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USA's 10 Most Trusted Nursing Homes To WatchV3

In the following edition, USAu2019s 10 Most Trusted Nursing Homes to Watch Issue, Insights Care has enlisted Nursing Homes that have changed nursesu2019 perception of responding to their patients daily.<br>

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USA's 10 Most Trusted Nursing Homes To WatchV3

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  1. Evalua?ng Healthcare The Impact of Quality Nursing to Determine Pa?ent Sa?sfac?on Redefining Healthcare Nursing Technologies Transforming Pa?ent Care USA’s 1Most Trusted Nursing Homes to Watch August | Issue 08 | 2022

  2. Where Caring Comes to You

  3. Editor’s Note Patient Care is All About Building Relationships D uring a 2017 interview, a nurse shared how she would encourage communication with her patients. “Instead of conversing with patients with diabetes on their hemoglobin levels, I would ask them what they want to do in their lives.” Adding further, she promptly mentioned, “This provides us an opportunity to discuss their exercise and diets based on their desired events.” A key aspect of patient care involves actually “listening” to what s/he needs. Take, for instance, helping patients who smoke; nurses have to often shift their traditional practice from influencing the patients to attend smoking cessation to accepting their life choices, which changes their interaction with patients towards better mitigating risks. Such a scenario portrays that — patients are no longer a matter of clinical tasks but a matter of relationships. When they feel that all their needs have been met and respected, patients trust their caregivers more. This, in turn, creates a stronger connection between patients and nurses.

  4. In the following edition, USA’s 10 Most Trusted Nursing Homes to Watch, Insights Care has enlisted Nursing Homes that have changed nurses' perception of responding to their patients daily. That being evident, nurses during hospital hours would explore effective communication in subtle ways — for instance, using simple words to get closer to the patient or demonstrating openness to the patients’ questions on treatment processes. While others understand that each patient is unique, they would talk to some patients in a serious fashion, while to others, with laughter. Featured organizations in the current magazine are committed to reminding the nursing community of how patients could be addressed through the available resources. With an improvement in healthcare delivery services, nursing care is likely to go a long way in impacting its community. But what about nurses who couldn’t really move in that direction when caring for their patients? How far could nurses work with this concept? — is the question. “We look at a time for our patient… since we don’t have enough time to listen to what our patients have to say,” reported nurses during a 2020 research-based interview. Dive in to get enriched! - Saloni Agrawal Looking after a patient is not just about treating their particular illness, but nurses’ ability to empathize and provide supportive nursing intervention to the patient accordingly. For this, nurses must be empowered with knowledge, skills, and compassion that would enrich their service to their patients.

  5. Contents 16 24 Articles Evaluating Healthcare Redefining Healthcare The Impact of Quality Nursing to Determine Patient Satisfaction Nursing Technologies Transforming Patient Care

  6. Interview w?h Insights Care 08 20 The Sel?elp Home Continuum of Care Wafeeqa Wahid Professional A Determined Customer-oriented Enhancing Qualities with CXO 12 28 The Future of the Market for Pregnant How Remote Patient Monitoring Healthcare Mobile Application Women (RPM) Technology is Changing

  7. Pooja Bansal Editor-in-Chief Anish Miller Senior Editor Shrutika Khedekar Dhristi, Saloni Managing Editor Assisting Editors Visualiser David King Mrunalinee Deshmukh Art & Design Head Co-designer Paul Belin Sonia Raizada Art & Picture Editor Amy Jones John Smith Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Sarah Wilson, John Smith, Alex Vincent Kelli, Bill, Anna Business Development Executives Sales Executives Jacob Smile Amar Sawant Technical Head Assistant Technical Head David, Robert Technical Consultants Alina Sege Renuka Kulkarni Digital Marketing Manager Assistant Digital Marketing Manager SME-SMO Executives Gemson Eric Smith Research Analyst Tanaji Fartade Circulation Manager sales@insightscare.com August, 2022 Contact Us: Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - 302-319-9947 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Office No. 22, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: 7410033802, 74100058552 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com https://twitter.com/Insightscare Follow us on : www.facebook.com/InsightsCare/ Copyright © 2022 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Insights Care is powered by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.

