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Transcript. Sharon Kivland 2006 – 2008. A series of text works for the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, on the glass walls of room 269.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transcript Sharon Kivland 2006 – 2008

  2. A series of text works for the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, on the glass walls of room 269

  3. In the third edition of The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud makes the observation: ‘It is impossible to translate a dream into a foreign language’ (1900, p. 99, fn. 1). In a letter of 13 April 1911, to Samuel Jankelévitch, he remarks that his dream book seems to him to be untranslatable because of its dream texts, and if a translation were to be done, he feels it would probably scare French people away from further reading. Transcript is a project of impossible interpretation and translation, taking texts à la lettreand avant la lettre.

  4. Walbaum, Caslon, Garamond

  5. der Traum ist die Erfüllung eines Wunsches a dream is the fulfilment of a wish le rêve est un accomplissement de souhait

  6. Bernard MT Condensed, Didot, Futura

  7. die Objektfindung ist eigentlich eine Wiederfindung trouver l’objet sexuel n’est, en somme, que le retrouver the finding of an object is in fact a refinding of it

  8. Bodoni, Elegant Garamond, Goudy Old Style

  9. die Objektwahl wird aber zunächst in der Vorstellung vollzogen mais le choix de l’objet s’accomplit d’abord sous la forme de représentations it is in the world of ideas, however, that the choice of an object is accomplished at first

  10. Andale Mono, Hoefler, Modern no. 20

  11. das Höchste und das Niedrigste hängen in der Sexualität überall am innigsten aneinander ce qu’il y a de plus élevé et ce qu’il y a de plus bas, dans la sexualité, montrent partout les plus intimes rapports the highest and the lowest are always closest to each other in the sphere of sexuality

  12. Engraver's Old English , Formal, Lucia

  13. die Neurose ist sozusagen das Negativ der Perversion la névrose est pour ainsi dire le négatif de la perversion neuroses are, so to say, the negative of perversions

  14. Windsor Light Condensed, De Vine, Futura Light

  15. jede ‘aktive’ Perversion wird also hier von ihrem passiven Widerpart begleitet toute perversion active s’accompagnera donc de la perversion passive every active perversion is thus accompanied by its passive counterpart

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