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CS428/9: Software Engineering II

CS428/9: Software Engineering II. Darko Marinov (slides from Ralph Johnson). Administrative info. ACP third revision due on Thursday, March 15 HW3 posted on Wiki: metrics, due March 27 Will be graded by March 29 and covered in Demo 2 Demo 2: Functionality (code), testing, metrics

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CS428/9: Software Engineering II

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  1. CS428/9: Software Engineering II Darko Marinov (slides from Ralph Johnson)

  2. Administrative info • ACP third revision due on Thursday, March 15 • HW3 posted on Wiki: metrics, due March 27 • Will be graded by March 29 and covered in Demo 2 • Demo 2: Functionality (code), testing, metrics • Will look more than before into your code and tests • After Spring Break, around April 3 • Advisable to meet your TA before Spring Break 428-15

  3. Metrics • Non-technical metrics about process • Number of people on project, time taken, money spent • Stories implemented • Bugs found (by testers/developers, by users) • Bugs fixed, features added • … • Technical metrics about product 428-15

  4. Technical metrics • Size of code • Lines of code (LOC, SLOC, NCNB LOC) • Number of files, classes, processes • Function points • Complexity of code • Dependencies / coupling / cohesion • OO metrics 428-15

  5. Some ways to use metrics • Measure performance of programmers • Measure the amount of code produced each month by each programmer • Give high producers big raise • Prioritize programmers’ effort • Measure complexity of modules • Pick the most complex and rewrite it • Determine whether code is ready to ship 428-15

  6. Complexity • Complex systems are • Hard to understand • Hard to change • Hard to reuse Cyclomatic complexity (covered last lecture) Cohesion and coupling (this lecture) 428-15

  7. Cyclomatic complexity CC = E – N + 2, where E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes def addInterest for if acc.balance = ... done 428-15

  8. Technical metrics for OO systems • Material from these readings • Bob Martin: OO Design Quality Metrics • Shyam R. Chidamber and Chris F. Kemerer:A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design 428-15

  9. Coupling and cohesion • Number and complexity of shared variables • Functions in a module should share variables • Functions in different modules should not • Number and complexity of parameters • Number of functions/modules that are called • Number of functions/modules that call me 428-15

  10. Dhama’s coupling metric Module coupling = 1 / (number of input parameters + number of output parameters + number of global variables used + number of modules called + number of modules calling) .5 is low coupling, .001 is high coupling. 428-15

  11. Martin’s coupling metric • Ca: Afferent coupling: the number of classes outside this module that depend on classes inside this module • Ce: Efferent coupling: the number of classes inside this module that depend on classes outside this module • Instability = Ce / (Ca + Ce) 428-15

  12. Main sequence • A: Abstractness (# abstract classes in module / # classes in module) (0,1) Abstractness (1,0) Instability 428-15

  13. Technical metrics • A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design, Shyam R. Chidamber and Chris F. Kemerer IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 1994, pp 476-493 • Chapter 4 of Hamlet and Maybee, especially 4.3 428-15

  14. List of metrics • Weighted Methods per Class • Depth of Inheritance Tree • Number Of Children • Coupling Between Object classes • Response for a Class • Lack of Cohesion in Methods 428-15

  15. Weighted Methods per Class WMC: for each class, take the sum of the complexities of the methods in the class Possible method complexities • 1 (number of methods) • Lines of code • Number of method calls • Cyclomatic complexity 428-15

  16. Weighted Methods per Class • The number of methods and the complexity of methods predicts the time and effort required to develop and maintain a class • The larger the number of methods in a class, the greater the potential impact on children • Classes with large numbers of methods are more likely to be application specific and less reusable 428-15

  17. Weighted Methods per Class 428-15

  18. Depth of Inheritance Tree • DIT: Maximum length from a class to the root of the tree • The deeper a class is in the hierarchy, the more methods it inherits and so it is harder to predict its behavior • The deeper a class is in the hierarchy, the more methods it reuses • Deeper trees are more complex 428-15

  19. Depth of Inheritance Tree 428-15

  20. Number Of Children • NOC: Number of immediate subclasses • More children is more reuse • A class might have a lot of children because of misuse of subclassing • A class with a large number of children is probably very important and needs a lot of testing 428-15

  21. Number of Children • Almost all classes have 0 children • Only a handful of classes will have more than five children 428-15

  22. Coupling Between Object classes • CBO: Number of other classes to which a class is coupled • Class A is coupled to class B if there is a method in A that invokes a method of B • Want to be coupled only with abstract classes high in the inheritance hierarchy 428-15

  23. Coupling Between Object classes • Coupling makes designs hard to change • Coupling makes classes hard to reuse • Coupling is a measure of how hard a class is to test 428-15

  24. Coupling Between Object classes • C++ project: median 0, max 84 • Smalltalk project: median 9, max 234 428-15

  25. Response For a Class • RFC: Number of methods in a class or called by a class • The response set of a class is a set of methods that can potentially be executed in response to a message received by an object of that class 428-15

  26. Response For a Class • If a large number of methods can be invoked in response to a message, testing becomes more complicated • The more methods that can be invoked from a class, the greater the complexity of the class 428-15

  27. Response For a Class • C++: median 6, max 120 • Smalltalk: median 29, max 422 428-15

  28. Lack of COhesion in Methods • LCOM: Number of pairs of methods that don’t share instance variables - number of pairs of methods that share instance variables • Cohesiveness of methods is a sign of encapsulation. • Lack of cohesion implies classes should be split 428-15

  29. Lack of COhesion in Methods • C++: median 0, max 200 • Smalltalk: median 2, max 17 • Smalltalk system had only a few zero 428-15

  30. What is best? • WMC or list of long methods? • DIT or list of classes with depth over 6? • NOC or list of classes with more than 6 children? • CBO or list of classes with high coupling? 428-15

  31. Questions? • Who looks at these figures? • What is done with the results? • How do you get the figures? 428-15

  32. The goal of measurement • Software measurement is a means to an end, not an end in itself • What is causing poor quality? • Where are we spending all our time on software development? • How accurate are our estimates? • What is the most cost-effective way to improve our quality? 428-15

  33. Next time • Software Measurement Guidebook • http://swg.jpl.nasa.gov/resources/NASA-GB-001-94.pdf • Pages 1-20 and 30-49 428-15

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