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CALS21. January 7, 2013. Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting. Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting. nonfarm payroll jobs. 86.89 months.
CALS21 January 7, 2013
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting
nonfarm payroll jobs 86.89 months Downturn began in December 2007 April 2014
Arizona legislators want to know from me what we are doing to help Arizona--especially in terms of the economy, and especially via jobs and societal impacts that affect the economy.
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning. Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting.
We will adopt innovative practices based on transparency…. UA President Ann Weaver Hart "The Risk to Blossom," November 30, 2012
Budget vs. Revenue “Perm vs. Temp” “The College budget” vs. College Budgets
Today we can afford now a maximum of 82% of the T/C track faculty that we had in FY08.
College-level temporary commitments Temporary commitments are temporary. Temporary funds are temporary. We can’t expect to solve permanent issues with temporary funds—we need to find permanent funds to do so or solve the problem another way.
1. The majority of temporary commitments are now in faculty start-up costs. 2. We cannot go negative; the money has to come from somewhere within the greater college.
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting
CALS21: Strategic plan process as at Sept 7, 2012 May 15 Winter Spring Summer External Stakeholder Input SUBJECTIVE: “WHY” and “WHAT” we need to do”. First attempts at “HOW”. REVIEW EC: CALS Strategic Plan (WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO). Budget Re-Alignment Facilitated Visioning EC HODS, CEDs, AEDs CALS’ Faculty Fall Semester • UA PLANNING • President’s inauguration - Nov 30 • ABOR meeting – Dec 6 Strategic thinking B. facilitated by heads: Refined questions. By April 15 Unit Strategic Plans facilitated by unit heads. By May 15 Strategic thinking A. facilitated by heads: 12 Questions CALS21 Plan UNITS OBJECTIVE: Where are we now and what more information do we need to determine WHAT we need to do and HOW? Unit Strategic Plan Realignment to fit with CALS21. Faculty Consultative Group on Efficiencies, Effectiveness and Innovation Dean’s Research Advisory Council Exec Council & Admin Cabinet data collection and evaluation Economics Education taskforce OP&CD; ED&CES; Res & AES; and other Cabinet areas: Strategic Plan Realignment Ancillary data: e.g. Unit Annual Reviews, Recent Academic Program Reviews Staff Council & Appointed Professionals Council AD’s + Cabinet Officers review & Strategic planning for their responsibility area
Strategic plans: local and fitting in with the UA’s. • Why? • Best deliver on our mission areas. • Work most efficiently within our budget--there is no upcoming budget cut as of today. • Focus on ways to derive the revenue we need. • Be an asset to the University and the State. • Identify the best organizational structure for the college to do all of the above. • Phase I, II and III. • DRAC • FCG
This semester: UA central administration will ask all colleges to do what we have already done. We may be required to make some changes but I expect that they will be minimal. Internally we havelivingdocuments.
“The UA will emphasize research in the areas of biomedical science and biotechnology; environmental science, technology and policy; optical and information science and technology; and space sciences.” • President Ann Weaver-Hart, • Letter to Faculty, Fall 2012
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting
Chair of the Faculty Wanda Howell and Associate Provost Tom Miller will work with the Academic Personnel and Policy Committee (APPC) of the Faculty Senate to draft an initial revision of our university P&T criteria.
CAREER & ACADEMIC SERVICES Emphasis on Career Skills Development for All CALS Students Outcomes and Competencies (Defined by CALS Curriculum & Assessment Committee) Vetted on Website and with an Industrial Advisory Group Mapped to Existing Courses; Courses or Options for Students to Develop Skills Increased Opportunities for Students with Industry Internships Experiential Learning Opportunities Increased Emphasis on Global & Distance Learning Options and Opportunities Study Abroad Dual Degrees Online Courses and Learning Options; Development of Best Practices for CALS 2+2 and Community College Programs New Website and Video
CAS Web v1.1 • The latest live version of the CAS Website includes: • The most recent Drupal templates for UA • Mobile adaptive features • Improved navigation and user response • Complete data migration ensures continuity of content in preparation for v2.0
CAS Web v2.0 Will Be Alive… • Content is in multiple formats: text, images and video • Content entered once – disseminated throughout site and other information systems. • RSS, Social Media Integration • Content becomes interactive • Voting/Rating • Facebook “Like”, Twitter Re-Tweet, Reddit, Pinterest • Comments and Notifications • Contents becomes discoverable • Upcoming Events are promoted to front page • Auto-Suggest Search box • Modern Word Cloud • Calendar of Dates and Deadlines
CAS Web v2.0 Coming Soon Audience Centered Navigation Photos and colored words change to highlight the many CALS excellence areas (e.g., Biomedical, Veterinary, Crops, Research) Words and photos are active links that provide information on career and academic paths
Features & Web Technologies Behind CAS Web v2.0 • Cyber Infrastructure and Technology • HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 • Mobile Responsive • Drupal – PHP – MySQL • Modern Web Techniques • Parallax Scrolling • Client Side Libraries (JQuery, Dojo, Modernizer) to improve UX/UI • Dynamic User Interaction • “User Centered” • Intelligent Navigation • Dynamic Layout and Content
Please let me know about Federal legislation that we do or should care about.
