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Royal Star Magnolia is an excellent deciduous hedge. Magnolia Stellata is small, low branching, has bloomy appearance that makes it an ideal tree for hedging. The tree becomes considerable taller when grown in partially shaded environment. The hedge can tolerate different range of soil. Know more about Royal Star Magnolia through this infographic. Know more at- https://www.instanthedge.com/royal-star-magnolia-hedge/
An early developer with enormous, fragrant, white, twofold blossoms showing up before the foliage rises in spring. A springtime spine chiller that will add a decent touch to the scene as the seasons progress. Helpful as an open-fanned, multi- trunked huge bush or as a little example tree. Superb cold and warmth capacity to bear a magnolia. Deciduous.
RoyalStarMagnolia: ClearOverview
Royal Star Magnolia is an excellent deciduous hedge. Magnolia Stellata is small, low branching, has bloomy appearance that makes it an ideal tree for hedging. The tree becomes considerable taller when grown in partially shaded environment. The hedge can tolerate different range of soil.
AmazingFeaturesof MagnoliaStellata
1. Magnolia Stellata looks incredibly handsome in early spring with 4 inch wide fragrant double blossoms. 2. The hedge is low maintenance as compared to other hedges 3. Royal Star magnolia is deer resistant hedge 4. The hedge grows upto 10' height and 12' width 5. Requires partial shade to full sun to give its best performance 6. Requires frequent watering initially in first 3-4 months