  8. USA’s 10 Most Trusted Nursing Homes To Watch Organization Featuring Brief Ararat Home of Los Angeles, Inc. exists to provide assisted living and nursing care facilities primarily for the Armenian community, regardless of individuals’ financial status, and to promote Armenian heritage and culture in the United States. Ararat Home of Los Angeles ararathome.org Margarita Kechichian Executive Director Francesca Tempesta VP, System Marketing and Corporate Communications The mission of ArchCare, the Continuing Care Community of the Archdiocese of New York, is to foster and provide faith based holistic care to frail and vulnerable people unable to fully care for themselves. Archcare at Mary Manning Walsh Home archcare.org Hampton Court Nursing and Rehabilitation Center hamptoncourtnursing.com Hampton Court is dedicated to deliver the highest level of standards of care to create a respectful, dignified, and ethical environment for healing. Laynie Stern CEO Maplewood Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is not a part of a continuing care retirement community. It participates in Medicare and Medicaid. Maplewood Nursing & Rehabilitation Center bedrockcare.com Jacob zahler Owner Montgomery Place mission is to enhance the quality of life for those who choose to live here—to support each person’s social, intellectual, physical, cognitive and spiritual needs. Montgomery Place montgomeryplace.org Deborah E. Hart CEO Park Summit Of Coral Springs fivestarseniorliving.com Park Summit at Coral Springs in Coral Springs, FL has a short-term rehabilitation rating of Average and a long-term care rating of Average. Katie Potter CEO Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. sorrentotherapeutics.com Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. approach to fighting cancer is made possible by a unique immuno-oncology (“I-O”) portfolio. Bill Farley BD Wafeeqa Wahid Product Specialist, Customer Happiness, and Digital Marketing Professional Stay at Home Mom Stay at Home Mom Wellness and Fitness Service started by Wafeeqa Wahid. The New Jewish Home jewishhome.org The New Jewish Home mission is to empower older adults to enhance purpose and well-being through a portfolio of innovative health care services. Bobe Debbie Administrator The Selfhelp Home ranks at the top nationwide in short-term rehab and skilled nursing care. This year the facility was also named the ‘best’ senior living community in the country by US News and World Report. The Selfhelp Home selfhelphome.org Sheila Bogen Executive Director

  9. Wafeeqa Wahid A Determined Customer-oriented Professional C The following are the highlights from the interview: ustomer satisfaction is an integral part of any business. Modern-day companies need to facilitate continuous and productive interaction between employees and customers along with the products, solutions, and services. Today, more than ever, organizations need professionals who are great with people, effective team players, and always oriented towards a customer’s success. Having such people on board enables companies to promote years of business relationships with their customers. In our search for such people-oriented professionals who have proven themselves time and time again in the customer success portfolio, we came across Wafeeqa Wahid, a Product Specialist, Customer Happiness, and Digital Marketing professional. Wafeeqa is a smart professional who is known for her ability to seamlessly connect with people, each time leaving a long-lasting impression on them. She is currently staying in Germany and has worked for Southeast Asia’s leading fintech platform (Fave), providing a smart payment app for the smart generation of consumers. Wafeeqa was part of Fave’s customer success team when it acquired Groupon and helped customers migrate their daily deal business. She was also part of the FavePay smart payments app that has processed 20+ million transactions over the past four years and is accepted at 15,000+ locations across Southeast Asia today! We had an opportunity to interact with Wafeeqa in an interview, where she discussed her career path, specialties, aspirations, and being a super mom to twins. Please introduce yourself as a leader, and tell us what leadership qualities you would like the world to know you for. As a leader, I believe I am empathetic and make sure each one of my team members knows I am there for them, both professionally and personally. I do my best to ensure the environment we work in stays positive and that the mental, as well as physical health of my people comes first. Tell us about your outstanding skills in the product management space (fintech), customer service, consultancy, and other industries in which you have expertise. I am a hard worker and a dedicated employee. These skills have helped me grow no matter which industry I worked for or which role I worked in. I may not know everything, but I do my best to learn it either on my own or seek advice from seniors to give my best shot at each task assigned to me. My daily motivation before work is to be better than I was the day before, and after work is to ensure I have learned something new at the end of each day! Hence, I have been blessed to have various feathers in my professional hat. Being a Stay-at-Home Mom (currently), how do you envision growing in the industry when you are back, and in which industry are you aspiring to emerge? As I look around at the opportunities and am slowly transitioning back into the professional world, I am pleasantly surprised at how diversity and inclusion are giving a chance to all equally. And hence, I strongly believe August 2022|8|www.insightscare.com

