm™. On the strength of my grandmother's miracle blend, Torricelumn™, and her own determination and perseverance, she evolved the company from a home-based business to a multi-million-dollar global corporation. Formerly available by special order only, the Elizabeth Grant line of skincare and beauty products are now available directly from our website and on select teleshopping channels in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, and New Zealand. So, what makes Elizabeth Grant Skin Care so different? Well, there are two main aspects: In the 1950s, it was most unusual for women to run companies. But to know my grandmother is to know she didn't take any notice of this; my grandmother declared her commitment to helping empower women and change the narrative of how women felt about the aging process. She knew the ins and outs of the beauty industry, not just with makeup but knowing how important it was for women of any age to feel confident in their skin. She wanted to share her remarkable skin care with people everywhere. We are one of the only, if not the only, privately owned skincare companies in the world owned and operated by 3 generations of women, my grandmother, Elizabeth, 99; my mother, Marion, who is my grandmother's daughter-in-law, aged 70 and myself at 38. We do not outsource any formulations. Unlike most skin care companies, who purchase someone else's formulas, we make, manufacture and formulate every single product in our own privately owned manufacturing facility in Toronto, Ont, Canada. This was we could ensure we are creating quality products that not only Ÿ Ÿ May 2023 18|www.insightscare.com
work but have the ability to be a cutting-edge industry leader, something that has allowed us to not only be around for 75 years but continuously thrive in it. In our current state, we harvest twice a year, with an additional 10% allowed for R&D purposes to introduce new ingredients to our base. In this case, I asked permission to run a 3-month trial to simulate extreme environmental conditions and measure the variable response rate. (We placed extreme heat, extreme cold, an abundance of light, absolutely no light, oxygen depletion, oxygen abundance, fresh water, salt water, a flash freeze, and slow thaw). We are able to not only adapt to the consumer's needs but also change as the beauty industry changes. We have never tested on animals and can ensure our products hold our core values: delivering quality products that work for all skin types. During the 3-month testing, our biggest concerns were that our Torricelumn™ would rot, it would decay, it would decompose, and deteriorate into something we couldn't use, and in my fear, I had wasted our entire supply for R&D purposes on a failed experiment. However, not only did the Torricelumn™ not rot, not decay, not decompose, not deteriorate instead, a happy accident occurred: it inadvertently underwent a fermentation process. We understand our customers because the three of us are customers too. We truly believe aging is a blessing, something that not everyone is afforded; we shouldn't feel bad about ourselves due to a wrinkle or two or that we are over the age of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and because we are three women, we understand how and why our skin is aging and changing, vs. being told how it may change, or why we should worry about it. Our Torricelumn™ is fermented into something better. With the fermentation processed Torrcelumn™ as we knew it, changed into smaller, more bioactive molecules. Simply put: Because the molecules are smaller, they are more readily absorbed into your skin. This became a super- boosted version of an ingredient that has made us number one for 75 years. Today we have found we have a more concentrated version of an already powerful ingredient. So what exactly is Torricelumn™? The heart of Torricelumn™ is extracted from the algae leaf, but the true transformative power lies within the pods that keep them afloat. The pods give the leaves buoyancy bringing them to the ocean's surface to absorb sunlight and photosynthesize oxygen. This is how they get life and energy. Once gathered from the sea, the plants undergo a heating process. Biologically active substances and a mixture of natural sea vitamins and minerals are infused, and the superior moisturizing compound is created. Our proprietary compound Torricelumn™ is truly the compound that has revolutionized skin care and the reason we have transformed millions of people's skins around the world. The heart of who we are is about balancing the science of nature and the nature of science. All while being wrapped up in family values. To learn more about Elizabeth Grant Skin Care, please visit us at: www.elizabethgrant.com. The seawater absorbed by kelp is similar to human plasma, allowing us to obtain the full nutritive benefits of the sea's vitamins and minerals through the process of osmosis. To preserve their freshness, the plants must reach the laboratory by nightfall. There they go through an endothermic process. Biologically active substances and a soup of natural sea vitamins, nutrients, and minerals bond together. This is how the substance known as Torricelumn™ is formed. As it is in every single one of our products, and because it is a natural substance that we harvest and replant, imagine the horror we felt, when I questioned the sustainability of our the ingredient that had made us number one for 75 years. I thought, what if we run out due to environmental reasons? (something completely out of our control). With current global trends, we do not know the long-term availability, and with that, we wanted to test what extreme environmental conditions could do to the efficacy of our Torricelumn™. May 2023 19|www.insightscare.com
