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Environmental and nutritional diseases

Environmental and nutritional diseases. SYLLABUS: RBP( Robbins Basic Pathology ) Chapter : Envinronmental diseases. Environmental and nutritional diseases. Colloid goiter Melanoma Anthracosis 35a Asbestosis s43 Dental caries. Colloid goiter. Enlarged, colloid-rich gland:

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Environmental and nutritional diseases

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environmental and nutritional diseases SYLLABUS: RBP(Robbins Basic Pathology) Chapter: Envinronmentaldiseases

  2. Environmental and nutritional diseases • Colloid goiter • Melanoma • Anthracosis 35aAsbestosis s43Dental caries

  3. Colloid goiter • Enlarged, colloid-rich gland: • the follicular epithelium flattened and cuboidal • abundant colloid

  4. Colloid goiter

  5. Colloid goiter

  6. Melanoma Nests of neoplastic cells predominant in lower epidermis and single cells in upper epidermis. Cells with pleomorphic nuclei, abundant pale cytoplasm and dusty melanin with epithelioid or spindle cell morphology. Mitotic figures usually present. Variable features include inflammatory infiltrate, ulceration of skin, and amount of melanin.

  7. Melanoma

  8. Melanoma

  9. Anthracosis coal macules and coal nodules - carbon-laden macrophages - nodules also contains small amounts of a delicate network of collagen fibers - sometimes centrilobular emphysema

  10. Anthracosis

  11. Anthracosis

  12. Asbestosis • interstitial pneumonitis and (rarely) desquamative interstitial pneumonitis • progressive massive fibrosis • pleuritis • pathognomonic finding - the asbestos body - an asbestos fiber coated with iron-containing material (rodlike and beaded, variable length, translucent gold color with hollow appearing central core, possibly bulbous swellings at ends or along midportion)

  13. Asbestosis

  14. Asbestosis

  15. Dental caries • Focal degradation of the tooth structure: • the result of mineral dissolution of tooth structure by acid metabolic end products from bacteria that are present in the oral cavity and are capable of fermenting sugars

  16. Dental caries

  17. Dental caries

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