  10. Interview with Insights Care Wafeeqa Wahid Stay-at- Home Mom Product Specialist, Customer Happiness, and Digital Marke?ng professional that as long as I am honing my current skills and keeping up to date with the latest trends, the break I took to focus on my kids will be nothing but an asset for me. I would love to grow in the health (mental/ physical) industry as I believe in the fast-paced world, we all need to give importance to just pausing, smelling the flowers, relaxing, and moving ahead, and I would love to contribute to that. Initiating your career as a Data Analyst at (MaGIC) Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre, what were the challenges you faced, and enlist us the professional hacks that helped you become the grand success that you are today? The first step into the professional world is always a challenge, and so is mine. But having amazing mentors is what made this journey smooth and memorable. Every task was a challenge, which made each day unpredictable and exciting, which gave me the zest to do what needed to be done and more. Share your experience of Fave, and what were the learnings that made you ramp up your growth curve? My experience at Fave is what made me the confident, self- motivated, and strong person that I am today. I had the best female leads and mentors who instilled their complete faith in me, which made me believe you are never too new to have and voice your opinions. As Fave was constantly expanding in not just different sectors but also countries and cities, I was growing as well, since the people there were my family, who saw me as a timid newcomer, growing to a Quality Assurance Manager (responsible for the KPIs and quality of a 20-member team) and a mother of twins, eventually moving to a different continent (while still working for Fave). Hence, there was as much professional growth as a personal one. Please share your thoughts on the future of social media provided with the development of Metaverse, which is grabbing the global spotlight. “ new at the end of each day! My daily motivation before work is to be better than I was the day before, and after work, is to ensure I have learned something “ The development of Metaverse will completely transform storytelling; hence, people will be able to sell and experience services in a different, more realistic way. August 2022|9|www.insightscare.com

  11. Please share your opinion about the marketing and advertising industry for the budding entrepreneur. The world has become very small now, especially post- Corona times. You could be sitting on a beach on a remote Asian island, promoting a product you believe to someone in New York. Budding entrepreneurs have to grab that golden opportunity and put themselves out there, keeping all their hesitations aside. Please share any inspiring stories or other topics that you want the world to hear from you (poems, articles, experiences, adventures, lessons-to-mothers, etc.). Being a mother does not make you any less professionally credible. In fact, it adds to your strengths since now you are a role model to someone who looks up to you and for whom you are in the world, especially in the initial years. My life after becoming a mother of twins has changed drastically, but for the best; as now for every adventure (be it hiking, road tripping, or getting lost in new cities) and challenge, I have two new constant cheerleaders with me. Moms-kids do not slow you down; they boost you! Testimonials from Colleagues empathy and a way with words that’s uplifting and supportive. An amazing mom to twins, that’s super hero work right there. Grateful to know her and call her my friend. Trishala Halaengady, Senior Manager - Digital Marketing Tata Motors (India) Angeline Choong, Wafeeqa has always been a true explorer, always on a constant search to redefine herself across different roles and aspects of her life. Right from the myriad of activities she participated in during school and college, to the various professional roles she undertook as a teacher, analyst, Customer Service Consultant and now a Stay At home mom. Regional Lead, Customer Happiness Fave Asia (Malaysia) Wafeeqa has been a great colleague and friend. Her professionalism, eagerness to learn and sense of humour definitely contributed to the increase of the team’s morale. It is truly an honour to be able to work alongside such a great individual! She has always given every experience the best version of herself. She has also always been the strongest pillar in all her friend circles, with a never ending supply of the most comforting words or encouragement and the wittiest of comebacks. Hanan, Mompreneur (United States of America) I’ve known Wafeeqa since childhood and she was always the sweetest person in the classroom. Her soft smile was always kind to the one who needed it. Her sense of humor is what anyone who is not her friend is missing out in life. Talking to her is non-stop laughter. Calm in stressful times always with the right words at the right time. And in the 10+ years of our friendship, I’ve seen her grow from a care-free soul to being a kick-ass Mom now. She is a Wonder Woman and even though her cape has been through the ringer multiple times she continues to keep flying up. What she was known in school and what she is known for now in our friend circle is her August 2022|10|www.insightscare.com