Role of Medical Research Companies in Marketing Pharmaceutical Innovation M data that inform the development and commercialization of new drugs and therapies. Here are some key roles these companies play: Clinical Trial Design and Recruitment: Medical marketing research companies assist in designing clinical trials by providing insights on patient recruitment strategies, study endpoints, and trial design considerations. They help pharmaceutical companies identify suitable patient populations, understand the competitive landscape, and ensure the trials are designed to generate meaningful and actionable data. edical marketing research companies play a significant role in driving pharmaceutical innovation by providing valuable insights and Market Assessment: Medical marketing research companies assess market dynamics, patient needs and competitor landscape to identify opportunities for new drug development. They gather data on disease prevalence, patient demographics and treatment gaps, helping pharmaceutical companies understand market potential and target patient populations. Patient Insights: Understanding patient perspectives and experiences is crucial for successful pharmaceutical innovation. Research companies conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups with patients to gather data on treatment preferences, adherence challenges, and unmet needs. This patient-centric approach helps pharmaceutical companies develop drugs and therapies that address real-world patient concerns. Product Development: These research companies conduct market research studies to gather feedback from healthcare professionals, patients and key stakeholders. This feedback guides pharmaceutical companies in refining their product development strategies, optimizing drug formulations, and identifying desirable features and benefits that meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers. Competitive Intelligence: Medical marketing research companies monitor and analyze the May 2023 20|www.insightscare.com
Exploring Insights May 2023 21|www.insightscare.com
Understanding Patient Perspectives: By conducting patient-focused research, medical marketing research companies gather insights into patient experiences, needs, and preferences. This information helps pharmaceutical companies tailor their innovations to better meet patient expectations and improve patient outcomes. It also aids in the development of patient-centered marketing strategies. activities of competitors in the pharmaceutical industry. They track market trends, pipeline developments, and regulatory changes, providing pharmaceutical companies with insights to make informed decisions about their own product development strategies and positioning in the market. Launch and Marketing Strategies: These research companies contribute to the development of effective launch and marketing strategies for new pharmaceutical products. They conduct market segmentation, brand positioning, and messaging research to ensure the right target audience is reached with appropriate marketing efforts, ultimately maximizing the product's impact and uptake in the market. Evaluating Drug Safety and Effectiveness: Research companies play a crucial role in assessing the safety and effectiveness of new drugs. They conduct post-marketing studies to monitor real-world usage and gather data on drug efficacy, safety profiles, and potential side effects. This information is vital for regulatory compliance and ensuring patient safety. Post-Market Surveillance: Medical marketing research companies play a role in post-market surveillance, gathering real-world data on drug safety, effectiveness, and patient outcomes. This information helps pharmaceutical companies identify potential adverse events, monitor drug performance, and make necessary adjustments or improvements to their products. Health Economics and Outcomes Research: Medical marketing research companies conduct health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) to assess the value and cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions. HEOR studies provide insights into the economic impact, patient outcomes, and value proposition of new drugs, supporting market access and reimbursement decisions. Physician Education and Awareness: These research companies help pharmaceutical companies educate healthcare professionals about new innovations. They provide insights into physician knowledge gaps, preferences, and educational needs. This information helps develop targeted educational materials and programs to enhance physician understanding and adoption of new pharmaceutical products. Medical marketing research companies play a significant role in driving pharmaceutical innovation through their research and insights. Here are some key contributions they make: Identifying Unmet Medical Needs: Medical marketing research companies conduct market research to identify unmet medical needs and areas where new pharmaceutical interventions are required. By understanding patient and healthcare provider perspectives, they identify gaps in treatment options and areas for innovation. By serving as a bridge between pharmaceutical companies, healthcare professionals, and patients, medical marketing research companies contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical innovation. Through their research, insights, and expertise, they help identify unmet needs, inform product development, assess safety and effectiveness, understand patient perspectives, support market access, and promote physician education. Their contributions play a vital role in driving pharmaceutical innovation and improving patient care. Market Assessment and Product Development: These research companies help pharmaceutical companies assess the market potential for new products and therapies. They conduct market research to evaluate the demand, competitive