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Top 10 Most Common Errors AP Economics

Top 10 Most Common Errors AP Economics. 2009. 10. Monopolistic Competition and Economies of Scale 9. A Tax Reduces Allocative Efficiency 8. Capital Flight Decreases S LF and Increases r. 7. A Lump-Sum Tax Doesn’t Effect Q* because it Doesn’t Effect MC

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Top 10 Most Common Errors AP Economics

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  1. Top 10 Most Common ErrorsAP Economics 2009

  2. 10. Monopolistic Competition and Economies of Scale 9. A Tax Reduces Allocative Efficiency 8. Capital Flight Decreases SLF and Increases r. 7. A Lump-Sum Tax Doesn’t Effect Q* because it Doesn’t Effect MC 6. Elasticity Calculation and Interpretation 5. Money/Deposit Multiplier 4. An Increase in the Money Supply Results (via #3) in a Decrease in Real Wages 3. Real Wages Fall due to an Increase in the Price Level 2. Link between Growth and Capital Formation 1. SRPC Shifts due to Changes in Inflationary Expectations Overview of Trouble Spots

  3. 10. Overseas Micro 1 (e) Question: In the long run, will the [monopolistically competitive] company be operating in a region where economies of scale exist? Explain. Answer: Yes (52 percent answered correctly), because the firm produces a quantity of output on the downward sloping portion of its long-run ATC. (27 percent answered correctly)

  4. Monopolistic Competition Marginal Cost $/unit Long-Run Average Cost P Demand Quantity Q Marginal Revenue

  5. Monopolistic Competition Marginal Cost $/unit Economies of Scale Long-Run Average Cost P Demand Quantity Q Marginal Revenue

  6. 9. Micro 2 (d) Question: Assuming no externalities, how does the tax affect allocative efficiency? Explain. Price ($) S + Tax $8 S $6 $5 $4 $2 D 60 90

  7. Answer: Due to the tax, the outcome is no longer allocatively efficient. The tax creates deadweight loss. OR The total surplus decreases. (22% answered correctly) Price ($) S + Tax Deadweight Loss $8 S $6 $5 $4 $2 D 60 90

  8. 8. Macro 2 (b) Question: Using a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market in Tara, show the impact of this decision by investors [to move their funds out of the country of Tara] on the real interest rate in Tara.

  9. The Graph Real interest rate SLF r DLF Q Loanable funds 40% Correct

  10. The Shift and Change Real interest rate SLF’ SLF r' r DLF Q Q’ Loanable funds 22% Correct

  11. 7. Micro 1 (b) Question: Assume that the government grants CableNow a lump-sum subsidy of $1 million. Will this policy change CableNow’s profit maximizing quantity of cable services? Explain. Answer: No (46% answered correctly—note that guessing would yield 50% correct), because the lump-sum tax will not affect marginal cost (or marginal revenue, the two determinants of Q*). 18% answered correctly

  12. 6. Micro 2 (c) Question: Is the demand price elastic, inelastic, or unit elastic between the prices of $5 and $6? Explain.

  13. The Graph Provided Price ($) S + Tax $8 S $6 $5 $4 $2 D 60 90 Quantity

  14. Answer: The demand is price elastic because elasticity is [(60-90)/75]/[(6-5)/5.5] = -2.2 which is less than -1 OR because total revenue decreased from $5 x 90 = 450 to $6 x 60 = $360 when price increased from $5 to $6. (15% answered correctly)

  15. 5. Macro 3 (a) ii Question: Assume that the reserve requirement is 20 percent and banks hold no excess reserves. Assume that Kim deposits $100 of cash from her pocket into her checking account. Calculate the maximum change in demand deposits in the banking system. Answer: (The money multiplier of) 5 x $100 = $500. (14% answered correctly.)

  16. 3. and 4. Macro 3 (c) Question: Given the increase in the money supply in part (b), what happens to real wages in the short run? Answer: Real wages fall (20% answered correctly) because the increase in the money supply raises the price level (or inflation). (15% answered correctly)

  17. 2. Macro 2 (c) Question: Given your answer in part (b) [that interest rates increase], what will happen to Tara’s rate of economic growth? Explain. Answer: The growth rate will fall (61% correct) because investment spending decreases, and as a result, capital formation will decrease. 9% answered correctly

  18. 1. Macro 1 (f) i Question: Assume the Federal Reserve action [to reduce inflation] is successful. What will happen to each of the following as the economy approaches a new long-run equilibrium? (i) The short-run Phillips curve. Explain. (ii) The natural rate of unemployment.

  19. The Phillips Curve Inflation Long-Run Phillips Curve SRPCw/High Expected Inflation SRPCw/Low Expected Inflation Natural Rate Unemployment

  20. Answer: The SRPC will shift to the left (28% answered correctly) because the Fed policy will lower inflationary expectations. (2% answered correctly) The natural rate of unemployment will not change. (24% answered correctly)

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