  12. Remote Patient Changing Hea?hcare How Monitoring (RPM) Technology is ealthcare systems across America have been H healthcare organizations is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology—a type of digital platform that extends healthcare providers’ reach by tracking symptoms and continuously monitoring vital signs. Patients also often receive 24/7 on-call nursing support, which helps to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits and improve clinical outcomes. Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 41% of adults avoided going into the hospital when COVID first became a significant concern in 2020. digitizing their operations to improve outcomes and reduce costs. One tool being used by “Many physicians have seen chronic conditions worsening since the pandemic,” says Scott Lofland, VP of Palliative Medicine at Carolina Caring, a program that offers an extra layer of ongoing, supportive care to those facing a serious illness. “RPM is an important tool to improve patients’ quality of life by closely managing their care and tailoring treatment to each patient’s unique needs.” This virtual expansion of healthcare has gained particular attention in the wake of the pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, about 90% of countries have experienced some form of disruption in essential healthcare services due to COVID, which has prompted an increase for virtual models like RPM, where patients are monitored from anywhere with internet access. RPM services are a great alternative for those who live outside metro areas or are unable to access clinical care due to a debilitating condition. This telemedicine approach does not require interactive audio-video and virtual visits like other methods. Instead, it requires technology that collects physiologic data from patients while they're receiving treatment in their home setting. “The pandemic has created a unique opportunity for RPM to take on a greater role in healthcare,” says Patrick Owensby, VP of Carolina Caring House Calls, a program designed to increase health care access to patients who are experiencing a serious illness. “It often keeps patients at home where they are more comfortable, instead of high-cost settings like emergency rooms and hospitals.” Carolina Caring, a leading nonprofit serious illness care provider in Newton, N.C., launched RPM recently for its palliative medicine patients. “The patient experience is at the heart of everything we do,” says Carolina Caring President and CEO Dana Killian. “That’s why Carolina Caring strives for excellence in all areas, including technology that enhances patient care and advances how people are able to receive it.” The benefits of RPM are three-fold. It often boosts patients' physical, mental, and emotional wellness by delivering a holistic approach to care, which typically results in higher patient satisfaction, especially for those with complex conditions. Carolina Caring, founded in 1979, is an independent, community-based, nonprofit health care provider. It specializes in programs that offer relief from chronic conditions, serious illnesses, and the challenges they bring, including palliative medicine and hospice care for all ages, primary care, and grief counseling. Currently, Carolina Caring serves 12 counties across western North Carolina and the Charlotte Region. For more information about Carolina Caring, please call 828.466.0466 or visit www.CarolinaCaring.org The increase in chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and more have also been a factor in the growth of RPM. Many people with these conditions fear COVID, as they are at higher risk of getting it and therefore avoid care whenever possible. According to the Centers for Disease August 2022|12|www.insightscare.com

  13. About the Authors About the Authors Patrick Owensby Vice President, Home-Based Primary Care Carolina Caring Before joining Carolina Caring, Patrick Owensby, MHA, BSN, served in hospital leadership positions at Davis Regional Medical Center, Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, and Frye Regional Medical Center, where he leveraged his knowledge and experience to build extensive physician networks amid a rapidly shifting healthcare landscape. After completing his Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, he earned a master's degree in Healthcare Administration from Pfeiffer University. His unique background and skill set make him well positioned to lead a primary care program that will enable Carolina Caring to better meet the needs of patients who face barriers to accessing routine medical care due to debilitating medical conditions. Scott Lofland Vice President, Palliative Medicine Carolina Caring Scott Lofland is an Air Force veteran with extensive experience in logistics. During his tenure as Senior Enlisted Leader for Logistics and throughout his 19 years in the military, he has managed operations and evaluated processes for challenged departments, addressing and correcting issues with accounting, quality assurance, and overall deployment readiness. As a result of these efforts, he touts the benefits of good leadership and believes that staff development is critical to exceptional care and service. Lofland has been with Carolina Caring since 2013 and has also contributed his time and skills to finance and project management. In addition to an MBA, Scott holds a graduate-level certificate in Health Services Management and serves on the board of directors for the Association of Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina (AHHC). August 2022|13|www.insightscare.com

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  15. Evaluating Healthcare The Impact of Quality Quality Quality Nursing Nursing Nursing to Determine Patient Satisfaction I sector specifically gives these roots the utmost attention. n the era of high-tech devices and advancing technologies, some roots of humanity have been preserved to maintain the balance. The healthcare The quality of the way the nurses cater to the patients has a big impact on the level of satisfaction received. With the changing norms of the healthcare sector, nursing has also witnessed changes. The roots being, empathy, and care, the sector has served its patients with the proper use of these. With this, the required comfort and hospitality of the patients are ensured. Nurses, specifically, are responsible for attending to the needs of the patients. What are these satisfactory nursing ways? Let us find out in this article. Care Through Personalized Communication Some reports show that nurses usually spend about 2 hours and 25 minutes with patients per nine-hour shift in the middle of communicating with family caregivers and patients, delivering care, and taking care of the needs of the patient that are not directly related to their treatment, such as toileting or hygiene. The skillful ability of the nurses lies in their power to empathically and efficiently converse with the patients. Nurses who spend the most time with the patients are vital for delivering quality patient education by soothing the concerns of the patients and sidelining their fears. August 2022|16|www.insightscare.com