landscape, and pricing strategies for potential pharmaceutical innovations. This information aids in informed decision-making during the product development process. Overall, medical marketing research companies are instrumental in supporting pharmaceutical innovation by providing insights and data that inform various stages of the drug development process. Their contributions help pharmaceutical companies develop drugs that meet patient needs, improve treatment outcomes, and advance the healthcare industry as a whole. Clinical Trial Recruitment and Design: Medical marketing research companies assist in recruiting participants for clinical trials, ensuring that trials are conducted efficiently and effectively. They identify and engage appropriate patient populations, ensuring that trials are representative and yield reliable data. Additionally, they provide insights on trial design to optimize protocols and improve the chances of success. - Pooja Shah May 2023 22|www.insightscare.com
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10 Most Trusted Medical Marke?ng Research Companies in 2023 Insights Opinion Offering Expert Data Collection Services to Large Research and Consulting Firms A Research Services, who emphasizes upon the factors that have made Insights Opiniona leading market research firm: s business competition has grown fierce, innovation has become essential for survival in the current digital era. Companies that conduct innovative market research prioritize consistency. To find new concepts that fit their target market, they use market research. This entails more than just having the greatest market research software. It also calls for ongoing innovation considering market trends. The leading market research firms receive praise, attain customer loyalty, and an increased revenue as a result of their strategic planning, digital transformation, and quick responses to the most recent market and industry trends. What essential products and services the company provides, and how does it impact the concerned demographic? Insights Opinion's team of professional and dedicated R&A experts is committed to serving its clients with excellence. Real-time analysis of customers' motivations, needs and requirements is central to your business's success. Insights Opinion has a profound understanding of its customers' requirements to obtain a satisfying level of customer service. The company provides trustworthy, adaptable and efficient mystery shopping services at prices that are easy on the wallet. On a global basis, Insights Opinion is quickly rising to the top among research outsourcing organizations. The business provides extensive research and consulting organizations with professional data collection services. Through the support of its exceptional and highly skilled staff with multilingual communication skills, the business have attained the trust of its customers, by serving them in more than 60 languages and personalizing their experiences. In addition, its cutting-edge and unique research and data outsourcing capabilities assist its clients in making more informed decisions regarding their business demands. How has the company ensured an efficient medical service and product supply in peak demand times? Sustainable development revolves around healthy people, and people have long sought to improve and maintain their health by building up their health reserves. In general, Insights Opinion has helped to ensure efficient medical service by developing and applying world-class technology. We are attentive, eager to acquire new knowledge, and constantly looking for superior concepts. We attack complacency and continually improve. Insights Opinion offers a wide range of administration services, including infographics, scripting, telemarketing, content syndication, diagramming, multi-geographical and multilingual studies, computerized advertising, lead generation, and white paper announcing. The company's main offices are in the US, UK and India. How is advancing technology in the field helping the organization's growth? The following are key points from a thorough interview between Insights Care and Shahab S, Director of Technological advancements have transformed our organizations by integrating and streamlining our business May 2023 24|www.insightscare.com
Sharoz Ghauri Director of Client Services May 2023 25|www.insightscare.com
About the Leaders Shahab S is the Director of Research Services. He holds a Master's degree in business administra?on and 15 years of experience in various fields, including branding, market research, profit-and-loss management, leadership, sales and marke?ng, business management, opera?ons, and supply chain. Being one of the core members of "Team Insights Opinion", he possesses an op?mis?c a?tude towards teamwork and focuses on customer reten?on. There, Shahab conducts departmental audits to ensure that processes and procedures are followed in a ?mely manner. He is responsible for the upkeep of rela?onships with current customers and simultaneously promo?ng established and emerging research offerings. Sharoz Ghauri is the director of client services. In addi?on to having significant experience in client servicing and acquisi?on, he holds a Master of Business Administra?on degree with a focus on interna?onal business. His primary areas of exper?se are customer service, managing profits and losses, genera?ng new revenue, and retaining exis?ng customers. As an important member of the Insights Opinion family, for over a decade and a half, Sharoz has been employed in market research by various Fortune 500 companies. Two of his core competencies are to provide clients with assistance in understanding the needs of their projects and to provide solu?ons tailored to those needs. This requires working with the internal service delivery teams and maintaining constant engagement with the customer. Shahab S Director of Research Services May 2023 26|www.insightscare.com