Environment today Fiscal Strategic planning Miscellaneous information The following FCG Town Hall meeting
UA President Hart "The Risk to Blossom," November 30, 2012 I find no utility in reminding ourselves and others that our state funding has been dramatically reduced and by how much, hoping that by mourning the past, we will resurrect it. We will never return to the funding models of the 20th century. The revenue sources for great universities will be different. I will ask you to explore, develop and expand these opportunities. While the budgetary events beginning in 2007-08 were catastrophic, they are now a part of history. .....part of this success will be modeling change by disrupting the past, as an ongoing process to create the 22nd century university. I also find no utility in adherence to rules and regulations that have persisted long past their useful lives.
Central Administration Organization Structure/Function MATRIX ORGANIZATION Deliverable Unit 1 Deliverable Unit 2 Adapted from: C. Hendrickson , T. Au 1998 Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-731266-0.
Positives: Clear responsibility and accountability for mission and deliverable areas. Information sharing more readily across boundaries. Allows for specialization that can increase depth of knowledge and professional development and career progression. Promotes mixing and matching based on current needs. Ideal environment for innovation. Should promote inter-dependence. Negatives: People can become confused by seemingly conflicting review structure. Conflicts over resource allocation. Difficulty in monitoring if teams have a lot of independence. Increases the number of managers, the time to reach decisions increases and increases management-related overhead costs.
CALS’ matrix structure. MISSION AREAS Career & Academic Services (Morrill, 1862) Experiment Station & Research (Hatch, 1887) Economic Development & Cooperative Extension (Smith-Lever, 1914) Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE) Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) Agricultural Education (AgEd) Animal Sciences (AS) Entomology (ENT) Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences (NS-FCS) Nutritional Sciences (NS) School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE) School of Plant Sciences (SPS) Soil, Water and Environmental Science (SWES) Veterinary Science and Microbiology (VSM) SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE Administration & Services, Communications & Technologies, Development & Alumni Relations, International Programs. ACADEMIC DELIVERY UNITS
Agribusiness Economics &Management Agricultural Technology Management and Education Animal Sciences Biosystems Engineering Crop Production Environmental and Water Resource Economics Environmental Sciences Family Studies and Human Development Microbiology Natural Resources Nutritional Sciences Plant Sciences Retailing and Consumer Sciences Veterinary Science CALS Degrees
CALS21 GRAND VISION PILLARS Research & Extension Instruction People Organization Infrastructure Finance • A smaller, leaner, more efficient college administration that takes full advantage of technology World leader in developing resilient • Friendly, receptive learning environment Focus on communication through coordinated and professional CALS branding, marketing and communication. Most sought-after place to work on campus. societies in arid & semi-arid regions Seek out and use wisely all Double research financial resources to • Empower students to attain their full potential support mission • Multi-disciplinary R/T/E integration & coordination • Center of excellence in applying cyber-infrastructure to the college extension, teaching, and research missions. Most engaged and empowered on campus. Recognize and reward exceptional teaching Focus on business excellence • Focus on professional growth through leadership and professional development. A strategic partner in energy. Financially disciplined and accountable • Be the most cyber-savvy UA college • Invest in cyberinfrastructure so everyone in CALS, and our stakeholders can easily participate and also decreases the need for individual IT investments. A key partner in life sciences, medicine • Recognized for launching careers in applied professional areas and human biology • Improve county, state, & federal legislative communication. Responsive to emerging issues related to human health and well-being Embrace performance based financing and be known for being exceptional stewards of public investment. • High per-capita investment in high-performers both though salaries and supporting investments. • Focus on enablement and partnerships in addition to accuracy and accessibility and not enforcement. Demonstrate and articulate CALS’ research & extension economic impact Lead in new learning paradigms especially in hybrid “bricks & morter”/e-learning paradigms. • Responsive to regional needs and able to take global advantage of the skills we have. • Be known for the best communication on campus. • Strongest culture of philanthropy and development • Best and best-utilized physical plant • BestHR practices in hiring, retention, and career development. Engaged with and enabling for our communities Focus on professional education Diversify funding base and aggressively pursue new revenue opportunities. Central player in the bioeconomy • Have enabling and not policing administrative staff Burgess 8/13/2012
Every unit has a different story and cultures and will need to chart it’s own path forward. The one commonality is the need to have a compelling purpose statements, visions and plans to realize the these visions. Build on strengths in the context of what will be important for tomorrow—we are, after all, a forward thinking organization. Keep our financial realities in mind. Be opportunistic and expect things to interrupt our plans.
Embrace our heritages and our traditions, and at the same time the change that we are seeing in the world today, and ……remember that if change is radical it must also be pragmatic.
1992 Arizona Revised Statute 15-1601. State universities; location; faculty powers: The faculty members of each university, through their elected faculty representatives, shall participate in the governance of their respective universities and shall actively participate in the development of university policy. Must follow UA policies and processes, including any changes in our unit structures: http://provost.arizona.edu/files/finalGuide_0.pdf
The uncertainty of our future usually increases with the distance from the present. • The future is still bounded. • There is not only one plausible future state of the system but several. • ‘Disruptive’ or ‘black swan’ events happen, where a choice is emphasized, or choice is removed, between several future paths. • Timpe, C., Scheepers, M.J.J., 2003. A look into the future: Scenarios for distributed generation in Europe. ECN-C-04-012, p. 25