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English Flash Cards. Madison Miller. Dilapidated. ADJ. In disrepair, partly ruined or decayed. The old, haunted house was dilapidated. . Ambiance. http://www.ihomee.com/scholl-2-awesome-aspen-residence-by-studio-b-architects/scholl-photo-09/. NOUN. The mood or atmosphere of a place.
English Flash Cards Madison Miller
Dilapidated ADJ.
In disrepair, partly ruined or decayed.The old, haunted house was dilapidated.
Ambiance http://www.ihomee.com/scholl-2-awesome-aspen-residence-by-studio-b-architects/scholl-photo-09/ NOUN
The mood or atmosphere of a place. • I much enjoyed the ambiance of the lodge as I sat and sipped hot, black coffee.
Congenial ADJ.
Agreeable, Friendly I was being congenial and shook the man’s hand.
Rapacious ADJ.
Grasping or covetous, voracious I was rapacious and took the toy.
Threshold NOUN
Gate door or boundary I stepped through the threshold of the house slowly watching for crumbs and dirt.
Tantalizing ADJ.
Possessing a quality that causes interest or desire The tantalizing thought made my mouth water; I wanted ice cream so badly.
Emanate VERB
To emit, come out from I saw the worm emanate from the apple and forcefully threw it to the ground.
Compensated Verb
Reimbursed, paid back I compensated my mom by making dinner because she always does work around the house.
Dapper ADJ.
Neat and stylish in appearance I saw Tori in her dapper wedding gown, and I cried with tears of joy from seeing her so beautiful.
Boisterous ADJ
Noisy, Rowdy The cat let out a boisterous meow.
Beckoned Verb
Summoned or signaled I beckoned the passing plane while on the Titanic, but it did not see me.
Brandishing Verb
Shaking or waving in a threatening manner Brandishing my sword, I faced my opponent in a duel.
Dingy ADJ.
Dirty, unclean I walked into the dingy house that was covered in filth.
Unearthed VERB
Dug up or discovered I unearthed and old bone from 600 BC.
Reclusive ADJ.
Solitary, hidden from society I seemed to have fallen into a reclusive hole; I was so lonely all by myself.
Unseemly ADJ
Inappropriate It is unseemly to talk while the teacher is talking.
Tenuously ADV
Weakly I tenuously clung to my diet plans after I shoved one bite of a Big Mac in my mouth. I used all my willpower to not eat the rest of the burger.
Contorted ADJ
Violently Twisted I felt as contorted as a pretzel after I tried being a contortionist.