  16. August 2022|17|www.insightscare.com

  17. Blending Patient and Nurse Experience Nursing experts agreed with the fact that nurses who get to know and understand their patients on a personal ground are more successful at improving and delivering satisfaction to patients. For delivering key care quality roles, nurses must have proper support. But creating that bond with the patients is a tough task. Nurses need to look out for and cater to multiple patients. These several interactions with more than just one patient create an obstacle for them in creating and maintaining a personal relationship with everyone they look after. It has been confirmed in the data that a positive working environment has an effective impact on patient experience scores. Another study conducted in 2019 by Penn Nursing showed that there has been a huge impact of working conditions and nurse satisfaction on patient care quality, safety, and satisfaction. Important Role in Patient Safety Nurses play a vital role in the protection of patient safety, which is stated as a critical aspect of patient satisfaction. A link between four key care quality outcomes was revealed about nurse working conditions in a literature review of 17 journal articles that consisted of 16 years’ worth of data. Investigators looked at nurse assessments of quality and safety, patient satisfaction, nurse job outcomes, and patient health outcomes. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) stated on its website, “Of all the members of the health care team, nurses, therefore, play a critically important role in ensuring patient safety by monitoring patients for clinical deterioration, detecting errors and near-misses, understanding care processes and weaknesses inherent in some systems, and performing countless other tasks to ensure patients receive high-quality care.” Other data from over 2,600 hospitals, 165,000 nurses, and 1.3 million patients brought forward that a negative impact on all four domains has been noticed if the working conditions of a nurse are not good. Nurses who conduct regular rounds and are attentive have a positive effect on patient satisfaction scores and data. Parting Words A study that was published in 2016 in the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports shows that an improvement in patient safety outcomes has been noted with a timely nurse rounding protocol. It witnessed a reduction in patient falls by 50 percent and an 11 percent improvement in pain management. The healthcare sector has been continuously growing and implementing new ways to create a comfortable and satisfactory environment for patients. The way a good environment is required for the patients, in the same way, nurses also require a comfortable and positive work environment in order to deliver better patient care. The sector has been improving on these things and providing better nursing quality and hospital environments. Nurse rounding is effective as it gives the patients a chance to ask for help when they otherwise may not have. In the study mentioned above, the fall rates of patients may have fallen as nurses were present to accompany them to the bathroom or collect an item from across the room, instead of the patient who might have gone without any help. Anish Miller August 2022|18|www.insightscare.com

  18. Sheila Bogen Execu?ve Director The Sel?elp Home

  19. The Selfhelp Home The Selfhelp Home Enhancing Quali?es with Con?nuum of Care W essential in that they provide a positive quality of life for aging people. The Sel?elp Home creates a boutique atmosphere for seniors with respect and dignity by providing each resident with an individualized plan of care, that is truly person-centered. ““ hat matters most when you need home care is connecting with a remarkable caregiver! Nursing and residential care facilities are At some point, support from family, friends, and local programs may not be sufficient. People who require full-time assistance may be moved to a residential facility that provides many or all of the long-term care services they need. , nursing homes, and Assisted living facilities continuing care retirement communities are just a few examples of facility-based long-term care services . While some facilities merely provide housing and housekeeping, many offer personal care and medical attention altogether with life enrichment for residents, as live music from Classical to Klezmer, music and art therapy, and the highest quality of rehabilitation and effective care. This is where The Selfhelp Home shines out in the spotlight. Moreover, Selfhelp Home is trusted by one of the most renowned orthopedic surgeons— a renowned Orthopedic specialist. He is one of the few doctors in the United States capable of successfully operating on arthrofibrosis patients. A patient of Dr Finn, Julie M. was excited to discover that real progress was possible with the treatment. Dr Henry Finn. Dr Finn is such The Selfhelp Home thrives as a boutique where older adults experience the highest quality of life possible, founded on the principles of compassion and dignity. Julie knew what she needed to do. She made the trip from Texas to Illinois for the arthrofibrosis procedure. Then, she turned to The Selfhelp Home for her Orthopedic recovery and physical therapy post-surgery. She continues to express enthusiasm and hope on her path to recovery. Adding to this scenario, Dr Finn mentioned, “Our patients are flying from all over the US to rehab with The Selfhelp Home after their surgeries.” Jewish community Under the adept leadership of Sheila Bogen, Executive Director, The Selfhelp Home ranks at the top nationwide in short-term rehab and skilled nursing care. This year the facility was also named the ‘best’ senior living community in the country by US News and World Report. Over the years, the legacy and reputation of The Selfhelp Home serve as the leading organization that continues to advance as a culturally rich community that offers top-quality care for those that live at Selfhelp, come for rehabilitation, or work here. The Legacy Selfhelp Home was founded more than 75 years ago with a singular vision to be a refuge for victims of the Holocaust. Today, this continues to be the model for how the Home serves older adults in the community. The best practices that have been at Selfhelp for decades are love, compassion, dignity, kindness, and respect for the whole person. Assurance of Quality and Convenience The Selfhelp Home is the only Jewish CCRC offering a niche atmosphere. All the factors for successful aging are August 2022|21|www.insightscare.com