processes. Newer innovations directly interact with customers and produce a distinctive digital experience that affects productivity. At Insights Opinion, we increase productivity, add value and reduce operating expenses. In 2022 and beyond, the cutting- edge research and data outsourcing potential that we offer exclusively will assist our customers in making more informed decisions for their companies' operational requirements. When it comes to providing profundity and insightful research based on domain expertise, exposure, and scientific methodologies, Insights Opinion prioritizes security, simplicity, and speed above all else. As a guiding light, could you please enlighten us on how you turned the challenges into opportunities? We hold open communication among team members, clients and partners. We strive to live by this principle because we strongly believe in the benefits and values it brings to society. The best ideas are what we look for while we listen and learn. We fight complacency and work to get better all the time. As an experienced leader, what advice would you like to give aspiring entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who wish to venture into the competitive industry you are serving? What are the future analysis of the con? At Insights Opinion, we are resolute in our refusal to make any concessions regarding the quality of our work, which is recognized and praised by our extensive clientele network worldwide. Learning from other business owners who are at the same stage in their venture as you can be one of the most effective ways to succeed, which is some of the advice we give to people who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. You try to steer clear of competitors and trade your knowledge and expertise for theirs. Because of this, networking will be mutually beneficial and could lead to potential opportunities in the future. Thoughts From the Clients “Insights Opinion has worked with us on various healthcare projects. They have conducted recruitment and online and offline surveys with healthcare professionals and pa?ents. Addi?onally, they have a significant healthcare panel in mul?ple markets, which is quite helpful. I recommend Insights Opinion for its healthcare research services.”- VP, Research Services - UK-Based Market Research Firm What are the future goals of the company? How does it envision scaling up its operations and reach in 2023 and beyond? To scale our business, we are preparing the groundwork necessary to enable and sustain growth within the organization. With this, we will be able to grow without impeding our development. We are also planning to establish the appropriate systems, staff, processes, technology, and partnerships that are required to make this possible. In 2023 and beyond, the cutting-edge research and data outsourcing potential that we offer exclusively will assist our customers in making more informed decisions for their companies' operational requirements. When it comes to providing profundity and insightful research based on domain expertise, exposure, and scientific methodologies, Insights Opinion prioritizes security, simplicity and speed above all else. “Insights Opinion has helped us work on various CATI and online panel projects. Their wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of online and offline methods assisted us in accomplishing our goals. Their team is highly professional and eager to provide excellent service.”- Director, Strategic Alliances - US- Based Market Research Firm May 2023 27|www.insightscare.com
Patient-Centered Marketing How Medical Marketing Research Companies are Advancing Healthcare Industry M valuable insights to healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and other stakeholders. Their work helps drive innovation, improve patient outcomes, and shape effective marketing strategies. Here are some key ways in which medical marketing research companies are advancing the healthcare industry: edical marketing research companies play a crucial role in advancing the healthcare industry by conducting extensive research and providing Product Development and Improvement: Through in-depth research and analysis, medical marketing research companies assist in the development and improvement of healthcare products, devices, and medications. Their insights help pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers refine their offerings based on patient needs and market demands. Market Analysis and Segmentation: These companies conduct comprehensive market analysis to identify trends, market opportunities, and patient needs. By segmenting the market based on demographics, behaviors, and preferences, they help healthcare organizations target specific patient populations effectively. Clinical Trial Recruitment: Recruiting participants for clinical trials is a crucial aspect of medical research. Marketing research companies employ various strategies to identify potential trial participants, ensuring the recruitment of diverse and representative patient populations for accurate research outcomes. Consumer Behavior Analysis: Understanding patient behavior is essential for developing patient-centric healthcare solutions. Medical marketing research companies gather data on patient preferences, decision- making processes, and satisfaction levels to identify areas for improvement and develop tailored strategies. Branding and Communication Strategies: Effective branding and communication are vital for healthcare organizations to reach their target audience. These companies conduct market research to understand patient May 2023 28|www.insightscare.com
May 2023 29|www.insightscare.com