  20. Adept Leadership within its walls. Lifelong learning is part of its fabric: Life enrichment for residents such as live music from Classical to Klezmer, music and art therapy, and the highest quality of rehabilitation and care. The authentic engagement of diverse residents, together with the ability to ‘age in place,’ defines The Selfhelp Home. This year Selfhelp was the first community in the nation to ever receive Joint Commission Living. This is a new category for Joint Commission in response to its industry seeing an older and more frail population in assisted living than ever before. Older adults are waiting longer to move to senior living or waiting for a life-changing incident like a fall to make the transition. Sheila Bogen has a special connection to Selfhelp as being a first-generation child of survivors, “The mission of the Selfhelp Home immediately resonated deep within me.” Her professional life has revolved around senior care and hospitality and answering the call to provide the best service to Chicago’s only Jewish non-profit Continuing care retirement community. certification for Assisted Sheila has a lifetime career in senior care and grew up in the hospitality business. Her family owned a deluxe Kosher resort hotel; she understands the importance of providing excellent service and making people feel good. Benchmark of Credibility Like many assisted living facilities around the country, The Selfhelp Home is experiencing an acuity level increase for residents in assisted living. The facility also noticed that it is already doing many of the required components to be certified by the Joint Commission in Assisted Living, a new certification established by the Joint Commission in response to the rising care needs in Assisted Living Communities. Selfhelp creates a boutique atmosphere for seniors providing a personalized care plan for each resident. The facility looks at the resident, who they are, where they have come from, what they enjoy and what they need to feel comfortable and have a high quality of life. Selfhelp provides the entire continuum of care; this provides a more streamlined approach to the patient or resident. Therefore, The Selfhelp Home went for it as it was essential to go ahead and certify its efforts, be the first community to achieve this and hope that the industry will follow to raise the bar in assisted living communities across the country. The Selfhelp Home is a one-stop shop for seniors who want to live an extraordinary life in a safe environment and can feel safe to age in place without moving to another home when their care needs change. For example, residents that move in under assisted living know they have a safe place to recover here if they become ill. The staff and the excellent care truly set Selfhelp apart from the rest. Providing the best high-quality services to its residents is its top priority. There is an authentic culture of care at Selfhelp. Selfhelp has retained a remarkable record of staff longevity where staff have been here for many years. Its rehab patients often decide to stay long term or continue therapy with the outpatient therapy services, or they stay in a respite apartment for a couple of additional weeks after rehab if they are not ready to return home. Pearls of Wisdom Sharing her opinions on how advanced technologies and gadgets have aided the nursing home industry, Sheila shared, “We are using a new tool called VirtuSense Technologies. We assess every new resident and use it in our rehabilitation unit to ensure patients are safe to return home. Our therapy services extend throughout our entire community giving easy access to each resident to be living their best life.” Moreover, as advice for the budding aspirants willing to enter the nursing home niche, Sheila expressed, “Be prepared to work extremely hard, invest yourself into the August 2022|22|www.insightscare.com

  21. which ranks third from the bottom of the nation’s reimbursement. In the current financial situation where inflation is galloping ahead of us, that diligent C N A is only making $15 an hour in the city of Chicago. If you were financially responsible for your spouse, two children and a goldfish, could you afford rent, food, clothing, transportation, etc., $15 an hour? So as other, less taxing, less responsible, less stressful opportunities arise, nursing home staff are leaving the industry in droves. entity, treat your employees like family members - at least the ones you like.” “Treat every resident as if they are your grandparents or parents. Every decision you make should be preceded by “is this decision the best one for the residents,” added Sheila. Embracing the Future Roadmap Some strategies can mitigate this “Nursing brain drain” – hopefully, many operators have spent time, money, interest, and personal involvement to nurture their staff. At Selfhelp Home, we are proud to say that we have employees who have worked with us for more than 20, 30 and even 40 years. It is all due to the culture that pervades in the Home. The Selfhelp Home plans to add Home Care as an added service to its continuum of care. This would take its services out into the community and allow the facility to reach people that are not ready to move. Moreover, sharing her opinions on the impact of home nursing services in today’s world Sheila stated, “We have known for some time that as the Baby Boomers age, the demand for health care workers would be stretched to the max. No one anticipated a worldwide virus that would throw every country into turmoil and affect so many ordinary everyday events and families.” Secondly, it is about time that the Immigration Authorities allow qualified Health Care personnel to enter this country to work. Instead of ignoring the thousands of illegal, non-medical personnel, let us open our borders and welcome qualified nurses, aides, etc. By the time Immigration Officials retire, there might not be any professionals around to care for them. “And finally, let us create programs at the high school level where careers in Nursing, Senior Care and Hospitality can be encouraged, taught, and lauded as The Best Career in The World, concluded Some of the most substantial impacts are staffing within Health Care areas, especially in the Senior Care field, which arises from low wages for every level of care. The Medicaid reimbursement for Long Term Care residents is woefully underfunded. Every state has its own axe to grind, but the challenge is even more significant in Illinois, ” she August 2022|23|www.insightscare.com

  22. August 2022|24|www.insightscare.com

  23. Redefining Healthcare Nursing Technologies Transforming Patient Care T advancement in a short period. Every industry has witnessed a massive boost in its growth and ways of functioning. Businesses have seen flourishment; logistics have seen ease; healthcare has received a helping hand that makes their work easier and more accurate. echnology has played an important part in changing the norms of the world in every possible circumstance. It has probably given years of The healthcare sector has been strengthened by the use of technology. The duo has made it simpler to perform tasks that were once considered tough. From the process of surgery to the nursing and catering of patients, everything has been streamlined. The nursing sector has seen several unique transformations that have boosted the experience of healthcare workers and patients. Healthcare workers have learned advanced ways to cater to the needs of patients and ensure a comfortable, safe, and more home-like environment. August 2022|25|www.insightscare.com

  24. preventing the patient from falling. Systems, as such, are inbuilt with a nurse-calling button that signals the caregivers to attend to them as quickly as possible. Moreover, there are door alarm kits, wireless pagers, home monitoring pressure sensors like chair or bed occupancy sensors, etc. How is the duo catering to the patient's unique needs? Log in to find out more! Telehealth Devices The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in a bad way, but with technological advancements, the healthcare sector has found ways to cater to patients in need. Telemedicine has exponentially shown its benefits for practices strictly related to patients. Telehealth proves to be a life-saving agent under the pandemic-caused restrictions in comparison with virtual visits and office visits. Remote patient monitoring gives the chance to capture and analyze the patient’s ongoing medical conditions and requires no need to arrange a visit. Some of the tools that are mostly used in the sector include portable ECG monitors, digital stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, blood pressure cuffs, and wearables for activity with biometric trackings such as skin patches, wrist bands, and Bluetooth thermometers. In this case, healthcare and nursing providers take advantage and make use of HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software. Utilizing such a tool, nursing professionals get the opportunity to organize video-based conferences and cater to the needs of patients while maintaining a distance. They even get the chance to conduct group therapy sessions with no limits to the number of participants and make sudden adjustments, leave comments, or make a chart of the patient's progress with the note-taking tool. These devices assist in monitoring diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and COPD and are also useful in transferring the records into an all-in-one system. Smart Rooms & Beds Hospital beds and rooms these days are not only altering traditional medical room designs but also ensuring best-in- class personalized patient experiences. Virtual and Robotic Nursing A study shows that 86% of healthcare companies have already started implementing some or other artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. For the improvement in patient engagement and safety, they rely upon AI-driven changes and robotics. This reduces costs, enables predictive care and distant healthcare delivery, and achieves better results in management. Nursing practitioners are eased up when patients enjoy high-performance smart room systems, mattresses, and beds with enhanced comfort. Beds like these are also sensor-chipped and equipped to make sure of proper posture and support so that the nurses do not have to come to the aid for the change in position several times. Smart rooms are also equipped with screens for visual communication between the patient and the nurse. Moxi robots are already helping nurses by performing time-consuming tasks. For example, the robots can deliver lab samples or even collect medications from the pharmacy. Adding to that, there might be an IV pump or kit as well, that might boast a dose error-reduction system. Thus, diminishing the possibilities of human error. These offer personalization and can transform the care continuum with real-time assistance and accurate healthcare service, eradicating nurse burnout too. Final Statement Pressure and Motion Sensor Alarms Nursing practitioners still preserve their relevance in a world that is full of technological advancements and improvements, while tech transformations and improvements complement nurses’ endeavors and assist them in making sure of productive patient care delivery. Recent research has resulted in nearly 69% of home healthcare patients being aged 65 or more. In-room sensors are envisioned to constantly monitor and safeguard the elderly. Anish Miller The motion detection sensor triggers an alert after spotting any movement in the body. It is fairly effective in August 2022|26|www.insightscare.com