perceptions, develop strong branding strategies, and create compelling marketing campaigns that promote awareness and education. healthcare delivery. This may include streamlining administrative processes, improving communication between healthcare providers and patients, and optimizing the patient experience. Patient Experience and Satisfaction Measurement: Medical marketing research companies gather feedback from patients to evaluate their experience with healthcare services and identify areas for improvement. This data helps healthcare providers enhance patient satisfaction, deliver better care, and build stronger patient-provider relationships. Informing Regulatory and Policy Decisions: Medical marketing research companies provide valuable data and insights that inform regulatory decisions and healthcare policy development. Their research findings contribute to evidence-based decision-making, ensuring that regulations and policies are grounded in scientific evidence and meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers. Health Policy and Advocacy: Medical marketing research companies contribute to health policy development by providing evidence-based insights. They gather data on healthcare trends, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness to support decision-making at the policy level, ultimately shaping the healthcare landscape. Supporting Market Access and Pricing Strategies: Research companies assess the value and cost-effectiveness of healthcare products and services. This information helps pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers determine appropriate pricing strategies and demonstrate the value of their offerings to payers, insurers and regulatory authorities. Medical marketing research companies play a crucial role in advancing the healthcare industry through their valuable insights and contributions. These companies specialize in conducting research and gathering data related to healthcare products, services, and patient experiences. Here are some ways in which medical marketing research companies are driving advancements in the healthcare industry: Facilitating Collaboration and Innovation: Medical marketing research companies bring together various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, policymakers, and patient advocacy groups. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, they promote innovation, drive research advancements and facilitate the development of new therapies and treatments. Understanding Patient Needs: Medical marketing research companies conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather data on patient preferences, behaviors, and needs. This information helps healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies develop products and services that align with patient expectations, improving overall patient satisfaction and outcomes. Overall, medical marketing research companies play a vital role in advancing the healthcare industry by providing insights into patient needs, evaluating treatment effectiveness, identifying market opportunities, enhancing healthcare delivery, informing policy decisions, supporting market access, and fostering collaboration and innovation. Their contributions help drive improvements in patient care, promote evidence-based practices, and shape the future of healthcare. Evaluating Treatment Effectiveness: Research companies conduct clinical trials and comparative effectiveness studies to assess the safety and efficacy of new treatments and medications. These studies provide valuable data that help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about treatment options and improve patient care. By leveraging data-driven research and insights, medical marketing research companies contribute significantly to the advancement of the healthcare industry. Their work facilitates the development of innovative solutions, targeted marketing strategies, and improved patient experiences, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes for individuals and communities. Identifying Market Opportunities: Medical marketing research companies analyze market trends, patient demographics, and healthcare provider preferences to identify unmet needs and emerging opportunities in the healthcare industry. This information helps pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organizations develop targeted marketing strategies and innovative solutions to address these gaps. - Pooja Shah Enhancing Healthcare Delivery: By analyzing patient feedback and experiences, medical marketing research companies help identify areas for improvement in May 2023 30|www.insightscare.com
Sons A baseless ideology slowly fading away By Nancy (Chinelo) Udenka on International Day of the Girl Child, October 11 are more Important Daughters - than th I About The Author I am Nancy Udenka, founder of Teenage Mom Initiative A Physiologist, Medical doctor (in view) at Shenyang and an adent Mental Health advocate on a mission to responses, and first-hand experience in research and n most parts of the world, parents love their sons more than daughters, they seem to have the perception that more investments should be put into the males because of course, they would carry on the family name and legacy. Even in marriages, where the woman has no respect nor value unless she gives birth to a son. The preference of the male child over the females has also contributed largely to menace of gender inequality, decline in girl child education, and socioeconomic disparities. and I celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child. Medical College, MPH (one of my goals) Health scholar acquire prominent leadership skills in emergency operations. I hold Bachelor's Degree in Physiology, General from Health at Nigerian Red Cross Society. Certified by Customer Service: Managing Customer Expectations, Troubleshooting. And Customer Service Representative Anambra State University. Community Volunteer on LinkedIn in Customer Experience Leadership, and and Customer Service: Problem Solving and Certificate by Alison. A philanthropist and exponent towards mental health Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ This ideology is propagated by certain cultural beliefs, illiteracy, societal restrictions, religion and emotional desires, male dominance as only ones in charge of family income, perceived weakness that females can't attain certain positions, amongst many others. I grew up in a family of seven (Parents, three sisters and a brother). I’m the last child with my twin sister, and was told mum wanted a second son, but oh well, she had two more girls and twins at that, how funny. My parents actually didn't obviously make a preference over my only brother, maybe to protect “our feelings” or not. However, we got equal education, resources and support. This may have worked for me, but not for others. I once had a friend whose case was the reverse, it affected her upbringing, damaged her self-esteem, and created a barrier to discovering her true self and abilities. It hindered her ability to explore, to crown it all; she got married early- this is a story of a million among teenage mothers. Content creator @Youtube Co-founder NANPAT MD Limited You will find Nancy where they are talking about; The initiatives, Venereal Health, Public Speaking, Teen Founder, TEM Initiative Public speaker United Nations Sustainable Development Group Mental Health, and Reproductive Health. May 2023 32|www.insightscare.com
Nancy (Chinelo) Udenka Founder Teenage Moms Initiate (TMI) May 2023 33|www.insightscare.com
others. In Africa, especially in the western part, research has proven records of a high prevalence of child marriage prior to her physical and/or emotional growth. Not ignoring the fact, they get pregnant and have to experience child labor, and risk of complications during delivery, overall negative impact on their mental wellness, and sexual and reproductive health. I’m excited as to the adverse change going on in the lives of girls, campaigns bursting out to promote girl child education to let her dream big and fly without limitations. There is great need for a strategic alliance among individuals, educational bodies, private entities, as well as national and international bodies, to properly tackle this issue. Social media platforms can serve as aid for promotions, campaigns to create awareness and raise a call of action. The future of the girl child as an endangered species amongst her male counterparts and sadly, even her fellow counterparts, must be protected at all costs. It’s high time we stopped distributing sweets only when a baby boy is born and frowning when a girl is born. Time to put a halt to uttering coated sarcasm “this is a rare thing for a girl to achieve” when a change in a chain of cycles is encountered. It shouldn’t be considered a deviance that a daughter can do the job of a son. “With adversity, however, comes resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience. The world’s 600 million adolescent girls have shown time and time again that given the skills and the opportunities, they can be the changemakers driving progress in their communities, building back stronger for all, including women, boys and men. Girls are ready for a decade of acceleration forward. It is time for us all to stand accountable – with and for girls – and to invest in a future that believes in their agency, leadership and potential.” (UNITED NATIONS) The Girl Child Time To Rule Her World Is Now or Never Now the narrative is changing, no longer shall our voices go unheard. Every girl has the right to attain greatness and harness her full potential, there should be no limitations as to what level she should stop. I’m very passionate about teen girls, with focus on their mental health, sexual and reproductive health. Both of these areas are de-emphasized and not well addressed. Parents shy away from proper conversation about sex, educative institutions doesn't promote abstinence and the environment doesn't preach about preventive measures as it should. This has led to increase in teenage pregnancies, school drop out of teen girls, socioeconomic inequalities, increased poverty amongst other negative impacts. Gone are…. Days when the girl child isn't recognized: Days when the girl child shouldn't be educated: Days when the girl child shouldn't be in power: Days when the girl child is voiceless: Days when the girl child's roles were only limited to marriage and childbearing: Days when the girl child future ends in the kitchen: Days when the girl child isn't allowed to dream big: I am an advocate of the United Nations SDG 3.7 target plan with more focus on the indicator 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate (aged 10–14 years; aged 15–19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group, as well as SDG 5.3 target plan, emphasis on the Indicator 5.3.1 Proportion of women aged 20–24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18. We must instead look on the bright side and embrace this beautiful astonishment, that is, the power of a girl child. Ÿ We, the daughters are stronger than the world thinks. Ÿ Stronger than our parents think. Ÿ Even much stronger than we think of ourselves. Ÿ We shouldn't let criticism stop us from reaching the top, and allow nobody to make us feel inferior without our own consent. Through my organization TEMI, we’ll keep striving to encourage workshops, campaigns, outreaches and open discussions to tackle this menace. You too can be part of this movement by engaging in community development programs, empowering young girls, volunteering, and donations. May 2023 34|www.insightscare.com