  25. The Future of the Mobile Application Market for Pregnant Women A is attracting a growing number of users, advertisers, and investors. If you wish to find out the various factors that are stimulating its growth and shaping strategies for key players, this article is the perfect match. By- Evgeny Zhikharev bout 140 million women give birth worldwide every year, and over 60% download mobile pregnancy applications. It is a dynamic market that apps are quickly becoming EdTech platforms offering tutorials, workshops, and expert training. Application developers are actively implementing AI technologies, which make interaction with users more personalized. Factors Driving Growth Use of Mobile Application for Pregnant Women The market is affected by both short and long-term trends, including the Covid-19 pandemic; the growth of mobile Internet users and an increased trust in mobile services. Pregnancy apps give women informational and emotional support. Future parents can find answers to frequently asked questions about health, psychology, and their changing lifestyles. A woman can track changes in her body using health charts and, if necessary, receive telemedicine consultations. During the pandemic, pregnant women found themselves at risk, because a consultation at a clinic became associated with the possibility of infection. Women have since started to use pregnancy apps as a source of information and a secure channel to communicate with doctors. Communication with other pregnant women through chats helps them socialize and find solutions to common problems, while marketplaces offer them necessary and desirable products at a discount. In addition, pregnancy This was facilitated by the increased penetration of mobile Internet around the world. The number of Internet users is increasing by 4% per year, and most of them (92.4%) use August 2022|28|www.insightscare.com

  26. Author Bio Author Bio Evgeny Zhikharev, Founder and CEO Evgeny is the Founder of the amma pregnancy tracker, downloaded by 7% of pregnant women worldwide. Eugene is a serial mobile-IT Entrepreneur listed in Global 500 FemTech Personalities Evgeny Zhikharev, Founder and CEO Amma pregnancy tracker

  27. mobile Internet. In 2022, the average mobile Internet speed increased by 40.6% compared to the previous year, reaching 29.91 Mb/s. Costs have also become more accessible, dropping from $8.18 to $4.07 per gigabyte over the last two years, which is more than half. 9.7 bln. This means that the number of pregnant women will rise accordingly. At the same time, 1/3 of the population, mainly in developing countries, is still not covered by mobile Internet. Thus, the geographic expansion for players will be directed at emerging markets. In 2021, digital health raised $29.1 bln in investments, twice as much as the year before. Of these, femtech companies received $1.2 bln, which also set a new record. Solutions for pregnant women is now the largest femtech segment, with a 21% market share. Pregnancy app developers will look for ways to get around the “objective” market restrictions, of which there are two. First, this is a relatively small audience; 140 mln pregnant women is a rather narrow audience for companies with global ambitions. Secondly, there is the gestational age, which is limited to 9 months. Consequently, companies will seek to expand their audience and increase user lifetime (LT). How will they achieve this? Current Market Scenario According to AppMagic’s analytics, over the past five years, the number of downloads of the ten most popular pregnancy apps has grown from 10 mln to 46 mln per year. Annual growth hit 71% and continues to rise due to expansion in emerging markets. To expand their audience, pregnancy apps will generate functionality for the entire family, evolving from FemTech to FamilyTech services. Studies show that men who use pregnancy apps become more involved in pregnancy issues and more attentive to their partners. Thus, the market’s target audience, when considering relatives of pregnant women, could grow to about 1.2 billion people. Players use two main monetization models: Subscription. This model is popular in developed countries with a high-paying audience. Advertising. Pregnancy apps are attractive to pharmaceutical and FMCG companies. Since women use the apps for 7-9 months, during which they may experience anxiety and stress, advertisers can build long-term and trusting relationships with women and their loved ones through this channel. Applications unite a niche audience that can be segmented by socio- demographic indicators, week of pregnancy, or trimester. Ÿ Ÿ The terms of use of applications will expand due to functionality aimed at preparing for pregnancy and the postpartum period. Thus, the user lifetime can increase to 4-5 years. Wrapping Up The market for mobile applications for pregnancy management is not saturated. Its further growth will be ensured by the continued penetration of mobile Internet, expansion into emerging markets, and the expansion of functionality for both women and their families. It is becoming very attractive to both investors and entrepreneurs. According to JC Market Research, the income volume of participants in the pregnancy app market in 2021 amounted to $96.3 million, which is 5.5% higher than the previous year. The industry volume is expected to grow by 6.2% per year and will likely reach $165.8 million in 2030. Pregnancy apps are at the crossroads of the femtech and parenting tech markets. This niche’s total addressable market (TAM) can be estimated at $1.2 trillion, and the serviceable addressable market (SAM) at $550 billion. As part of the digital health industry, pregnancy management apps will help ensure that pregnant women and their loved ones have equal access to up-to-date medical information and digital health benefits throughout the world. Futuristic Roadmap According to the UN forecast, by 2050 world population will increase by 2 billion people - from today's 7.7 bln to August 2022|30|www.insightscare.com

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